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Avatar: Element Bending Brawl

Grunt Issun

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This is a game that takes place in the avatar universe, before Roku or Aang or anyone like that. No one can say they are the avatar, there is not one. (besides the current one)



No spamming

No flaming

All normal rules apply

No fake bending

No godmodding

No metagaming

No power playing



[spoiler=character app]



Bending (you can choose none)

Home nation


Appearance (Air benders must be bald, no exceptions)



[spoiler=Bending rules]

You can only start with






You can not learn the other elements


Water benders have to learn ICE

Water benders have to learn cloud

Warer benders have to learn plant

(no blood bending)

Fire benders have to learn lava

Earth benders have to learn Metal

Earth benders have to learn Crystal

Earth benders have to learn Sand

Simple enough.




[spoiler=my app]

Name: Keyo

Age: 14

Bending: Fire

Home nation: Fire nation

Bio: Keyo is a skilled Fire bender, as soon as he was 4, he started training, he one day hopes to be the worlds greates fire bender in the world.

Appearance: Keyo has short black hair, that is very messy. He wears dark red robes with yellow gold lining (He looks like Zuko from season 3) He also has a necklace with a glowing red gem, it’s a good luck charm to increase his fire bending skills

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Name: Dan

Age: 16

Bending (you can choose none): Earth

Home nation: Earth Nation

Bio: Dan is a boy with tons of pride. He does not believe in bending for killing. If worse comes worse, he will bend at all causes.

Appearance (Air benders must be bald, no exceptions) Dan has black hair, but it's usually hidden by a conical hat. He wears tan baggy pants without pockets. Dan wears a white shirt and a green vest over it. He wears sandals during free time, but while bending, it's something he can use for running

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Name Goatse

Age 67

Bending (you can choose none) Earth

Home nation Micronesia

Bio Stretches ass and bends rocks. Nuff said.

Appearance (Air benders must be bald, no exceptions)




Age 16

Bending (you can choose none) Earth

Home nation Bel-Air

Bio YCMfag that walks around and rips sheet up. Also, the game.

Appearance (Air benders must be bald, no exceptions)

Longish brown hair. Damn sexy.


Wait how is this a game, is this a roleplay. AH funk

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Name: Eisai Awshod

Age 19

Bending: Earth

Home nation: Traveler

Bio: A confindent but wise young man than has much to learn about his own life, but sometimes is a kidder. Kind-spiriting but with the fiery fighting spirit of a lion, some say he is creepy, but he just distances himself so he can learn.

Appearance: 6 Foot-Tall, Curly Black Hair, Medium-Weight .

Can we have pets?

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I'd like to join, looks like fun.


Name: Kieran

Age: 15

Bending: Fire

Home nation: Fire Nation

Bio:Quick Tempered, Timid, Intelligent

Appearance:6 Foot-Tall, Longish Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Average Weight (If you think it's stupid that i am 6 Foot-Tall and only 15 it's not because that me in real life.)

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I'd like to join, looks like fun.


Name: Kieran

Age: 15

Bending: Fire

Home nation: Fire Nation

Bio:Quick Tempered, Timid, Intelligent

Appearance:6 Foot-Tall, Longish Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Average Weight (If you think it's stupid that i am 6 Foot-Tall and only 15 it's not because that me in real life.)

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no ones accepted yet


I will name whos accepted...everyone EXCEPT...owait...hes banned...nevermind everyone accepted, this is not an arena, this is bassicly, life in the avatar world, so just, yeah. Lightning bending and mud bending are possible, both earth and water benders can mud bend, metal bending is alowed, so is glass. I'll start


Keyo woke up in his room, and went outside to go get breakfast, but like everybody else in the fire nation, he didnt have cereal for breakfast, he walked in to a resturant, went to the counter and said "I'll have half a pound of pork, with BBQ sauce" and in a few minutes, he got his plate full of pork, he took a hand full of it, and shoved it in his mouth, then took the rest, sucked of the BBQ sauce, and put them in his robe for later, then he waited outside the resturaunt, for somthing interesting to happen

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So I continue....


Eisai had just come from Ba Sing Se, weary, he looks for a someone with a somewhat good personality. [OOC: Before the war, so i can be in a fire nation city, right?] He approaches a dingy-looking but friendly man standing outside a BBQ Restaurant. Eisai waves his hand and greets the man, "Hey stranger, what is the name of this wonderful place?" The man replies, "The name's Keyo, and i'd hardly call this place wonderful." Eisai disagrees and continues, "Are you a bender sir?" "I ain't telling..."

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OOC: dont control me, you dont need 4 lines


IC: "Actually yes I am a bender, and I can show you how good of one to" Keyo said, then stood up, and did a kung fu motion, he brought his arms back then put his left leg forward and thrust his right arm forward creating a long straight flame, then turned 90 degrees and did the same with his left arm, then did a back flip, and shot two long flames out of both hands on each side of him. Then Keyo looked at the man who adressed him. "Your from the earth kingdom?" Keyo asked

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