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Pokemon: The Isshu Region (OOC thread/ not started/ accepting/ rated pg-13)


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Guest TheFinalFan

Guys, could you please stop the whole "I'm going to Hiun City" thing? The event JUST HAPPENED!!! How could you have heard about it so fast?!? And aren't you worried about being fired upon at all?!? Team Rocket seriously means business, here! They will shoot at anyone who tries to get past them, and they will shoot to kill!

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Guys' date=' could you please stop the whole "I'm going to Hiun City" thing? The event JUST HAPPENED!!! How could you have heard about it so fast?!? [/quote']


Nothing can travel faster than light' date=' except for bad news, which follows its own special laws.[/i'] People have tried making planes out of bad news, but they had horrible conditions and nobody liked them arriving at their airports in the first place.


And aren't you worried about being fired upon at all?!? Team Rocket seriously means business' date=' here! They will shoot at anyone who tries to get past them, and they will shoot to kill!



1) Ten year old kids can get through all the time. I am hardly worried.

2) Aren't you worried about the Zerg Rush of actuall decent trainers?

3) RPers are creative enough to work their way around guns.

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Guest TheFinalFan

But seriously, in past wars in real life, when a city suddenly got captured, random civilians didn't decide to go to the recently-captured city to free the captives! They joined the military to fight back!

And I don't mean to sound like a control freak, but WHAT PART OF NO DO YOU ALL NOT UNDERSTAND?!?!?

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But seriously' date=' in past wars in real life, when a city suddenly got captured, random civilians didn't decide to go to the recently-captured city to free the captives! They joined the military to fight back!

And I don't mean to sound like a control freak, but WHAT PART OF NO DO YOU ALL NOT UNDERSTAND?!?!?




1) Random civilians don't control absurdly powerful animals.

2) Childeren's Day. South Africa. Look it up.

3) Pokemon is not real life.

4) Is no supposed to mean yes now? I thought Luna was being a rebellious teenager, E4 or not E4


5) Sorry if I seem too defensive or anything.

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Wait, back up.

Team rocket is tired of attempting to take over the world and being thwarted by ten year olds. Now with a new leader, Team rocket enters a new region, and organized a complete coup of a city including military, and imposing an Orwellian-style Goverment. All in less than a day.


And I thought Cyrus' plan was crazy.


Again, I apologize if I seem to confrontational. I do it a lot.

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I find it realistic to a degree. This obviously wasn't a spur of the moment plan, and they caught everyone by surprise. Government, civilians, military, and law enforcement. They swiftly took over the city hall and the related politicians, probably have men/women in the law enforcement already, and forcibly captured several people. From TFF's first description, even a number of city citizens were Rockets in disguise, adding to the shock and overwhelming factor.

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Guest TheFinalFan

You forgot about the submersible battleships.

But yes, the whole thing was one massive coordinated sneak attack to turn Hiun into a foothold for the eventual conquest of the rest of Isshu.

But please, I'm not totally dissuading you from entering Hiun. Just not immediately after the invasion, when they will be expecting people to come flooding in. Give them a few days to settle down, then try again, but do it stealthily. Brian's insertion is a great example of how NOT to go about entering the city, i.e, guns blazing.

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1) Ok, sure. But the "Internet Camps?" That is 1984-esque, and 1984 is not PG-13.

2) Ten year old kids aren't shocked. Neither are any of the adults. Only the people directly involved have any sort of reaction.

3) Again. Near everyone has some sort of animal that could seriously harm someone, or even kill them Knowing that, I wouldn't be too worried. Not enough to let an entire coup go through without doing anything.

4) Unless TR has taken over the press in every single region, then why don't people know that TR Grunts are unspeakably bad at Pokemon Battling?

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Guest TheFinalFan

1. Internment camps. Look it up. In fact, we Americans did that to the Japanese during WWII.

2. Why aren't they?

3. Then why aren't they using them, smart guy?

4. Because TR has been in hiding for decades, building up their strength until they could unleash their first wave of sneak attacks in Kanto and Johto, taking over the mountains dividing the regions, then working their way outwards. Their second wave was Orre, the Sevii Islands, and the Orange Archipelago, and now, Isshu, Sinnoh, and Hoenn. Next will be Fiore, Almia, and Oblivia. They are actually starting to win, and their goal of world conquest is looking to be closer and closer to actually being attainable.

I hope you guys prove them wrong.

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1) Typo. Plus, said camps don't try and mind control occupants into submission. I would actually rather an Auchwitz(?) than Mind Control "Ministry of Love" type stuff.

2) Because near every single adult is freaking apathetic. The always mention 10 year olds are the Protagonists. Neither of them care.

3) You tell me.


Note: Grunts are NPCs that are mainly just cannon fodder and are incredibly weak.

Massive Propaganda. I get it.

5) I'd rather be RPing than Arguing. Let's wrap this up.

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Guest TheFinalFan

I tried teaching my HM-Slaves some of those songs that slaves sung back in the olden days, but it's kinda hard, since they are Pokemon.

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