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Stardust Force Chrome - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-211605.html


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No u. Only I can kill Eury. :3


stfu up


I just need to know what the song is. D:


Don't tell me to shut up! It hurts my feelings! D':


Eury, every time you hurt her feelings, she gets a little closer to whipping you. I suggest you stop. Dahlia, you can take the Eury impaling discussion to Amy. Eury, I have no idea what the song is, okay?

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*sigh* All this multi personality stuff...And nobody calls me over? I'm only a master at this...


It's okay Lusty...I'm here for you!


...Who the f*ck are you?


Don't you know? I'm-


Sorry, let me rephrase that,

"Who the f*ck do you think you are, calling me 'Lusty'?"


I thought it was cute!


You thought wrong.


...I thought I told you to leave.


I was going to, but I decided to take in the sights of your pain.


...Ya know what? Why don't we just get back on topic? They left me-





Right, they left "us" out of their conversation.


I know! They aren't good friends, are they!?


And yet another one joins. Ugh. As I was saying, they left us out, and didn't even bother to tell us this was going on!


Well, they are having fun!


Fun is only fun when you're with your friends!


Aren't they all friends?


Yes, but they left Lust, and the rest of us out. Leaving out friends is...




Yes, yes it is. How dare they. However, it's starting to feel a little-


This is even making me sad!


...F*ck it.

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Damn straight. Besidez, I think it's Britney Spears' Oops I Did It Again. :/


Bodom make good covers. :3


Indeed they do.


Poor poor Amy, never truly free from Eury. Maybe you'll be free if you kill him.


Or maybe not.


But if you stay attached, you can torture him with fire more often.

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Amy, you should also shut the hell up. One minute you're nice the next minute you're not. Make up your fucking bipolar mind. I don't take orders from some PMS bitch, you got that? To me, you're just another stupid slut that should be busy cooking me dinner. God, all of you are annoying as hell.


...I think we have old, smart, annoying as shit Scar back....


Jee whiz, that's great!

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*gets out brownie sundae*


I need something cool and sweet.


Again? Seriously? He spammed again? What the hell? Why isn't he banned from the club or something? KILL HIM WITH FIRE!


AMY. CALM DOWN. Striker' date=' I accept your, "RP Fight." Alas, no godmodding from you should I see, or a painful you shall reap.



Alright then. You can make the thread and the rules. The best attack I can use will be Inferno Strike. No SoL and SoD will come.

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Shut up Scar. Go suck Ice's dick or something.




Oh hell no.


[spoiler=Amy back when she had a gun fetish]






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Ha. Me? Suck an unintelligent retard's dick? Why don't you go back to impressing those men with your "fire swallowing", if you get my drift. Honestly, I really could care less if you insult me or such. They're just pathetic terms to me, as they are coming from a stupid slut.


Yup. Scar is DEFINITELY back.

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Ha. Me? Suck an unintelligent retard's dick? Why don't you go back to impressing those men with your "fire swallowing"' date=' if you get my drift. Honestly, I really could care less if you insult me or such. They're just pathetic terms to me, as they are coming from a stupid slut.[/color']


Yup. Scar is DEFINITELY back.


Scar, I'm glad you found someone else to bother. Rep to you.

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Hello Kain.


Ha. Me? Suck an unintelligent retard's dick? Why don't you go back to impressing those men with your "fire swallowing"' date=' if you get my drift. Honestly, I really could care less if you insult me or such. They're just pathetic terms to me, as they are coming from a stupid slut.[/color']


Yup. Scar is DEFINITELY back.


Yes he is. I didn't think he would be gone for long. AMY! You can still burn the Your Deck section to the ground, okay?


War, you'll need to PM me so we can get everything for this together.

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Ha. Me? Suck an unintelligent retard's dick? Why don't you go back to impressing those men with your "fire swallowing"' date=' if you get my drift. Honestly, I really could care less if you insult me or such. They're just pathetic terms to me, as they are coming from a stupid slut.[/color']

Yay the pro ass is back to normal.

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