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First Contest!!! Dragon Contest!! NO LONGER ACCEPTING!! Judges be ready to judge.

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[spoiler=Card Entry]BloodGuardianDraco-OrisFinal-1.jpgBloodGuardianDraco-OrisFoil-1.jpg


|Blood Guardian Draco-Oris|10|Dragon|Fusion|Effect|2500|2400|

1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster + 1 Fairy-Type Monster.

This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck except by Fusion Summon. When this card destroys your opponent's monster on the field, inflict damage to your opponent Life Points equal to the difference between your Life Points and your opponent's Life Points. Also, if this card is on the field in face-up Attack Position and a Monster is Special Summoned to the field, increase your Life Points equal to the Level of the Special Summoned monsters x 100.



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Here's my entry.




I just read the rest of the contest.

I just said the contest was full and BTW i know your a new member but that card is WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY OP and you would lose anyway. And the pic suks. SRY.


Ya its full SRY but that is a pretty good card except for your OCG



I know you're new but you need to update your title CONSTANTLY when making a contest. It still says there's one spot open.

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