tehodis Posted January 3, 2008 Report Share Posted January 3, 2008 [align=center]If you want to join this roleplay, please go to The Application Thread and you will be added to the waiting list. I will try to add people into the roleplay as quickly as possible. Welcome to the world of Pokemon and the undiscovered reaches of Elment! There are so many Pokemon out in Elment that have never been recorded, and my dream is to do so! Will you help me? All you have to do is head out there with the Pokemon you have already and try to find these rare new Pokemon! You can gain badges and friends as you look for these new Pokemon; and maybe even become a league Champion! Are you ready? -------------- Time to go out and start the adventure of a lifetime! --------------Battle System Wild PokemonWhen you encounter a wild Pokemon, you can run away at anytime. You can choose any Pokemon in your active party, but you will only be able to use this one Pokemon in the battle. You will select five moves from your Pokemon's move-set (in any order you choose), and I will select five from the Wild Pokemon's. I will do one move at a time, in between each giving you a chance to use an item (Pokeball/Potion etc), or a chance to run away. Other TrainersWhen challenged by another trainer, you are given one chance to decline. If you accept, the battle begins. You and your opponent can one of your Pokemon (one of the Pokemon in your active party). You will choose your Pokemon, and then go back and forth with your moves. I will calculate damage, and the first Pokemon to faint is the loser. EXP is given to the winner, as well as money. The posts must alternate. Every single post counts as something. If you post that you use an item, you cannot attack. If you post that your Pokemon 'dodges' the other Pokemon will miss, but again, you will not be able to attack. If you send out a new Pokemon, you cannot attack. Gym LeadersGym leaders cannot decline battles. Each trainer can use an amount of Pokemon determined by the Gym Leader and the process is like battling trainers. Moves go back and forth until one runs out of viable Pokemon. If the trainer wins, they gain EXP, money and that Gym Leader's badge. The posts must alternate. Every single post counts as something. If you post that you use an item, you cannot attack. If you post that your Pokemon 'dodges' the other Pokemon will miss, but again, you will not be able to attack. If you send out a new Pokemon, you cannot attack. League BattlesWhen you collect all eight badges of the Elment region, you can go to the Pokemon league and try to get to the top. To compete in the Pokemon league, there has to be at least one other trainer who also has access to the league. Trainers battle one another in a three-Pokemon each battle. The winner moves on, the loser does not. The winner of the trainer-tournament will then battle the Champion (Currently me). Both will use a maximum of six Pokemon. If the trainer wins, they become the Champion (Gain 100 000 money, and a chance to catch 1 Pokemon of their choice). Next time a champion battle occurs, the trainer will be the one who competes against the winner of the trainer-tournament.The posts must alternate. Every single post counts as something. If you post that you use an item, you cannot attack. If you post that your Pokemon 'dodges' the other Pokemon will miss, but again, you will not be able to attack. If you send out a new Pokemon, you cannot attack.[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted January 3, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 3, 2008 [align=center] 1. Hyheli TownProfessor Boron's Pokemon Lab Route 1Eevee are known to appear here.Pepira are known to appear here.Wobbuffet are known to appear here. Route 2 2. LithemProfessor Mercury's Pokemon Lab Route 3Bronzor are known to appear here.Buneary are known to appear here.Voltorb are known to appear here. 3. BeryllumS. S. Oxden; Gym Route 4 Route 5 Route 6 Route 7 4. CarboS.S. Hydron; S.S. Oxden, Receive HM (Cut) Route 8 5. NytrosGym, Receive HM (Rock Smash) Route 9 Route 10 6. FluorGym Route 11 Route 10Munchlax are known to appear here. 7. NeoneeS.S. Hydron; Receive HM (Flash) Route 12 8. MagnesS. S. Oxden; Gym, Receive HM (Fly) Route 13 Route 14 9. AlumnoReceive HM (Surf) Route 15 Route 16 10. SilinS.S. Hydron; Gym Route 17 Route 18 Route 19 11. RaphersulS.S. Oxden; Safari Route 20 12. ChlornS.S. Hydron; Receive HM (Strength) 13. ArogoS.S. Hydron; Pokemon Daycare Route 21 Route 22 14. RubidioS.S. Oxden; Gym Route 24 Route 25 15. MolybeS.S. Oxden; Receive HM (Dive) Route 26 16. DarmstadiS.S. Hydron; Gym Route 27 Route 28 Route 29 17. IroniS.S. Oxden; Gym Route 30 Route 31 18. The Pokemon League How long does it take to get from _____ to ______?It takes however many routes away from the next town you are in posts. Eg. Hyheli to Beryllum - 3 posts. Pokemart Prices100 Potion200 Poké Ball200 Antidote250 Burn Heal250 Ice Heal250 Awakening250 Parlyz Heal400 Elixir500 Max Potion550 Ether700 Full Heal750 Hyper Potion800 Great Ball800 Max Ether800 Max Elixir1 000 Ultra Ball1 000 Super Potion1 500 Full Restore1 500 Revive2 500 Max Revive5 000 Sun Stone5 000 Moon Stone5 000 Fire Stone5 000 Thunderstone5 000 Water Stone5 000 Leaf Stone[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted January 3, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 3, 2008 [align=center]100. Voltorb It looks like a Pokeball! But it's really dangerous, because it might electrocute or explode on the touch. 118. Goldeen It's tail fin billows like an elegant ball-gown, giving it the nickname "the water queen". 133. Eevee A rare Pokemon that adapts to different environments by evolving into many different kinds of Pokemon. 188. Skiploom The bloom on the top of it's head opens and closes when the temperature fluctuates. 202. Wobbuffet It hates light and shock, if attaked it will pump up it's body to improve it's counter-strike. 326. Grumpig It uses it's black pearls to amplify it's psycho-power. 329. Vibrava It violently shakes it's wings in order to cause supersonic waves to give people headaches. 396. Starly They flock in large numbers. Though small, they flap their wings with great power. 417. Pachisiru It makes electricity with pouches in it's cheeks and shoots charges from it's tail. 427. Buneary When it senses danger, it perks up it's ears. On cold nights, it sleeps with it's head tucked into it's fur. 436. Bronzor X-ray photos were taken to check it's body structure, nothing appeared though. 446. Munchlax It hides food underneath it's long body hair. However, it often forgets that it hid anything at all. 494. Pepira Nothing is known about this Pokemon. Perhaps you should capture it and find out about it? 503. Cicae Nothing is known about this Pokemon. Perhaps you should capture it and find out about it?[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted January 3, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 3, 2008 [align=center] [/align]Name: Kore DonnisPersonality: She has quite alot of ambition and drive, she hates to lose. She loves reading about the history and mythology of her homeland [Greece, a large isle hidden away in Johto], and thus names all of her Pokemon after Greek historical and mythological figures. She speaks some English, but not very well.Wins/Losses/Draws: 0/0/0Missions Complete: 1/9Standing: League ChampionCash: 1 500Items: PokedexPokemon: Kingdra / PoseidonLvl. 40135/135 HP0/4000 EXPRain DanceSurfIce BeamHydro Pump Hitmonlee / NikeLvl. 40115/115 HP0/4000 EXPEarthquakeHi Jump KickReversalMega Kick Xatu / PoenaLvl. 45143/143 HP0/4500 EXPDrill PeckPsychicShadow BallSteel Wing----Character from Tehodis GrovyleLvl. 42121/121 HP10/4200 EXPLeaf BladeQuick AttackAgilityBullet Seed PidgeottoLvl. 380/120 HP0/3800 EXPFlyWing AttackAerial AceGust ScizorLvl. 3644/118 HP0/3600 EXPDouble TeamMetal ClawExtremespeedAgility----Character from Ixigo [/center][/center][/center][/center]BlazikenLvl. 43150/150 HP0/4300 EXPFlamethrowerEarthquakeSky UppercutThunder Punch StaraptorLvl. 38136/136 HP0/3800 EXPFlyAerial AceBrave BirdRoost UmbreonLvl. 40151/151 HP0/4000 EXPShadow BallDouble TeamQuick Attack--- ----Character from God GAK [align=center][/align]Name: MigiPersonality: happy and cheerful but shy when it comes to meeting new people, but he does try to be confident Wins/Losses/Draws: 0/0/0Missions Complete: 1/9Standing: Junior TrainerCash: 1 500Items: PokedexPokemon:TyrougeLvl. 718/18 HP0/700 EXPFlamethrowerEarthquakeSky UppercutThunder Punch ----Character from Migi VenusaurLvl. 4533/111 HP537/4500 EXPRazor LeafSynthesisSleep PowderDouble Edge**HOLDING LEFTOVERS Umbreon / LunarLvl. 3983/83 HP0/3900 EXPShadow BallToxicSubstituteTorment Espeon / SolarLvl. 3881/81 HP0/3800 EXPPsychicCalm MindGrass KnotTickle ----Character from Megayanma [/center][/center]Name: TomPersonality: Quiet but kindWins/Losses/Draws: 0/0/0Missions Complete: 0/9Standing: Junior TrainerCash: 1 500Items: NonePokemon:TotodileLvl. 2881/81 HP0/2800 EXPSurfCrunchRain DanceSuperpower CharmanderLvl. 3080/80 HP0/3000 EXPMetal ClawEmberSmokescreenScratch ----Character from johnthebomb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted January 3, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 3, 2008 [align=center][/align]Name: Dario BossiPersonality: Cool, calm, and collected. His passion for battling is burning, however.Wins/Losses/Draws: 0/0/0Gym: NytrosBadge: Icicle Badge Pokemon:AbomasnowLvl. 40147/147 HPRazor LeafAvalancheFocus BlastIce Beam GlaceonLvl. 42134/134 HPIce BeamShadow BallToxicWish SealeoLvl. 40147/147 HPEarthquakeSurfYawnSubstitute SwampertLvl. 45175/175 HPSurfStealth RockIce BeamProtect FroslassLvl. 46151/151 HPConfuse RaySubstituteShadow BallThunderbolt WeavileLvl. 48158/158 HPPoison JabFake OutDark PulseNight Slash----Character from Megayanma [align=center][/align]Name: Alaina PiscinePersonality: Friendly and caring, but is tough as nails when battling.Wins/Losses/Draws: 0/0/0Gym: FluorBadge: Torrent Badge Pokemon:SeakingLvl. 4053/139 HPWaterfallHorn DrillWater GunMega Horn PrinplupLvl. 41130/130 HPBubblebeamMetal ClawWhirlpoolFury Attack MiloticLvl. 42138/159 HPWater PulseRecoverHydro PumpSafeguard LanturnLvl. 42184/184 HPBubblebeamZap CannonThunderHydro Pump GyaradosLvl. 43163/163 HPLeerDragon RageHydro PumpIce Fang SwampertLvl. 46179/179 HPWater PulseMuddy WaterWhirlpoolEarthquake----Character from bastionsgirl [align=center][/align]Name: AxlePersonality: Bi-polar, gets angered easily. As a small child Axle became an orphan, Being extremly smart he quickly adapted to his new lifestyle. But as the years went by the orphan became extremly hatful and distant. By the age of 8(after spending 3 years in the orphanarium) he meet a Growlithe, they quickly became friends and are always at eachothers side.Wins/Losses/Draws: 0/0/0Gym: MagnesBadge: Igneous Badge Pokemon:ArcanineLvl. 50184/184HPFire BlastBlast BurnExtremeSpeedOverheat ArcanineLvl. 48179/179 HPFire BlastQuick attackBiteOverheat CharizardLvl. 46159/159 HPFire BlastBlast BurnDragon ClawFly MagmortarLvl. 48163/163 HPFire BlastFlamethrowerEarthquakeOverheat BlazikenLvl. 50175/175 HPFire BlastSky uppercutDouble kickOverheat TyphlosionLvl. 46159/159 HPThunderpunchFireblastRockslideFlamethrower----Character from Dark_Vortex[align=center][/align] [align=center][/align]Name: RoxasPersonality:Nice to anybody that is nice to him.Wins/Losses/Draws: 0/0/0Gym: SilinBadge: Fir Badge Pokemon:GrotleLvl. 45152/152HPCrunchSynthesisMega DrainLeech Seed ArcanineLvl. 45152/152 HPCrunchRazor LeafMega DrainSynthesis GrovyleLvl. 47136/136 HPLeaf BladeLeech SeedCrunchAbsorb GrotleLvl. 47159/159 HPGiga DrainBullet SeedBiteRazor Leaf TorterraLvl. 49186/186 HPSynthesisCrunchBiteEarthquake ----Character from Shadow Avian[align=center][/align] [align=center][/align]Name: FelicityPersonality: A bit hot-headed, but generally an easy-going person. Laughs a lot, but takes battles seriously. Has a soft spot for her younger sister, and hopes she can eventually become a strong and powerful Trainer.Wins/Losses/Draws: 0/0/0Gym: RubidioBadge: Spark Badge Pokemon:ElectabuzzLvl. 48153/153HPThunderpunchMega PunchThunderDouble Edge RaichuLvl. 44136/136 HPChargeThunderboltAgilityIron Tail JolteonLvl. 46147/147 HPQuick AttackThunderThunder WaveSpark MagnetonLvl. 48139/139 HPSonicboomThunderboltThunder WaveFlash RotomLvl. 45130/130 HPConfuse RayThunderboltShockwaveAstonish LuxrayLvl. 50175/175 HPThunder FangSparkCrunchDouble Team ----Character from Ixigo Pokemon:GyaradosLvl. 40151/151HPSurfHydro PumpDragonbreath--- FlygonLvl. 40139/139 HPDraco MeteorFlyDragonbreathHyper Beam SalamenceLvl. 45170/170 HPDraco MeteorFlyDragonbreathHyper Beam DragoniteLvl. 49182/182 HPDraco MeteorDragon PulseDragon RushHyper Beam CharizardLvl. 49169/169 HPFlame ThrowerDragon PulseFire BlastBlast Burn KingdraLvl. 46156/156 HPHydro PumpBlizzardDragon PulseIce Beam ----Character from Haaris Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted January 3, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 3, 2008 Missions[align=justify]Visit Professor Boron or Professor Mercury to retrieve your PokedexShow the Professor you got your Pokedex from any Pokemon you capture to receive a prize.Capture a wild PokemonLevel up one of your PokemonGet the Torrent Badge at the Fluor GymGet the Igneous Badge at the Magnes GymGet the Fir Badge at the Silin GymGet the Spark Badge at the Rubidio GymGet the Dragon Egg Badge at the Darmstadi Gym[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
daxinator Posted January 4, 2008 Report Share Posted January 4, 2008 When Red arrived in Hyheli Town he went inside Professor Boron's Lab. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaymin Posted January 4, 2008 Report Share Posted January 4, 2008 Anna arrived at Professor Boron with her Zangoose, Zane, walking beside her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted January 4, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2008 @Dax+Shaymin: Ah! Hello Red, hello Anna! Are you taking me up on my offer? Are you ready to go out and discover a new world? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaymin Posted January 4, 2008 Report Share Posted January 4, 2008 "Yes, Professor." Anna said and nodded. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tefached Posted January 4, 2008 Report Share Posted January 4, 2008 [so where do i come in] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
daxinator Posted January 4, 2008 Report Share Posted January 4, 2008 "Yeah I'm here for some new girls to meet ummm basically that's what I'm here for but then there's my destiny to beat the Elment Region CHAMP". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted January 5, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 (@Shaymin+Daxinator) Professor Boron: Excellent! Here, take this Pokedex. It's help you keep a record of all the Pokemon you and other trainers find out there. Now, you are ready to begin your journey. @Dark Vortex: When someone comes to your Gym; you should make a Trainer as well though, so that you can go and do missions and such. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tefached Posted January 5, 2008 Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 [that depends, can i leave the gym and train normally as the gym leader. So that instead of them coming to the gym they'd have to locate me first?] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted January 5, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 @Dark Vortex: No, that's why people who have Gym Leaders can also have Trainers. You can really only do things when people come to your gym. That's why I recommend you make a trainer as well. :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tefached Posted January 5, 2008 Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 [fine i will, also can you update my bio to be the same as the one in derek_whaleys. but keep the bi-polar and anger thing in it too] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaymin Posted January 5, 2008 Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 "Thank you Professor Boron." Anna said, and took the pokedex. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Ixigo Posted January 5, 2008 Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 Character Currently RPd: LucyLocation: Between Nytros and Fluor City. === "Dear sis Oh well. It's been three months now and I still haven't visited a single gym around here. Everything here is so beautiful, I just can't bring myself to bother with training and challenging gym leaders. Well, everything at home is as you left it, I guess - haven't talked to mom in a while now. I reckon they're still pretty pissed at you. Well, I hope to see you soon. Love, Lucy." Lucy sighed as she folded the letter, carefully placing it inside an envelope. She'd have to wait till she got to Fluor town to send it - that'd probably be a couple of days now. Her eyes wandered off to the cluster of trees ahead, as she picked up her backpack from beneath the tree she had paused to rest. She checked the Pokeballs on her belt, then gathered up her things and continued walking down the road. It had been days since she had slept into a regular bed, and she was getting tired of sleeping outside. Cautiously, to avoid branches and tripping into the thick undergrowth, she proceeded into the forest, keeping her eyes open for anything she might encounter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted January 5, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 @Ixigo: Wild Munchlax appeared! [align=center]Lvl. 312/12 HP[/align] Would you like to battle wild Munchlax? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Ixigo Posted January 5, 2008 Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 As Lucy was walking casually, a wild Munchlax appeared. It did not seem to be very strong. "Heck, it's been a while since I've caught something new." Lucy monologued, eyeing the Pokemon carefully. She slowly picked a Pokeball out of her belt, and launched it into the air - the object opened, revealing Grovyle. "Get ready..." Lucy told Grovyle, as she prepared to attack. === OOC: Yes =/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted January 5, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 @Ixigo(OOR): So select five moves from Grovyle's move set and post them, I'll select the ones for MunchlaxAlso: you don't have any Pokeballs, so you can't catch it. :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Ixigo Posted January 5, 2008 Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 OOC: Five moves...? He only has 4, I thought that was the limit O_o. Anyway, forgot about the Pokeballs =/. EDIT: Disregard the above, I just realized what you meant. Quick AttackAgilityLeaf BladeBullet SeedQuick Attack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehodis Posted January 5, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 @Ixigo: Grovyle used Quick Attack and did 50 damage! Wild Munchlax fainted! Grovyle gained 10 EXP! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Ixigo Posted January 5, 2008 Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 "Darn, missed it." Lucy said frustrated, as the injured Pokemon ran away (OOC: Well, had to be realistic, because if it had just fainted, a regular trainer would have caught it even without a Pokeball =/). She then shrugged it off, and continued down the road through the woods. It wouldn't be too long now before she reached Fluor City... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest King of Games Posted January 5, 2008 Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 Josh Carpathia arrived in Lithem and knocked on the door to Prof. Mercury's lab. His Trapinch was Digging around in the yard. "Stop that, people like their grass intact." Trapinch quickly shovelled dirt back in the holes it made. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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