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The Weakest Link ~Round 3 Finished~ (please move to Finished Contest)


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Guest JoshIcy

What about my card? >_< I have time now. But yesterday wasnt a good day for me at all >_>" friend had to take a trip to the hospital so I was a worried wreck. You really expected me to do it the NIGHT you gave it to me? Then the day after I get a massive stressor that throws my mind out of whack?



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What about my card? >_< I have time now. But yesterday wasnt a good day for me at all >_>" friend had to take a trip to the hospital so I was a worried wreck. You really expected me to do it the NIGHT you gave it to me? Then the day after I get a massive stressor that throws my mind out of whack?




I really am sorry. I had to do it to be fair. I really really am. But as friends, I'll still give you a prize ;D

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tbh I thought I was gonna be out that round.. (even though I didn't see any of the other cards) ^^'


I should tell you that the grade that you got this round was bound almost as low as rex. You survived though. The objective of this competition really, is not to suck them most.

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This is my final submission and my card for round three:




When your opponent uses the effect of a Monster, Magic or Trap Card to destroy all monsters on your side of the field, select and activate 1 of these effects:

- Special Summon 1 "Defense Token" (Rock-Type/EARTH/Level 8/ATK 0/DEF 3800) in Defense Position to your side of the field. The "Defence Token" cannot change its Battle Position.

-Special Summon 1 "Bomb Token" (Pyro-Type/FIRE/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position to your side of the field. When the "Bomb Token" is destroyed as a result of battle, inflict to your opponent's Life Points 400 x every Monster Card in your Graveyard.

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Ok.. here's myn I probably lost but atleast i got to the final round ^^'


[spoiler=Card]154txmu.png [spoiler=Lore]This card can only be activated when your Opponent declares an Attack and you have no face-up monsters on your side of the Field. Special Summon 1 "Chance Token" (Warrior-type/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 0/DEF 0) with the following effect:

*This card cannot be destroyed by battle with a DARK monster. If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard toss a coin:

*Heads: You can discard 1 card to Destroy 1 face-up card on the Field.

*Tails: Special Summon this token to your Opponent's side of the Field in Attack Position.



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Well we have a winner.


[spoiler=And the winner is......]



You won with a very slight win, and this was a very tight battle. Mr.ANBU put up a great fight, but bellow are the score results.



•chedbonlahor (68/100) (88/100) (86/100) Total = 242/300


•ANBU_Leader (83/100) (73/100) (82/100) Total = 238/300


The score order is placed (First Card) (Second Card) (Third Card)



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