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A.blaster VS Dementuo Finished. LOCK

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All YCM rules apply. The card must be based on Ancient Gear. Those who vote must state a good reason. No reason like "Cause I want a cookie." First to 3 votes win this. Winner gets 3 reps from loser. First to post card on this thread is my opponent.

My card-



[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your hand or Graveyard. When this card is Summoned successfully, pay 300 Life Points to destroy all Trap Cards on the field. Then, destroy monsters on your opponent's side of the field equal to the number of Trap Cards destroyed by this effect.



Dementuo's card:




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 "Rabid Horseman" from your Extra Deck, and tributing one "Ancient Gear" monster on your side of the field. When you successfully summon this card, pay 500 Life Points to destroy every other monster with 2500 ATK or more. Then, send cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard equal to the number of monsters destroyed through this effect.

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Guest Dementuo

K here's my card:





This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 "Rabid Horseman" from your Extra Deck, and tributing one "Ancient Gear" monster on your side of the field. When you successfully summon this card, pay 500 Life Points to destroy every other monster with 2500 ATK or more. Then, send cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard equal to the number of monsters destroyed through this effect.

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Guest Dementuo

Um... Hey man, if you want to host a contest, then you have to update it.


Are you even going to bother with this one?


If not then just change the name to "Lock" or something along those lines...

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