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Babylon [RP Thread; PG-16]


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Miles looked out the window and watched Mika. 'I wonder if he realizes that his testicles were used up in order to give him those spikes?' he wondered, then grinned. 'If he hasn't yet........I'd say that he'll have a rather rude shock when he goes to the bathroom. Oooooh, I wish I could see his shock when he finds out, but he should notice his voice is a little higher and he doesn't have 'urges' anymore. It's funny really, they become horny but are neever able to be 'horny' ever again, I love myself, so much' he said and laughed horribly, his left arm was starting to shrink back to normal. He grunted as the pain returned. 'That hurt, I know I was lying about the potion, but the bone seems alright. I'll have the medics look it over......after I finish my latest experiment' he decided.

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Miles looked out the window and watched Mika. 'I wonder if he realizes that his testicles were used up in order to give him those spikes?' he wondered, then grinned. 'If he hasn't yet........I'd say that he'll have a rather rude shock when he goes to the bathroom. Oooooh, I wish I could see his shock when he finds out, but he should notice his voice is a little higher and he doesn't have 'urges' anymore. It's funny really, they become horny but are neever able to be 'horny' ever again, I love myself, so much' he said and laughed horribly, his left arm was starting to shrink back to normal. He grunted as the pain returned. 'That hurt, I know I was lying about the potion, but the bone seems alright. I'll have the medics look it over......after I finish my latest experiment' he decided.

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Ricor slightly opened his eyes to see that Lily already returned and was sitting on her throne. He stretched his limbs all at one time, "Lily, where did you go?" He asked her. "I surely hope to get some sort of action, or my sword will get rusty..." He stopped and thugged his kopesh out of the ground with ease, and sheathed it onto his back "... In matters of action the antique Heretics where ten times the greatness of this crapheap, i surely hope we can go to war before i start doing things i might regret to this alliance."

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Ricor slightly opened his eyes to see that Lily already returned and was sitting on her throne. He stretched his limbs all at one time, "Lily, where did you go?" He asked her. "I surely hope to get some sort of action, or my sword will get rusty..." He stopped and thugged his kopesh out of the ground with ease, and sheathed it onto his back "... In matters of action the antique Heretics where ten times the greatness of this crapheap, i surely hope we can go to war before i start doing things i might regret to this alliance."

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Ricor slightly opened his eyes to see that Lily already returned and was sitting on her throne. He stretched his limbs all at one time, "Lily, where did you go?" He asked her. "I surely hope to get some sort of action, or my sword will get rusty..." He stopped and thugged his kopesh out of the ground with ease, and sheathed it onto his back "... In matters of action the antique Heretics where ten times the greatness of this crapheap, i surely hope we can go to war before i start doing things i might regret to this alliance."

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"Hey!" Cyrus was pushed to the side by a rushing member of the tower. Or was he? Stealthfully, Cyrus peeped out from behind a corner, and his eyes widened, gazing at the fight unloading before him. He still held his box of very old records he had been about to throw out, clenching the cardboard sides and causing it to crumple slightly under the added pressure. Cyrus krinkled his eyes in distain as he realized what the spikes had been all about...ew...

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"Hey!" Cyrus was pushed to the side by a rushing member of the tower. Or was he? Stealthfully, Cyrus peeped out from behind a corner, and his eyes widened, gazing at the fight unloading before him. He still held his box of very old records he had been about to throw out, clenching the cardboard sides and causing it to crumple slightly under the added pressure. Cyrus krinkled his eyes in distain as he realized what the spikes had been all about...ew...

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"Hey!" Cyrus was pushed to the side by a rushing member of the tower. Or was he? Stealthfully, Cyrus peeped out from behind a corner, and his eyes widened, gazing at the fight unloading before him. He still held his box of very old records he had been about to throw out, clenching the cardboard sides and causing it to crumple slightly under the added pressure. Cyrus krinkled his eyes in distain as he realized what the spikes had been all about...ew...

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Lily looked at Ricor with slight disappointment. Was it a mistake to bring him into the Heretics? She shrugged the thought away.

"Calm down." She then said and raised from her sitting position. "There will be fighting. If Mika fails, we will assault the Justicars right on..." She threw a glance at the very small amount of blood that was still on the floor where the unfortunate Heretic sat hours ago. "And if he succeeds, we will be in control. And when we're in control our first command will be..." As she spoke she sat down again. "Erradicate the Justicars!"


Velon was in the Justicar meeting room. It was very large, with a big bleacher for the Justicars to sit on, and a scene where three chairs was placed, one for each of the three Justicar captains. Velon took the device around his neck and spoke in it.

"All Justicars shall attend the Justicar Meeting Room immediately!"

This sent the message out to each and every Justicar.

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Lily looked at Ricor with slight disappointment. Was it a mistake to bring him into the Heretics? She shrugged the thought away.

"Calm down." She then said and raised from her sitting position. "There will be fighting. If Mika fails, we will assault the Justicars right on..." She threw a glance at the very small amount of blood that was still on the floor where the unfortunate Heretic sat hours ago. "And if he succeeds, we will be in control. And when we're in control our first command will be..." As she spoke she sat down again. "Erradicate the Justicars!"


Velon was in the Justicar meeting room. It was very large, with a big bleacher for the Justicars to sit on, and a scene where three chairs was placed, one for each of the three Justicar captains. Velon took the device around his neck and spoke in it.

"All Justicars shall attend the Justicar Meeting Room immediately!"

This sent the message out to each and every Justicar.

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Lily looked at Ricor with slight disappointment. Was it a mistake to bring him into the Heretics? She shrugged the thought away.

"Calm down." She then said and raised from her sitting position. "There will be fighting. If Mika fails, we will assault the Justicars right on..." She threw a glance at the very small amount of blood that was still on the floor where the unfortunate Heretic sat hours ago. "And if he succeeds, we will be in control. And when we're in control our first command will be..." As she spoke she sat down again. "Erradicate the Justicars!"


Velon was in the Justicar meeting room. It was very large, with a big bleacher for the Justicars to sit on, and a scene where three chairs was placed, one for each of the three Justicar captains. Velon took the device around his neck and spoke in it.

"All Justicars shall attend the Justicar Meeting Room immediately!"

This sent the message out to each and every Justicar.

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Cyrus grinned. They told us to get to the meeting room! It's time to attack? Or at least, something will happen... Cyrus, sneaking away from the alchemist and person he was experimenting on...or, more like fighting with, now. After getting lost, he finally found the meeting spot, with one of the three captains. "Reporting, my friend." Cyrus bowed slightly, and then lightly hopped up again, as the room filled with Justicars.

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Cyrus grinned. They told us to get to the meeting room! It's time to attack? Or at least, something will happen... Cyrus, sneaking away from the alchemist and person he was experimenting on...or, more like fighting with, now. After getting lost, he finally found the meeting spot, with one of the three captains. "Reporting, my friend." Cyrus bowed slightly, and then lightly hopped up again, as the room filled with Justicars.

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Dlondar looked at a small sheet of paper fall from the top of the Tower. I didn't know Miles liked to draw. Dlondar mused, grinning. He sighed as the announcement was heard in his mind. "Well, if it's about the Heritic returning thingy, then Velon'll want me there, if not then I'll be kicked out when I arrive. Well, it's a risk I'll have to take." Dlondar opened the large oak doors of the Tower of Babel and sighed as he looked at the splendar inside. He walked for a bit untill he came across a large door labelled 'meeting room'. As Dlondar entered he immediatly felt dislike ementating from everybody, obviously aimed at him. "Hi guys." Dlondar said, smiling and waving, knowing he was never going to make a good impression.

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Dlondar looked at a small sheet of paper fall from the top of the Tower. I didn't know Miles liked to draw. Dlondar mused, grinning. He sighed as the announcement was heard in his mind. "Well, if it's about the Heritic returning thingy, then Velon'll want me there, if not then I'll be kicked out when I arrive. Well, it's a risk I'll have to take." Dlondar opened the large oak doors of the Tower of Babel and sighed as he looked at the splendar inside. He walked for a bit untill he came across a large door labelled 'meeting room'. As Dlondar entered he immediatly felt dislike ementating from everybody, obviously aimed at him. "Hi guys." Dlondar said, smiling and waving, knowing he was never going to make a good impression.

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Sanctio heard the announcement, and didnt wait for Nanako to come back. A medic came to come help him, but he shrugged him off. He grabbed his lance and used it to help him walk. He didnt exactly know where the meeting room was, so he just followed the large wave of Justicars to wherever they were headed, eventually, he was right. They led him to the meeting room. While most everyone was talking, he silently walked to the nearest empty seat. He mustv'e looked so rediculous, limping on his lance...

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Mika slowly walked towards the palace, hoping to get in and still not seem suspicious. Hopefully that psychotic alchemist Justicar wasn't planning on telling everybody about Mika's little escapade, especially the fact that he was a heretic. That would ruin all the fun, as well as the surprise, not to mention the fact that the Justicars would be able to fight back. However, Mika did notice a strange emptiness between his legs...Oh god, he didn't! Mika immediately morphed himself some ammunition before continuing his cross to the palace.

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Nanako walked down to the mess, stopping by her room to take off her armour and put on her usual outfit of trench coat, pants, and bra. As she crossed the lobby to the mess, a human wave of Justicars passed through, taking Nanako with it. She struggled to break from the crowd, but was simply overwhelmed by the pure mass of the crowd. When she was finally released from the crowd, she found herself in a meeting room, filled with fellow Justicars with the head Justicar sitting at the head of a long meeting table. Nanako saw the head Justicar so little that she had even forgot his name. Not knowing what was going on, she decided to take a seat, lest she be stuck standing up.

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Miles heard the announcement, and he considered. Some chemicals were bubbling on his lab benh. 'Would it be worthwhile to go?.......I dunno really, I can't leave my experiment as these things would overheat.....oh well' he concluded and left his labs. As he descended the tower he pulled out a small pocket watch from his bandages and began counting down to something. '3....2....1' he counted as he exited the tower. He looked up at the top for a few seconds, and then BOOOM! 'Three seconds too fast, I'm losing my touch' he said and grimaced.


The meeting room, Miles hated it, it was so, 'sociable', that was another word Miles hated. He took his seat next to Velon and waited patiently, trying to ignore every mindless jabber the rookies were saying. 'He's too skinny, she's too short, he's overweight. So many people I could fix.....if I had my way' he thought. He grimaced at the shooting pain in his arm.

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((Otaku, the Justicar meeting room appears more like a theatre with all the Justicars on the bleacher with the three Captains on the scene.))


Velon watched the crowd that gathered on the seats before him, and then looked at Miles.

"Glad that you could make it." He simply said and then looked at the other captain seat, where the Elementalist captain would have been seated. "Looks like..."

The crowd suddenly went insanely loud, so no one heard what Velon said.

"...didn't make it." The crowd went silent and heard the captain finish the sentence.


"Anyway, it looks like everyone else is he-" Velon suddenly noticed that the short individual from before wasn't there.

Then it is as I thought.


"Sorry." He then said. "I was... caught by a thought, one could say. Time to get down to bussiness. It appears that the Heretics had decided to return."

A wave of chatter surged through the crowd, but Velon raised his hand and the crowd went silent. He then lowered his hand and continued to speak.

"There's no need to become uncalm." He looked at the crowd again. "Just do what you usually do, but keep an eye open in case you would see anything. Now, if no one has any questions I would like to speak with Miles."

Velon didn't wait for anyone to actually ask any questions. Instead he directly turned to Miles.

"Could I steal a minute of your time?"

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Cyrus groaned inwardly. Great. That was it? Perhaps the heretics would welcome me more then these people...Maybe I ought to default, I can barely remember my own cause for not being one of the rebels... Cyrus left, along with the others, but, instead of going about his normal beuniness, he instead took a walk outside the palace. Noticing a short boy, the one the alchemist was fighting with, he walked over to him. "Hello."

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Great, Sanctio thought, wasting my time telling me stuff I already know. Sanctio got up, using his lance for balast, and walked/limped to his quarters, ignoring the advice of any medics he walked by. As he reached his room he decided to rest up, and try to catch that alchemist tomorrow. Hopefully his leg would be healed by then. When he entered, he closed his door and locked it. He layed on his bed and slept.

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Miles waved his right hand to quiet Velon. 'I just have a few words to say to the crowd' he said in a hushed voice. He rose from his chair and stared at the crowd. He seemed to be thinking very hard, as he seemed to be very serious about this. 'You're all bastards and I hate you' he announced loudly and was about to sit down, except he remembered something else. 'Ah yes, I think I've perfected my gender-swapping potion, so anyone who is interested about learning about their masculine or feminine........ side should come to my labs immediataly. The transition is very painful and you would most likely go unconscious for a few days' he said proudly, befor looking at Velon. 'Okay, let's go' he said as if his two announcements were completely normal.

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Velon didn't seem to mind Miles' announcement.

"I was going to ask you about a person. He would be the guard of the palace today and he's not here." Velon looked at the crowd that was leaving the room. "Oh, also. He's kinda short. Have you seen him?"


At the same time, thousands of miles away at the same place but in another dimension...

"Ricor." Lily said and raised from her throne. "I'm going to go check how Mika is doing. Stay here and feel like home!"

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Miles' one eye focused on Velon. 'Hmmm, a person, a palace guardsmen and short?' he repeated, balancing his chin(?) in his right fist, tyring to recall. He remembered the skirmish with Mika, and what had resulted from it. 'Mmmmmmmm, no, I cannot say that I have seen a small guardsmen today. Many of them seem short to me anyways, so I can't go into specifics about it' Miles outright lied, about not seeing Mika.

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