evilfusion Posted June 28, 2010 Report Share Posted June 28, 2010 Name: Amy Breeze Age: 17 Sex: Female Appearance: Her brown hair is tied back in a ponytail. She has pretty blue eyes and freckles lightly dotted around her nose. She wears a light green T-shirt and blue jeans with grass stains. Biography: Amy recently moved to Isshu, but has always been an avid lover of Pokemon. As a young girl, her father was overseas, working, and her mother had a full-time job. She spent most of her time outside with friends, or studying the Pokemon that lived in the region. She acquired her Eevee by saving up her allowance for over a year and doing extra chores for some extra money. After coming to Isshu, she decided to journey in order to better learn the region. Personality: Amy is friendly and outgoing, and will often go out of her way to try to befriend the socially awkward or quiet people, with the policy that anyone can be friendly. She is not easily offended, but she is fiercely protective of her Eevee. Although not a fan of partaking in Pokemon battles, she does enjoy watching them, and is willing to travel with Pokemon battlers. She can be coaxed into battling, and it is found that she is not too shabby strategically. Starter Pokemon: Eevee Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
::Triumph:: Posted June 28, 2010 Report Share Posted June 28, 2010 Name: Zeke DevaAge: 15Sex: MAppearance: Biography: Zeke has had Cinder for the past 4 years. They have become a very powerful duo. Zeke is going toward becoming the best trainer in Pokemon history. he knows the journey wont be easy, hopefully though he will make some friends and overcome his obstacles.Personality: Very calm and brave. he can be wild at times but he is mostly a caring generous young man. When a challenge comes though, it go time!Starter Pokemon: Cyndaquil Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilightSoul Posted June 28, 2010 Report Share Posted June 28, 2010 Elite Four Name: Kai Shihouin City: Olivine city Sex: Male Age: 28 Appearance: Very muscular and well toned, Kai stands at 6'2 he has short black spiky hair and sky blue eyes. Kai wears a sleeveless white muscle shirt and baggy black pants, on his belt holds his six pokeballs. Biography: When Kai was young his family moved to a port town called Olivine city. Kai has always had a fond love for pokemon, but he always tend to like rock,ground, and steel type pokemon more than any other type. Because of his love for steel types he quickly found himself a young rival by the name of jasmine. The two have alway been close friend and rivals, and then one day Kai ended up marrying her. Now in the present day Jasmine has become the gym leader of olivine city and Kai has gone off and become a member of the Elite Four. Personality: To sum up Kai in one word would be chilled, he is very layed back, and optimistic, the only time when he is not laid back is when it comes to training pokemon, he belives to form a bond with his pokemon he must know their abiltys inside out , because of this he trains with his pokemon first hand in some cases he order his pokemon to use their move on him. Roster: Swampert (My fav pokemon out of them all),Armaldo,Flygon,Tyranitar,Aerodactyl,Scizor (( it seem destruction hero and i like a bit of the same types i saw he has aggron and metagross coming into this i said i have to pick that lol also thumbs up to you radio414 because i love gallade but no one i know likes him? if any thing needs to be changed let me know,i guess that would make me the third Elite Four member rock,ground,steel type or i could be the hyperbeam guy because that my fav move but i hate how its a special atk move now, because the types i train tends to have high Atk i know they have giga impact but its not the same it doesent roll off the toung like hyper beam does lol, and woot for 5th gen )) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Kip~ Posted June 29, 2010 Author Report Share Posted June 29, 2010 all 3 accepted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilightSoul Posted June 29, 2010 Report Share Posted June 29, 2010 Sweet Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Great Unclean One: VK Posted June 29, 2010 Report Share Posted June 29, 2010 When are we starting? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted June 29, 2010 Report Share Posted June 29, 2010 I think the IC thread is already made. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Des HERO Posted June 29, 2010 Report Share Posted June 29, 2010 Yep, Evil Fusion is correct. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cthonian Posted June 29, 2010 Report Share Posted June 29, 2010 yea, and grasslander, can you put me in my gym leader "spot" on the opening thread? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Kip~ Posted June 30, 2010 Author Report Share Posted June 30, 2010 valliant accepted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Kip~ Posted July 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 1, 2010 valliant changed to Pokabu.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Kip~ Posted July 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 1, 2010 valliant changed to Pokabu.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Kip~ Posted July 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 1, 2010 valliant changed to Pokabu.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeroukoo Posted July 2, 2010 Report Share Posted July 2, 2010 (This post is basically a reserve)Do we have to be a trainer, or can we be pokemon?Will turn post into App once question answered. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted July 3, 2010 Report Share Posted July 3, 2010 What's the status on the enemies in the Isshu region?Because I would love to be the leader of Team Rocket or something.If not, could I possibly be the League Champion? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Kip~ Posted July 3, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 3, 2010 Ok: @ jeroukoo: your idea sounds stupid. controlling just a Pokemon? What are you going to do all this time? The plot is about becoming the champion. @ TFF: Ok, that's now a good question. Maybe we could all say that Teams Rocket, Magma, Aqua, Galactic, and VKD's Team (whatever he calls it) in the Isshu? As for your second question, read the plot. @ valliant: you can have up to 3 characters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
valliant12 Posted July 3, 2010 Report Share Posted July 3, 2010 Scrap my apps, sorry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted July 3, 2010 Report Share Posted July 3, 2010 So, Team Rocket leader and henchmen is a yes? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Kip~ Posted July 3, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 3, 2010 pretty much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted July 3, 2010 Report Share Posted July 3, 2010 Yay!I'll get working! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeroukoo Posted July 3, 2010 Report Share Posted July 3, 2010 @Grasslander: A pokemon that a user could own. Thats what I was thinking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderately_Friendly Posted July 4, 2010 Report Share Posted July 4, 2010 Gym Leader/Elite Four Name: Eko TundeCity: Furrity TownSex: maleAge: 37Appearance:[spoiler= Eko] Biography: He decided too start his own journey since his childhood was taken away from him. His partner Hydrotter is his best friend. They have been together since Eko was was eleven. He took over the Furrity town gym of water after his own Father died of tubercolosis. Now he hopes to own the gym until his next successor takes over.Personality: Serious and stern yet kind too young children. Roster: Starmie, Hydrotter, Vapotter, Empoleon[spoiler= Starmie]LV: 39Water Pulse, Recover, Surf, Aqua Jet.[/spoiler[spoiler= Hydrotter]LV: 47Water Pulse, Hydro Pump, Surf, Recover [spoiler= Vapotter]LV: 33Water Pulse, Surf, Dive, waterfall [spoiler= Empoleon]LV: 42Water Pulse, Surf, Dive, Roost Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted July 4, 2010 Report Share Posted July 4, 2010 Name: Desna AdatsSex: MaleAge: 20Appearance: Biography: Desna Adats is the insidious leader of Team Rocket. After spending years in secret, Team Rocket has revealed itself to the world, and launch a simultaneous attack on Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Orre, Holon, Sinnoh, and Isshu. He is now steps away from crushing the last of the International Armed Forces in Kanto and Johto, and his latest attack on Isshu is...well...hampered by Trainers with Pokemon the Team Rocket forces had never seen before!So, he has decided that, if you want to do something right...Personality: Desna, unlike Giovanni, has a sense of honor and chivalry. He is also a master strategist and tactician. He prefers Ghost and Dark Types.Roster: Unknown Name: Asroc EnzianSex: MaleAge: 37Appearance: Biography: The cool, suave ladykiller of the Rocket Executives, Asroc is one of the two Executives tasked with the conquest of Isshu. Asroc is usually cool as ice, but he specializes in Fighting, Rock, and Steel Types. Personality: Asroc is relaxed and laid-back, only fighting if he deems it necessary. However, he does like a good Pokemon Battle.Starting Roster:[spoiler=Riolu]Riolu LV12 (Male)Inner FocusLonelyNo ItemQuick Attack, Low Kick, Force Palm, Foresight [spoiler=Machop]Machop LV13 (Male)GutsBraveNo ItemLow Kick, Leer, Ice Punch, Karate Chop [spoiler=Steelix]Steelix LV15 (Male)Rock HeadImpishNo ItemRock Throw, Rage, Thunder Fang, Dig Name: Strela NirbhaySex: 23Age: FemaleAppearance: http://windy-willows.deviantart.com/art/Team-Rocket-Executive-75532587Biography: The buxom femme fatale of Team Rocket's executives, Strela is one of the two Executives assigned to oversee the integration of Isshu into the team's growing empire. Strela primarily uses Grass, Poison, and Psychic Types.Personality: Strela hates failure. Period. She will punish anyone who messes up her plans. She also likes using her...assets...to seduce her opponents.Starting Roster:[spoiler=Ralts]Ralts LV11 (Female)SynchronizeModestNo ItemConfusion, Confuse Ray, Double Team, Disable [spoiler=Skorupi]Skorupi LV12 (Male)SniperImpishNo ItemPoison Sting, Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Slash [spoiler=Roselia]Roselia LV16 (Female)Poison PointMildNo ItemStun Spore, Sleep Powder, Mega Drain, Extrasensory Name: Basic GruntSex: Male or FemaleAge: 17-25Appearance: http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/4/47/HeartGold_SoulSilver_Team_Rocket_Grunt.pngBiography: Grunts are the cannon fodder of the Team Rocket forces, doing all of the basic work. They have almost no individuality, and are pretty stupid, despite their menacing aura.Personality: Grunts are single-mindedly focused on their mission and furthering the Rocket cause. They have very little personality otherwise.[spoiler=Possible Pokemon]Ekans -> ArbokRattata -> RaticateSandshrew -> SandslashZubat -> GolbatOddish -> GloomVenonatGrimer -> MukDrowzeeCubone -> MarowakKoffing -> WeezingSpinarak -> AriadosMurkrowHoundour -> HoundoomPoohyena -> MightyenaWurmple -> Silcoon -> Beautifly -> Cascoon -> DustoxGulpin -> SwalotZangooseSeviperShuppet -> BanetteStunky -> SkuntankCroagunk -> Toxicroak Note: Grunts are NPCs that are mainly just cannon fodder and are incredibly weak. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rustyowl Posted July 4, 2010 Report Share Posted July 4, 2010 Gym Leader/Elite Four Name: Valerie City: Hiun City Sex: Female Age: 17 Appearance: She looks like a beauty trainer from diamond/pearl. She has long blond hair, a curvy body, blue eyes, overall attractive. She wears different color tank tops and short shorts usually. Biography: Valerie took over for her mother as gym leader of Hiun City at the age of twelve. Despite this, at the time she was already a great pokemon trainer, having competed at various gyms throughout the region. She would have entered the pokemon league otherwise to face the elite four. She utilizes various types of pokemon she obtained while on her journey, rather than just one type. She uses three pokemon at a time when battling a trainer. Personality: Although usually very calm in tough situations, Valerie usually doesn't act like it in order to psych out her opponent. Her strategy while battling usually changes depending on the trainer. For some, (usually young males), she uses her charm and looks rather than actual battle techniques. For others, she uses carefully planned strategies to defeat them. Still, Valerie is just average in intelligence. Her instinct is what makes her a strong trainer. Roster: Milotic CombuskenKirlia Tyrogue BlissyTaillow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{Galvantula} Posted July 4, 2010 Report Share Posted July 4, 2010 Gym Leader name: SparkCity: Umm, any that's not taken please, maybe one which would be far from other places.Sex: MaleAge: 23 Appearance: Spark wears a White Coat with Blue Jeans, his hair is a light blue texture. Biography: Spark used to live with his grandparents in his childhoods, among MT. coronet. A life changing experience was when he flew to the top of MT. coronet, undergoing the hardest conditions a mountain could give. Since then, he has focused on flying-type pokemon with numerous survival abilities. Personality: He is Calm and tends to camouflage himself in the skies. Roster: mamepato (may use evolution if it is released), Honchkrow, Gear, Skarmory, Togekiss. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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