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Marvel vs Capcom 3

Lord Metallium

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I have the urge to bump, so I may as well bring up a rumor. Yeah, yeah, it's only a rumor, but HEY! Ya never know. :P




"First off, Capcom is doing an INCREDIBLE job at keeping this game close to their chest. I don't know much, but what I DO know I'll be more than glad to tell you. No, I don't work for Capcom, and neither do any friends or relatives -- but there are other outlets in the industry for this sort of information.


42 is indeed the magic number for playable characters.


DLC characters won't be happening, but Capcom is being tight-lipped on this for the time being. If the game launches as successfully as planned, you can definitely expect a significant retail update within a year including a handful of new characters.


March 22 is the tentative North American release date for the time being with Europe and Japan coming soon after. This can -- and probably will -- change, but development ends in February.


Starting in November, a new character will be revealed on a weekly basis on Capcom-Unity, Marvel.com and the Japanese site all the way until early March. There will be a Holiday break in late December/early January without any updates.


I know you guys like specifics, so I'll leave you with the "good stuff."


Bison and Viper are the final Street Fighter characters.

Strider is back.

Haggar is finally a playable character.

Classic Mega Man is back.

Zero is back from TVC.

Roll is NOT a playable character.


It's not much for now, but I'll let you guys know anything new as soon as I can verify.


Take care,

- M L"

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GOD DAMn IT *breaks glass against the wall* what the hell no word for Jin? this is BS >_<


Hey, hey now. It's only a rumor. And even IF the rumor was true, that would TECHNICALLY leave one spot open for the Capcom side. And again, the rumor might not even be true.


So where is the source of that quote TAG? I just posted that on another forum and they'll be quick with "source or didn't happen".


It was a post on some forum on a site called IPlayWinner or something (the post was deleted, so it may or may not mean anything). I wouldn't exactly call it credible or anything, but as it is, there's nothing contradictory about it. The only thing we can do now is wait until November and see if they start up the whole "one character a week" schtick.


If you want my personal opinion in it, it sounds like it COULD happen, but it doesn't seem to add up with the story of the game. See, Dr. Doom and Albert Wesker are supposed to be joining their forces together to try and take over the world OF COURSE! Doom's forces currently consist of (not including Doom himself) Super Skrull, Dormammu, Magneto, and MODOK. Wesker has.......*crickets chirping.* Yeah, if the rumor WAS true, then that 8th character would have to be a villain. Otherwise, that'd leave the Capcom villains with only Wesker and M. Bison.


Yeah, it was "CAPCOM 2010 and beyond."


First few seconds of MML3 were shown.


Ah. Was there anything on MvC3, or was that just for the first two days?

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Hola, mi amigos. Apparently, the dude has the marvel info now.....OR SO HE CLAIMS *I wish he was telling the truth, if only to get Haggar in. :)*.


"Sorry about neglecting the Marvel side of the roster.. Here's the ENTIRE list of remaining characters.


- Frank West is in

- Storm is back

- Thanos is back

- Venom is back

- Shuma Gorath is back

- Remaining females are She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel and Spider-Woman

- Red Arremer from Ghosts'n Goblins is an unlockable character

- Howard The Duck (yes, him!) is an unlockable character and is really, REALLY goofy


I know a lot of you enjoy the nitty-gritty, behind-the-scenes stuff, so with the roster out of the way, here are some fun anecdotes..


Onimusha and Basara fans -- direct your frustrations towards Keiji Inafune.


Thank TQ Jefferson from Marvel for Howard The Duck. The design team at Capcom felt the Marvel side was really dark and powerful compared to the Capcom side, so they wanted to balance it out a bit with a smaller, whimsical character. TQ said Howard as a joke, but Capcom liked the idea, so he stuck.


Marvel didn't want Shuma Gorath in, but Capcom really pushed for him and ultimately Marvel gave in.


Venom is the Eddie Brock version. This also led to some resistance by Marvel.


The only characters that Marvel really 'forced' Capcom into using are X-23 and Spider-Woman."

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I hope this is actually a rumor. Especially the She-Hulk and Spider-Woman since they will no doubt play similar to their male counterparts.


I don't know about She-Hulk, but I have heard that Spider-Woman doesn't have the same powers as Spider Man.

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I'd like the following qustions answered if possible:


Is Akuma still gonna be around? Well, there was a recent interview with Seth Killian who said that they try to keep the roster as diverse as possible and feel that more than one shoto wouldn't really add anything in terms of diversity. It's not a deconfirmation necessarily, but I wouldn't say things would look good for people like Ken or Akuma.


Who was the fire headed dude with the kick ass trench coat? Dormammu?


What are they doing with Abyss? Well, we already know that SonSon, Amingo, and Ruby Heart are all getting the axe, so it's very likely that he's gone as well.

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Well, a picture of 'roster' is here. They go according to the rumors TAG had posted here.




As someone else pointed out somewhere, Tron and Zero are using the Classic Mega Man logo. In Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Volnutt had the Legends logo and Zero had the X logo. I don't know about you, but that goes heavily against this picture being legit.

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As someone else pointed out somewhere, Tron and Zero are using the Classic Mega Man logo. In Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, Volnutt had the Legends logo and Zero had the X logo. I don't know about you, but that goes heavily against this picture being legit.


That was Ace Attorney worthy right there.


Btw, on Twitter, Niitsuma is asking for Capcom DLC ideas.


Phoenix Wright spam time.

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That was Ace Attorney worthy right there.


Btw, on Twitter, Niitsuma is asking for Capcom DLC ideas.


Phoenix Wright spam time.


Wish it wasn't just something I read off GameFAQ. :D


If I had a Twitter, I'da spam Haggar (assuming he's not in the game).

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Zangief is Necessary, and so are Commando and Strider. Please, confirm these guys already.


I'll take no Zangief if it means Haggar gets in. :D


As for Commando, C. Viper apparently has a similar moveset to him, so it doesn't look good for him.


Strider needs to get in, though. :P

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Guest Random Dude

Screw Viper, Commando is way better. Viper was ok in SFIV, but she doesn't have an awesome entrance where she puts on a pair of red shades and makes armor appear on her.

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