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Pokemon: The Isshu Region (OOC thread/ not started/ accepting/ rated pg-13)


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Here are my Characters:

Name: Joey Hagani

Age: 10

Sex: Male

Appearance: Red hair, blue eyes, always wears his signature sky blue fingerless gloves, red t-shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes.

Biography: When He and his dad Moved to Sarlong city from Hoenn Joey wanted to keep a little bit of his old home so he ended up getting his first pokemon early but couldn't battle untill he was 10. His dad now works as the fire-type gym leader in Sarlong City.

Personality: Firey, and Hot-Headed just like his dad.

Starter Pokemon: Torchic


Gym Leader Name: John Hagani

City: Sarlong City

Sex: Male

Age: 27

Appearance: Red Hair, blue eyes, wears a black long sleeved shirt under a red open jacket with blue jeans and black shoes.

Biography: He had always wanted to be a gym leader and when he was invited to go to Sarlong City and be the gym Leader there, he jumped at the chance. He is now the fireyest (Made-up word) Gym leader in Isshu.

Personality: Firey, and Hot-Headed.

Roster: Blaziken, Rapadash, Torcoal, and Slugma

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Guest TheFinalFan

So, grasslander, what do you think the Rockets should do now?

Capture another city?

Expand their boundaries?

Eat cake?

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Guest TheFinalFan

Well, Team Rocket energed from the mountians between Kanto and Johto a couple of months ago, and quickly conquered those regions. Orre has almost fallen, and Isshu isn't the only region they are attacking right now.

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Guest TheFinalFan

Don't give me any ideas...

Anyways, Rocket's strategy is shock and awe. They are demoralizing the populace by making them choose the next invasion target. They have just taken a major city within a matter of minutes in an incredibly-coordinated suprise attack, and are proceeding to turn it into a foothold on the region.

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Guest TheFinalFan

Well, Desna isn't just asking the characters. He's asking the entire region. You can't simply get everyone NOT to vote. People will vote, and they will choose the eventual unlucky winner.

Plus, don't you think the military might have a plan?

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Before I vote' date=' I have a question....What if, nobody votes ?



The same thing as if no one votes to elect someone into a political office. Namely: There will always be someone who'll vote to elect someone into political office. People can either vote to try to get the result they want/avoid the result they don't want, or they can not vote, thinking it won't make a difference, and then have to deal with the results.

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Guest TheFinalFan

Plus, Isshu is on its own regarding military strength. You can essentially write off the chances of anyone coming to their aid.

And don't bother trying to attack Desna. It's a hologram.

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