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Pokemon: The Isshu Region (OOC thread/ not started/ accepting/ rated pg-13)


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Name: Angi Stone

Age: 13

Sex: Female

Appearance: 45088887-purple.jpg

Biography: Angi lived a pretty normal, if not better, life. She lived with her older brother, her Mother and her Father. She had a close bond with her older brother, Jason, until he went out of the house to start his Pokemon adventure. The normalities of her life stopped there. A year after Jason died in an accident which involved an Ursurang and a steamroller. When Angi received Mijumaru for her 13th birthday, she was determined to fufill her brothers dream and become the Pokemon League Champion.

Personality: Quiet, Monotonous, fierce, strong-willed

Starter Pokemon: Mijumaru

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Avoid going to any Town/City where Team Rocket is, because they will kill anyone who goes past the Boundary.If you want to be safe for about at least a fortnight, go to Furrity Island, because we hope that Furrity Island will give us an bigger advantage over TR, better than at Huin City. That is about as much help I could possible give you...Good luck.

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Im at Furrity Island, Cthonian's at Furrity Island, as Pokemanic said hes at Furrity Island, Grasslander is in the sewer I think, Evilfusion is in the sewer I think, Radio has arrived at Furrity Island, Twilighsoul has arrived at Furrity Island. However, I have no idea where Final Fan is, possible starting to invade Deser City....Is that everyone.

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Name: Caleb

Age: Whatever age most characters are

Sex: Male

Appearance: Khaki pants with a dozen pockets, black hoodie, brown hair, green eyes

Biography: Caleb doesn't really talk about his past, mainly because of how boring it was, but it is known that his lifelong dream growing up was to become the first Fire type specialist in the Elite Four until Flint came along. He has since modified his dream, now seeking to become the first Fire type specialist Champion

Personality: Caleb is a bit of a hothead, with a quick temper and a short fuse, though the longer he knows someone the less likely it is that his hotheadedness will be aimed at them.

Starter Pokemon: Magby (Pyrofuego)


Gym Leader Name: Nachten

City: Vuenna Town

Sex: Male

Age: 22

Appearance: Similar to Sidney from Hoenn (siblings) but with shaggy black hair instead of a red mohawk and their clothes have their colors reversed

Biography: Nachten grew up with his brother Sidney in the Hoenn Region, but moved to Isshu after his brother made the Elite Four, preferring not to be known his whole life as "Sidney's brother". He eventually trained and elevated himself the position of the first Dark type Gym Leader.

Personality: Nachten is quite similar to his brother, though he does joke that he'll take back his Gym Badge from any trainer that beats him and loses to either of the subsequent Gym Leaders or the Elite 4.

Roster: Umbreon, Absol, Zoroark, Mightyena, Houndoom


Since I'm joining relatively lateish in the RP, is it OK of Caleb caught either a Mamepato or Minezumi offscreen?


Mamepato and Minezumi, if you didn't know, are the Isshu region's low level resident Normal/Flying and Normal Pokemon, respectively

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