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~Team Aqua~ Kibago is awesomesauce.


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97 + Dragon Dance outspeeds most of the metagame, and a lot of the +1 metagame.


147 Attack rapes with STAB Dragon moves.


No double-Ice weakness, no Stealth Rock weakness.




New Salamence <3.


I have a feeling that the final evo might be in Uber, and most likely be in OU.

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I did Google it. No one has any confirmation on what the version exclusives are. And Eury was talking about the shiny formes, so where did he get that info from?


Bulbapedia by chance?


I am watching LPs on YouTube so I might get info from that.


I find it funny when people call pokemon 'the cat thing' and 'yorkie dog'.

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Dark, what is your next LP project going to be, if you do one?


Also, I would like to link you to a good youtube channel. These guys do a Pokemon Parody show.




They are going to start Season 2 in 2 weeks.


Also, I find the new OU metagame with Black and White will have Salamence and Garchomp.


Just a prediction. ;D

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I don't know. I want to get off my ass (or rather, on it) and make two Shoddy teams to soak up what I can of what's left of the OU metagame in Gen IV. I'm trying to get at least ten to fifteen battles uploaded before Gen V comes out in America, and then another ten to fifteen before the Gen V metagame actually becomes stabilized. So think, twenty to thirty battles just narrated Shoddy Gen IV OU (maybe even UU). But I need to have teams ready before I can do that. Guess what I'm doing on Friday?


Once I get past those battles I'll see how I like narrating battles, and if I can FINALLY get a video camera, I'll do a lot of BW-metagame battles before I go to college. If not, I'll think then about another game I may LP. I may just go to Best Buy and buy a capture card and all the tools I'll need for a console-LP, and just do an in-depth guide on Galaxy 2 or something.


I looked at the exclusives, and nothing really bothered me. So, I guess it's almost confirmed that I'm getting Black. The only thing that could really change my mind is a lot of non-Isshu Pokemon that I like being exclusives to White. But, eh.


Also, I doubt Garchomp will move down from Uber. He is at 102, and a lot of strong Pokemon this gen are 101, 99, 98, 97, etc. There are some 107s, but without an Ice-typed STAB, Garchomp will really destroy OU. We'll have to see how Smogon handles retesting of these Pokemon.

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Not really seeing potential in Shinpora, but I'm probably not looking at the movepool hard enough. The stats seem decent, good SpA and Speed (97), with a little bit of bulk, but the typing seems really bad (although if SR is gone "for good", only Pursuit is a problem). The movepool is kind of average.

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I just checked the Black and White Movesets...




Minezumi learns Bite, Detect, Crunch and Hypnosis before level 20 and its evolution gets Super and Hyper Fangs pretty quickly.


Kurumiru learns Bug Bite and Razor Leaf quickly, but has to evolve into its final form by friendship.


You also get Ya/Bo/Hi Yappu pretty early and they have decent movesets.


....I can't wait to Nuzlocke this shiz.

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Hopefully my action replay can now work, so I can erase the EVs on some Pogeymanz :3.


I might be able to get a router or set up one I have so I can wifi battle at free will.


Also, If anybody could give me a Nature Modifier Code and an IV Modifier Code (Modifies the IVs of caught POkemon), it would be very much helpful :3.

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I don't want to waste my time getting HGSS when what I want can be easily gotten on DP ;D.


Also, a side note, how do you activate the berry code? Is it L+R?


LR when opening up the Bag.


And yeah, I can easily get you the DP code. Just wait 'till the weekend and remind me via PM or in this thread.

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Warubiaru, Gigigear, Aakeosu, Ononokusu, Denchura and Daikenki.


That's going to be mah team. :3


Gigigear is going to be broken...Clear Body, Gear Change (raises Atk, sharply raises Spe), 100 Atk, 115 Def and 90 Spe...


Only thing that sucks bout Gigigear is it's 60 HP and 70 SpA. =/

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If anything, definitely experiment on Shoddy before you actually make a team. That way you know what you're doing beforehand and don't get six Pokemon via AR that you won't use later on.


Shoddy Smogon server is down atm.


I have a good idea on what I want.



Shaymin is currently being trained, and I am going to want Swampert, Bronzong, Blissey, Rotom-h etc...

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Warubiaru, Gigigear, Aakeosu, Ononokusu, Denchura and Daikenki.


That's going to be mah team. :3


Gigigear is going to be broken...Clear Body, Gear Change (raises Atk, sharply raises Spe), 100 Atk, 115 Def and 90 Spe...


Only thing that sucks bout Gigigear is it's 60 HP and 70 SpA. =/


I knew that f***ing Gear had potential, but no one believed me. D:


If I get Black or White, Gigigear is going on my team too.

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Shoddy Smogon server is down atm.


I have a good idea on what I want.



Shaymin is currently being trained, and I am going to want Swampert, Bronzong, Blissey, Rotom-h etc...


So you are getting your basic OU Pokemon, not just setting one team? Okay, that's pretty good.


I'd get a lot of staples like Heatran and Scizor, and make multiple copies of the really good ones so you can shift around movesets.

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