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Vocaloid Card Contest! Results are in! Lock please!

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Welcome to my first contest, a contest based on Vocaloids!



[align=center][spoiler=Rules]All YCM rules apply.

If you spam, I or one of the judges will report it and you will be negged. Understand? Good.


[spoiler=Entry Fee]

What entry fee? It's free to join.


[spoiler=What you must do]You will make a Vocaloid monster card. No Spells or Traps. It MUST have an effect. NO Vanillas!

IT MUST BE A KNOWN VOCALOID!!!! (Miku, Kaito, etc....)

You will be judged on OCG, pic, and effect.




1. Me




1st Place will get 3 reps.

2nd place will get 2 reps.

3rd place will get 1 rep.



[spoiler=Entrants]More spots will be added when necessary

1. Pharaona

2. SakurazakiDaisuke

3. wero-vasto

4. DHeroDogma

5. HitoKage




[align=center]The Results!

First place is HitoKage

Second place is wero-vasto

Third place is Pharaona


Congratulations to the winners! I will give awards as soon as I can.[/align]

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Ok I'll enter

This is my entry. I didn't put a number in the card's name or in the Set ID because I wasn't sure what to put it as. So it says "Vocaloid - (No Number) Ise Miiko" and "VOC-EN???".





This card's attack is equal to the amount of cards on the field and in the graveyard with "Vocaloid" in the card's name x200. If this card's attack is over 1000 points you may search your deck for a card with "Vocaloid" in the card's name and special summon it to the field.

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I'm in! No entry fee?!?!


Here is my card (I'm not sure it's appropriate):


[spoiler=[i]Dark Vocaloid - Black Rock Shooter[/i]]


When this monster is successfully Advanced Summoned, place 1 Rock Counter on it for each Spell Card in your Graveyard. When this monster declares an attack, before the Damage Calculation, inflict 100 damage to your opponent for each Rock Counter on this card. If this monster is selected as an attack target, you can remove 3 Rock Counters from it and it is not destroyed during the current battle. (Damage Calculation is applied normally.)




Thank you! ^^

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I'm in too!!

And here's my card!


It's Miku-chan!!!

[spoiler=[b]Vocaloid 01 - Hatsune Miku[/b]]


When this card is Summoned, add to your Hand a "Vocaloid" monster from your Deck.All "Vocaloid" monsters on the field gain 300 ATK.Also, if this card doesn't attack put a "Song Counter" on this card(max. 3).You can remove "Song Counters" from this card to negate a Effect Monster's Effect and destroy them.



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uh... I'll give a try..



[spoiler=Vocaloid 00 - Meiko]




When a monster(s) is Summoned, place 1 Sake Counter on this card (Max. 3). You can remove Sake Counters from this card to activate the appropriate effect depending on the number of Counters you removed:

•1: Special Summon 1 "Vocaloid" monster from your Graveyard.

•2: Destroy 1 card your opponent controls.

•3: Inflict 1000 damage to your opponent.




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I'm done with the card

I just made her warrior, given that she looks so innocent and cute

I give you the Vocaloid that was released Dec 2009, Yuki Kaai

[spoiler=My Card Entry]


When this card is attacked and you take Battle Damage, decrease the ATK and DEF of all monsters your opponent controls by the same amount of Battle Damage taken. Once per turn, you can send the top card from your Deck to the Graveyard to place 1 Apple Counter on a face-up monster your opponent controls (Max 1). If this card battles a monster with an Apple Counter, any Battle Damage inflicted to any player is doubled.



lol I actually only heard one song from her, "Disco☆Chocolatheque", I swear, I just enjoyed that song so much


I also felt like involving an Apple in her effect, given that her Character Item is an Apple lol

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I'm done with the card

I just made her warrior, given that she looks so innocent and cute

I give you the Vocaloid that was released Dec 2009, Yuki Kaai

[spoiler=My Card Entry]


When this card is attacked and you take Battle Damage, decrease the ATK and DEF of all monsters your opponent controls by the same amount of Battle Damage taken. Once per turn, you can send the top card from your Deck to the Graveyard to place 1 Apple Counter on a face-up monster your opponent controls (Max 1). If this card battles a monster with an Apple Counter, any Battle Damage inflicted to any player is doubled.



lol I actually only heard one song from her, "Disco☆Chocolatheque", I swear, I just enjoyed that song so much


I also felt like involving an Apple in her effect, given that her Character Item is an Apple lol

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I'm done with the card

I just made her warrior, given that she looks so innocent and cute

I give you the Vocaloid that was released Dec 2009, Yuki Kaai

[spoiler=My Card Entry]


When this card is attacked and you take Battle Damage, decrease the ATK and DEF of all monsters your opponent controls by the same amount of Battle Damage taken. Once per turn, you can send the top card from your Deck to the Graveyard to place 1 Apple Counter on a face-up monster your opponent controls (Max 1). If this card battles a monster with an Apple Counter, any Battle Damage inflicted to any player is doubled.



lol I actually only heard one song from her, "Disco☆Chocolatheque", I swear, I just enjoyed that song so much


I also felt like involving an Apple in her effect, given that her Character Item is an Apple lol

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