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1ST PLACE: Zmuzik 2ND PLACE:Troy89 3RD PLACE:Chedbonlahor. LOCK!!


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Here ya go:

[spoiler=Ritual Spell]382696.jpg

[spoiler=Ritual Monster]382696.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card can only be Summoned by the effect of "Final Forming". This card's ATK becomes the total amount of monsters in your Graveyard x400. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if this is the only card you control, you can destroy 1 monster on the field. This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect. This card is not affected by your opponents' monster card Effects. When this card is destroyed, destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field. Your opponent takes 400 points of Direct Damage for each Spell and Trap crad destroyed.

(Image Credit--Wanderley for both)



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Here ya go:

[spoiler=Ritual Spell]382696.jpg

[spoiler=Ritual Monster]382696.jpg[spoiler=Lore]This card can only be Summoned by the effect of "Final Forming". This card's ATK becomes the total amount of monsters in your Graveyard x400. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if this is the only card you control, you can destroy 1 monster on the field. This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect. This card is not affected by your opponents' monster card Effects. When this card is destroyed, destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field. Your opponent takes 400 points of Direct Damage for each Spell and Trap crad destroyed.

(Image Credit--Wanderley for both)



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Sorry.... i go to the House of my Grandma...




Lore:This card can only be Summoned by the effect of ``Thundara Legend``, this card is treated as a Thunder monster, Once per turn you can Discard 2 cards from your hand to destroy 1 monster in the field. you can Remove from play 5 monster in your graveyard to Execute 1 of the Next effects :

*Special Summon 1 lvl 6 or Less Thunder monster, if you do this card cant Attack this turn.

*Infict Damage to your Opponent Life Points equal to the Number of Equip Spells in your Graveyard x300.

*Draw 3 cards then Discard 1 card from your Hand.

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This is my submition for the competition:




This card is used to Ritual Summon "Guardian Swift". You must also remove Warrior-Type monsters in your Graveyard from play' date=' whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more.




This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Call For A Hero". You must also remove Warrior-Type monsters in your Graveyard from play, whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more. Whenever you or your opponent activates a Trap or Magic Card put one Spell Counter on this card (max. 2). Remove one Spell Counter from this card to destroy one monster one the field.



I think these r gr8 but the pic for Gaurdian swift isn't so gr8

and it doesnt hv a way to gain atk points also u dont hv 2 pu the effect of the ritual spell on it

sry but i dont think so.

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This is my submition for the competition:




This card is used to Ritual Summon "Guardian Swift". You must also remove Warrior-Type monsters in your Graveyard from play' date=' whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more.




This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Call For A Hero". You must also remove Warrior-Type monsters in your Graveyard from play, whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more. Whenever you or your opponent activates a Trap or Magic Card put one Spell Counter on this card (max. 2). Remove one Spell Counter from this card to destroy one monster one the field.



I think these r gr8 but the pic for Gaurdian swift isn't so gr8

and it doesnt hv a way to gain atk points also u dont hv 2 pu the effect of the ritual spell on it

sry but i dont think so.


Hey toot if Ty doesnt post by 2moro, would u like to join?

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OK' date=' here's my entry!





This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Dawn of the Herald". This card gains ATK equal to the number of DARK monsters in your Graveyard x400. Any monster this card destroys is removed from play. When this card destroys a monster, place 1 "Dark Reproduction" counter on this card (max.2). You can remove 1 "Dark Reproduction" counter from this card by removing from play 2 DARK monsters in your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 monster in either player's Graveyard. The attribute of the Special Summoned monster is changed to DARK.

so no




This card is used to Ritual Summon "Garesta, Dracula Blader". You must also Tribute monsters whose total level equals exactly 8 from the field or your hand. When "Garesta, Dracula Blader" is successfully Ritual Summoned by the effect of this card, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the number of DARK monsters in your Graveyard x200.


YCM is having uploading issues, so the effect would not appear properly. I hope I won't lose points for that.[/align]



this is gr8 the only prob with it is that the spell and the monster doesnt go together Garesta says u need Dawn of the Herald to summon it but the ritual spell isnt dawn of the herald

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Sorry.... i go to the House of my Grandma...




Lore:This card can only be Summoned by the effect of ``Thundara Legend``' date=' this card is treated as a Thunder monster, Once per turn you can Discard 2 cards from your hand to destroy 1 monster in the field. you can Remove from play 5 monster in your graveyard to Execute 1 of the Next effects :

*Special Summon 1 lvl 6 or Less Thunder monster, if you do this card cant Attack this turn.

*Infict Damage to your Opponent Life Points equal to the Number of Equip Spells in your Graveyard x300.

*Draw 3 cards then Discard 1 card from your Hand.




this is kewl and all u didnt post ur ritual spell so....ya know

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