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The Weakest Link ~Round 3 Finished~ (please move to Finished Contest)


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Hello everyone. Welcome to the weakest link card contest. The weakest link card contest is a card contest for people who thrive to succeed in this forum, and really, who doesn't? Wait... Don't answer that.


Okay! So what is the weakest link? It's a card contest which unlike many other contests eliminates players one person at a time. Now if somebody already did this idea, i don't mean to copy you, i was just watching chopped the other day and decided why not make a contest like that.


Ok, so our five wonderful contestants are...








Well we have a winner.


[spoiler=And the winner is......]



You won with a very slight win, and this was a very tight battle. Mr.ANBU put up a great fight, but bellow are the score results.



•chedbonlahor (68/100) (88/100) (86/100) Total = 242/300


•ANBU_Leader (83/100) (73/100) (82/100) Total = 238/300


The score order is placed (First Card) (Second Card) (Third Card)



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[spoiler=Card]2md2k90.jpg[spoiler=Lore] This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by discard 2 cards with "Volcanic" in their name. WHen this card is in your Graveyard if you have 1 face-up "Volcanic Hammerer" activate 1 of the following effects:

* Treat this card as 3 monsters for "Volcanic Hammerer"s effect.


*Discard 1 Level 5 or higher monster card and Inflict 800 points of damage each time "Volcanic Hammerer"s effect is Activated.



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alright heres my card



LORE: You can discard 1 card from your hand to inflict 500 points of damage to your opponents life points. If you use this effect this card may not declare an attack this turn. Each time you use this effect, place 1 "Flame" counter on this card (Max.5). By sending this card to the graveyard with 5 "Flame" counters on it, you may special summon 1 "Uria- Lord Of Searing Flames" from your hand deck in face-up attack position on your side of the field, ignoring it's summoning conditions.

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This is my entry for round one:




You must offer 2 Pyro-Type monsters as a tribute to Normal Summon this card. While you control another Pyro-Type monster, this card cannot be attacked. During the end phase of your turn, inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points for every "Solar Flare Dragon" on your side of the field.

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here's my 2nd round card ^^'


[spoiler=Card]5d13ew.png [spoiler=Lore] If this card is the only card on your side of the Field, Remove it from Play. During your Standby Phase pay 500 Lifepoints if you do not destroy this card. If a Rock-type monster on your side of the Field is selected as an Attack Target you can pay 100 Lifepoints to negate the Attack. You can then pay an addition 400 Lifepoints to activate 1 of the following effects:

* Remove the Attacking monster from Play until your next End Phase.

* End the Battle Phase and draw 1 card.



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here's my 2nd round card ^^'


[spoiler=Card]5d13ew.png [spoiler=Lore] If this card is the only card on your side of the Field, Remove it from Play. During your Standby Phase pay 500 Lifepoints if you do not destroy this card. If a Rock-type monster on your side of the Field is selected as an Attack Target you can pay 100 Lifepoints to negate the Attack. You can then pay an addition 400 Lifepoints to activate 1 of the following effects:

* Remove the Attacking monster from Play until your next End Phase.

* End the Battle Phase and draw 1 card.



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Here is my submission for round two I took the inspiration from the immense power of the wind and the fact that rocks are impervious to it whereas other things are not:




This card may only be activated if you control a face up Rock-Type monster, if you do not control a face up Rock-Type monster, this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard. When a Rock-Type monster you control is selected as an attack target by a monster on your opponent's side of the field, you may pay 700 Life Points to negate the attack and remove the attacking monster from play. When your opponent's Main Phase 2 begins, the monster returns to you opponent's side of the field.

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LORE: You must pay 500 life points during each of your standby phases. If you do not, destroy this card. If you do not have a face-up earth type monster on your side of the field while this card is face-up, destroy this card. While this card remains face-up on the field, earth type monsters can not be destroyed by battle and you take no battle damage involving an earth type monster on your side of the field and an attacking monster on your opponent's side of the field.

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Your Results are in.


[spoiler=The person who will be chopped this round is........]




Rex, the reason for your chopping was really because of the fact that you got the attribute EARTH and the the type of monsters known as Rock-Type confused. In addition, your grammar seemed to lacking as well. You did though, have the most suitable game image, but sometimes presentation does not cut it. The judges look for something more than just appearance, and the real flavor of the card did not make the cut. We enjoyed having you here at the weakest link and we hope to see you in our future competitions.


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