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Babylon [RP Thread; PG-16]


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Mika stared at the newcomer, discerning his looks. Tussled blond hair, gray eyes that wouldn't threaten a lightning bug, actually shorter and slightly thinner than Mika himself. This kid seemed the perfect form for infiltration since the James Asor thing didn't work out very well. Realizing the kid was awaiting an answer, he blushed slightly and responded, "Hey. Name's James Asor, I'm a Paladin. You?" It technically wasn't a lie, but it wasn't true in the way the poor kid would expect...

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"I'm Cyrus." Cyrus bowed a bit. "A paladin, too." Cyrus's mouth opened, but suddenly, his gray eyes glazed over, giving him a look like he was blind. His mouth moved, but nothing came out of it. After a few seconds, Cyrus's eyes went back to their normal state, and he shook his head, out of his trance. He looked slowly up at James, who he now knew as Mika. "The heretic captain...she's coming to meet you. You talked to her on friendly terms." His eyes widened. "You're a herectic on a mission to do something in the tower."

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Damn it! A future seer, just what he needed. Looks like Lily was coming to check his progress; unfortunately, that was very little. He decided to keep the charade going, however, it might help a little. Not much, though, considering that he had heard through the wall everything that had happened during the conference. "I don't have the slightest what you're talking about, Cyrus. I'm a Justicar, just like, you...and you are very, very dead." With that, Mika grabbed the kiddish paladin in a headlock and started choking him.

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"Wait, J-J-Ja..." He cut off as the Justicar poser began to choke him. Cyrus reached into his coat with some dissiculty, and laid hands on his deck of tarot cards. Wrenching them from his pocket, they spilled all over the ground, and...one card lifted up, and then another, and then the whole deck was in the air, flying about Cyrus's enclosed neck, and then suddenly expanding, bending outward, pushing the heretic back several feet. Cyrus gasped for breath, and the tarot cards returned to the ground, lieing in wait.

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Mika grinned almost childishly despite the pain he felt from being knocked back. He knew he could handle this kid: Cyrus had barely not reached unconsciousness. Mika pulled his sword out and transformed it back into a hammer. He thrust the hammer downward, but not at Cyrus - at the cards. He smushed each and every card into the ground, making sure they wouldn't be able to flap out before aiming a heavy hit at Cyrus where the sun don't shine.

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Cyrus felt for his control of the cards, but he only managed to get one up out of the ground. He held up the card, depicting three woman working with three stars above their heads. "Three of pentacles! Hard work!" The cards glowed with a dirty green light, and enough of them came loose through the extra power they gained to block the blow, but the rest where taking a long time to work their way out of the dirt.

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Dlondar, who had stayed in the room to ask Velon something, sighed as he waited for the conversation to finish. He was sure it was private, but noone ever noticed him anyway. He waited....and waited....and waited. He nearly dosed asleep when he heard about a short guardsman. "I saw a picture of a small Guardsman fall from your labratories window, Miles. Why?" Dlondar put in, happy to be noticed for once. He gripped his sword incase the mad man before him decided to attack, but doubted that he would infront of Velon.

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Nanako left the meeting room with the rest of the Justicars, a little jaded. Almost everyone knows that there are Heretics out there who want to take over and the Justicar leaders were always incredibly redundant. Nanako walked back into the clinic and saw that Sanctio was not in the bed anymore. Nanako shrugged and walked out. The guy was injured, but if the nurses let him out, he would probably be fine. Nanako decided to head back to her room and maybe take a nap. She had been patrolling the whole night and the tiredness had finally caught up with her.


She burst into her room and crashed onto her bed, groaning as she did. Suddenly, Nanako didn't feel tired anymore. Again. Nanako rubbed her eyes and took out a book.

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Mika nearly cackled in delight as he saw the pathetic pieces of paper embedded in the dirt near the tower that housed the Justicars. He grasped the hammer on his side and readied himself to ram into the very suspecting Justicar...and then dropped the hammer. "Listen, kid, I don't want to kill you. Well, scratch that, I do, but it won't help the plans. Actually it will kill them. So this is my deal. Run away and tell no one, and I mean no one, of my existence, and I'll spare your pathetic worthless life. Try to keep fighting, and I bash your little head in." Mika used the cover of his speech to flick a little speck at the unfocused Justicar. It hit its mark, right in the ear. Perfect. Just perfect...


OoC: Compass, don't try and pick out the speck. It doesn't work that way.

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Cyrus's hand flew to his ear, too late to catch the thing the heretic had thrown at him. "Sorry, but really, do you simply expect me to...walk away? I'm a justicar, and I can take your heretic bullocks down.". Using both mono loges to stall for time, Cyrus's cards had had the time to pull out of the dirt, and where now flying around Cyrus. He usually kept his cards on the ground when fighting, but that had proved to be a mistake. "Have at me!"

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Strong spirit, this one,Mika thought to himself. Might be harder to corrupt than I expected. Looks like I'm going to have to resort to my most drastic measures. "You're not worth my time, Justicar. Your little pieces of paper can do no more to me than a papercut. And that's what you Justicars are going to be like once we take over. A papercut on the face of the rule of the mighty Heretics! Praise the Black Queen!" Well, I guess I got a bit carried away. On that note, Mika grabbed his hammer and walked off towards the castle again. So freaking close.

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*Time skip*


Leaving his house with a large wrapped object (his spear), his bundled up sword, and his hand bundled up in a cast, he looked around the area for people, seeing as there were none still. He continued to make his way to the Heretic entrance in the Graveyard. Arriving at the Graveyard that wasn't located far from his house, he scoped the area for people.


"Ostendo sum universitas porta vadum patefacio..." He whispered while his hand was placed on the stone that would transfer him to the Realm of Reverse. When arriving there, he looked at the Reverse Tower of Babel, and whispered to himself. "O' Great King Hammurabi. How long has it been sine I've been here?" He glanced at all the Nihilians that were around the area, who stared at them.


Walking up to the gates to the Reverse Tower of Babel, opening them wildly, he stared at the throne, seeing Lily stand up, ready to leave. "Oh, going somewhere, Lily? Thought I arrived on time to have a nice conversation. Actually, never mind, we can't have a good conversation for 5 minutes."

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Sanctio awoke. Though he feels as if he got the full eight hours, only a few minutes had passed. This was an unintended effect of controlling time. It was a double edged sword he didnt need. But, oh well.


Sanctio got up and out of his room. His leg felt much better, so he didnt use his lance as ballast. He felt hungry, but didnt like the food here at the tower, so he decided to eat out.


He reached the elevator and pressed The button. As he went outside, he saw an ongoing battle. "Hey!" he shouted, as he ran to the Justicar's side. He pulled out his sword and went into a battle position. "Time to end this."

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Mika rolled his eyes. "Great, another worthless Justicar, and another one that uses a freaking sword. C'mon, people, there are better weapons than that stick of steel you have. Honestly, just bash someone with a hammer and you get twice as much damage as two swings of the sword, and this thing's not even made of metal. Whatever, losers. See you on the hanging post." On that note, he started off again, but not before forming a large shield out of his hammer and mounting it on his back.


OOC: Mika's views exactly reflect those of myself. Swords are freaking useless.

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"Oh, no you don't!" Sanctio yelled. "Time!" Sanctio watched as timed slowed down to a conplete halt. He ran over to the heretic and removed his... um.... hammer... sheild......... thing. He threw the.... whatever... to the side. He could sense time was about to be restored, so he quickly readied his sword. As time began again, he swung his sword's flat side against the heretic's face, knocking him down. "What was that about swords?" Sanctio asked, sounding serious (even though he wasnt). He looked to his fellow Justicar, seeing that he wasnt too badly damaged. So he pulled out his lance and aimed both weapons at the heretic.

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Mika laughed before turning a portion of his armor into yet another shield, making sure this one was securely set before calmly walking over and grabbing his other shield, transforming it into a heavy, titanium, double-bladed battle axe before retrieving the body-sized shield and placing it in front of him. "Dude, nice try, but this thing has about as unstable a genetic code as mine. And do you know whose fault that is? That's right, you idiots in the prissy Justcars. If you idiots hadn't interfered with my mother, I would be perfectly normal, and not like this. Why do you think I'm fighting for the Heretics? Don't try to deny it, the Black Queen told me, and she doesn't lie. Unlike you filthy pigs!"


OoC: Just as a heads-up, what he's saying is a lie, but he thinks it's true.

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Miles snorted at Dlondar's inquiry, trying to supress his laughter. 'That......was a picture a guardsmen sent me of his older brother; who ironically was a foot shorter than him. Now, I...don't know why he sent me a picture, but some people probably can't afford cameras. He wanted me to grow his brother, so he could join the regiment as well. I denied the request obviouslly, not worth my time to do humane things' he answered.

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((Mighty, Swords were made as they were easier to transport, store and make that hammers, pikes, lances and such. And they were cheap, aswell as more manouverable and lighter than other weapons.))


"Oh. Just wondering. It seemed pretty strange to find a doodle of a man falling from your labratory, as everyone knows your not the sort to waste time with idle drawing." Dlondar said, before turning to face the exit. "If you dont need me, I'm going." Dlondar said, before slamming the door. As soon as the door was shut his face contorted, and a thinking expression fell upon it. He's hiding something. He would throw it out of a window, he'd probably burn it and test to see if he could make some vile creation that turns you into a half pig with bullock horns. Dlondar mused silently, walking to a door. He noticed a fight between two Justicars and a short man clad in Paladin armor. The man looked familiar, and it took Dlondar a few minutes to think of why. Then it hit him, just as the false Justicar was hit with the flat of a sword, that False Justicar was the one on the drawing. "Miles was lying, and that guy must be a heretic!" Dlondar exclaimed, drawing his sword just as the heretic transformed a shield into a battle axe. "Look, I know this is unfair, but you're going to have to fight three on one." Dlondar said, leaping at Mika and tackling him to the ground. Then he aimed his sword at the shield and somehow twisted his blade so it locked into the shield, making both the sword and shield immovable. "Now, we'll fight hand to hand, unless you can fight with a shield?" Dlondar said, almost questioningly.

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