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Pokemon: The Isshu Region (OOC thread/ not started/ accepting/ rated pg-13)


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Suddenly' date=' all of the televisions and computers across the Isshu region suddenly changed to show Desna Adats.

"Blah blah blah, poll"

At that point, the televisions, cell phones, and computers all had a timer in the lower-right-hand corner displaying the time until the poll closed, and everyone recieved the poll, which would not delete itself until the poll was answered.


"I don't know where you heard that ridiculous rumor of people baing evacuated from Hiun' date=' but I assure you, it isn't true."[/color']

Desna Adats was standing in the doorway, his arms behind his back.

"Blah blah blah, I talk too much."


There is one post in between those two posts. In the latter, there is no indication who he is talking to, or where he is. And you are complaining constantly that no one's talking to him. In the OOC post, you mention he's a hologram. I note that in the first post, he uses the same form of communication as his first announcement(s), which could lead many to assume he was making another. How the hell is anyone supposed to follow what you're trying to set up if you don't make it clear what the hell is going on with your character's location and his omnipresence?

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Omnipresence: the ability to be at all places at the same time.


So far, we've seen him hijack all broadcasting, inject a poll into all devices, spy on everyone (we have to take TFF's word on that, because there's no IC indication of this), communicate and be present via a hologram (Again, no IC indication), and more or less know everything that's happening.


There's a limit to how much of that can go on and not just be utterly ridiculous.

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Guest TheFinalFan

Alright. I'll stop the hologram thing in Furrity Island.

I will delete the post.

Plus, TR don't have to spy on everyone.

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Guest TheFinalFan

Actually I got it from DBZ. Stupid Bakugan stole that idea.

And I'm introducing the Rocket Executives Strela and Asroc.

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Guest TheFinalFan

Yep. Pokemaniac.

I'm still irritated at him questioning every single little detail of TR's plan.

But I am not the vengeful type. I am better than that. Sure, I have half a mind to report him for trolling, but several hours of Halo 2 is a great way to vent.

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Ok, this RP is getting to out of hand. If this doesn't change by Tuesday, I'll have a mod lock this thread. Both threads. Then, don't come crying to me when you all screwed it up.


TFF: What you were doing at the beginning is godmodding. I let that slide. You didn't give us a chance to react before tying us up. Then, the omnipresence. I'm letting that slide as well. If you godmod one more time, goodbye TR.


Cthonian: It's hard to follow your "flow" of words. Please keep to third person point of view.

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