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Guys' date=' need decklist ideas. One that can beat Blackwings.



3x Thunder Kid

3x Troop Dragon

3x Wattfox

3x Batteryman AA

3x Cloudian Smoke Ball

3x Cloudian - Turbulence

2x Marauding Captain

1x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind


3x Inferno Reckless Summon

3x Battery Charger

3x Electro-Whip

3x Short Circuit

2x Recycling Batteries

1x Heavy Storm


1x Call of the Haunted

1x Force of the Mirrors

1x God Says No

1x The Trap Hole of Bottomless Variety


*results may vary


Oleon got banned for making a troll double?


ell oh ell. xD


y u ell oh ell at his troll double


makin troll doubles is stoopid


loleon should have known betr


all he gets from me iz an ell oh ell


dats not nais tho


loleon iz still young


well he shud be ashamed of his trbl trollin


as his mother, i expected u to raiz hm betr


@Lily: I can't get past the Boar Rider Boss in Larry and the Gnomes. ;_;

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Zeo' date=' I want a beatdown/burn/stall/lock deck thing. One that would keep the main character from getting to the boss.



Um, if you want Stall/Lock, look up Lock Decks?

Or use The World Lockdown?


For beatdown, use Skilless Beatstick Swarm.



Yes, they are.



Anyway, I'm gonna go cry about it at school, piss a few teachers off and then just hurt myself. Bai~


@Clair: ell oh ell

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Clair, where on earth did you get that build.

I want to duel it.

EDIT: Actually, I think I remember some of that build from something. o_O


but he dun listen 2 hiz mother, no 1 listens to mother zoe. D:




Dun hurt your- wait a minute- *Shot*

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Clair' date=' where on earth did you get that build.

I want to duel it.

EDIT: Actually, I think I remember some of that build from something. o_O


but he dun listen 2 hiz mother, no 1 listens to mother zoe. D:




Dun hurt your- wait a minute- *Shot*



It started off as a joke, but then somehow morphed into my own Battery Build. D:




no 1 lissens to u bcuz u dun give any orderz


@Lily: Pleeease tell me how to beat him? D:


Pissing off teachers is okay, but don't hurt yourself. ;_;

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Clair, next week, when I get my DSi fixed..


I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you painfully... Then I'm going to go kill your boyfriend. Then I'm going to go Rawr of Taim on you... No idea why. Mainly because I WANT TEH SHINEH.


Or I might just play Club Penguin games ;D

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Guys' date=' honestly... It's for my fanfic...


Lemme guess, I have to think of it myself? D:



Um' date=' if you want Stall/Lock, look up Lock Decks?

Or use The World Lockdown?


For beatdown, use Skilless Beatstick Swarm.



It started off as a joke' date=' but then somehow morphed into my own Battery Build. D:




no 1 lissens to u bcuz u dun give any orderz



Joke Batteries?





but i iz da sweet mother, i dun liek givin orderz liek a meenie faec.

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Clair' date=' next week, when I get my DSi fixed..


I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you painfully... Then I'm going to go kill your boyfriend. Then I'm going to go Rawr of Taim on you... No idea why. Mainly because I WANT TEH SHINEH.


Or I might just play Club Penguin games ;D



um, wat.






3x Raging Earth

3x Enchanting Mermaid [JP Version]

3x Skreech

3x Worm Victory

3x Succubus Knight [JP Version]

2x Mega Thunderballs

2x Necroface

1x Left Arm of the Forbidden One

1x Right Arm of the Forbidden One

1x Right Leg of the Forbidden One

1x Left Leg of the Forbidden One

1x Exodia the Forbidden One


3x Dian Keto the Cure Master [JP Version]

3x Malevolent Nuzzler

3x Poison of the Old Man

3x Secret Passageway to the Treasures


2x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x God Says No

1x Genetalia of the Forbidden One


@Zeo: it is time to be stricktr wit ur chilldrens

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Kaisu should use it' date=' rite? :[b'][/b]D


as big sis, i command you to be LOUD AND AGGRESSIVE so that you get what you want




will da kidz still wuv mommy if i do? >:





yesh they kno that it is tiem to grow up if u r striktr dey wil still lurv mommy~

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Kaisu should use it' date=' rite? :[b'][/b]D


as big sis, i command you to be LOUD AND AGGRESSIVE so that you get what you want




will da kidz still wuv mommy if i do? >:





yesh they kno that it is tiem to grow up if u r striktr dey wil still lurv mommy~




ok, i wil b striktr 4 wuv

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But it's not mai deck D:


but do al mumehz hav stipping girlz in teh tagz?


Don't care. Use it anyway. >:




[spoiler=I actually made that Neos deck btw' date= and guys, I REALLY need your help.]


Deck: 42


Monsters: 22


3 Neos

3 Neos Alius

2 Cross Porter

2 Aqua Dolphin

2 Dark Panther

2 Flare Scarab

2 Airhumming Bird

2 Neo Space Pathfinder

1 Grand Mole

1 Prisma

1 Stratos

1 Chaos Sorc


Spells: 14


1 FuFu

1 Trunade


1 Heavy

2 Wrath Of Neos

2 Miracle Fusion

3 E - Emergency Call

3 Neo Space


Traps: 5


1 Mirror

1 Haunted

2 Bottomless

2 Waboku


Extra: 15


2 Absolute Zero

1 God Neos

2 Air Neos

2 Aqua Neos

2 Dark Neos

2 Storm Neos

1 Grand Neos

1 Flare Neos

1 Magma Neos

1 Elemental Hero Gaia


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Guys, OTK!



Armed Wing/Bora the Spear

BW Spam

Hundred Eyes Dragon(Optional)

Ojama Trio


If you use Hundred Eyes Dragon, remove Armed Wing. Use Sirroco, having more than one Sirroco helps. A lot. Activate Ojama Trio. Attack for game.


Help me touch it up?

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Guys' date=' OTK!



Armed Wing/Bora the Spear

BW Spam

Hundred Eyes Dragon(Optional)

Ojama Trio


If you use Hundred Eyes Dragon, remove Armed Wing. Use Sirroco, having more than one Sirroco helps. A lot. Activate Ojama Trio. Attack for game.


Help me touch it up?



How on earth does One-Hundred Eye fit into a Blackwing deck?

That's my question.

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The other guy didn't notice ;3


I just dueled some idiot. I pwnt him with Armour Master, whatever Oleon has as an avi and Shura, he had 6000 LP. I revealed to him my traps. Bottomless, Starlight and Book of Moon(I think..) He reset and tried to force me into a R2 saying 'rp draw if u no r2'.


I did an R2 and pwnt him.

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