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Pokemon: The Isshu Region (OOC thread/ not started/ accepting/ rated pg-13)


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Guest TheFinalFan

Well, your characters have to vote.

And they can have different votes than the actual players.

Because each player gets 1000 votes x their level + 100 votes x their reputation + a vote for each character.

You can divide theose between the poll options as you see fit.

And since I'm Team Rocket, I don't get to vote!

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This rp is popular. I knew YCM needed something to see what B/W is like. You see, I liove in Japan, so trhe games come out earlier. But I don't know that well of Japanese. I only know 2 words. Kunichiwa and Ojamashimu

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Guest TheFinalFan

What? No one is going to respond to the leader of Team Rocket popping up at the place where all of the Gym Leaders are gathered?

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Guest TheFinalFan

Those regions are building up to the inevitable attacks a few weeks down the line, and probably can't spare any of their forces to help out a most likely doomed theater of combat.

No matter. Team Rocket will crush them like all of the others.

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Those regions are building up to the inevitable attacks a few weeks down the line' date=' and probably can't spare any of their forces to help out a most likely doomed theater of combat.

No matter. Team Rocket will crush them like all of the others.



There is also the duelest region along with the four I mentioned earlier, and the Battle Frointiers.

How are you gonna take over somewhere where your pokemon turn into cards?

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Guest TheFinalFan

Why would they just magically turn into cards?

And are you even sure that the TCG Islands are even part of the same Pokemon World as the rest of the series?

I mean, the Mystery Dungeon areas are in a different dimension. Aren't the TCG Islands in a different world as well?

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That's just Japan' date=' I would be shocked if Team Rocket invaded America.



Some people think Isshu is based off of new york city due to some rivers matching exactly.


Don't you mean Sinnoh?

They're also under attack' date=' along with Hoenn.

[/quote'] and I mean Sinine as in Pokemon Battle Revolution, Pokemon Stadium And Pokemon Stadium 2

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Guest TheFinalFan

Sinine isn't a region. In fact, Sinine doesn't exist.

Pokemon Stadium and Stadium 2 both take place in White City.

Plus there's Poketopia, the resort where Battle Revolution takes place.

I have no idea where you got the idea that they were all part of one big region.

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Sinine isn't a region. In fact' date=' Sinine doesn't exist.

Pokemon Stadium and Stadium 2 both take place in White City.

Plus there's Poketopia, the resort where Battle Revolution takes place.

I have no idea where you got the idea that they were all part of one big region.



Look up Pokemon regions on wikipedia and Stadium Island is the setting of Pokemon Stadium.

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