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War of Darkness OOC thread

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*shoves Shadow over*


I am not feeling well so shut it. Now Zelman *ahem*


For starters if you have a pic, a general description is not needed then. On another note Zero is write with the spelling errors, too much and too often- please try to work on that in the future. As for the bio I feel like I have read it before and, after some searching, found that I have. I do not mind if a character has the same name in a different rpg or has different powers, but a character with the same bio is NOT something I want to see- a copy-n-paste character.


As for the personality you begin with him loving murder and violence, yet claim he is a hero? Possibly an anti hero, but certainly not a real super hero. For the powers I don't mind you using the force, star wars referance or not, as it is something that I personally see you putting restrictions on. However your final power, Unknown Force, I want either explained for removed; as I do not want some secret omnipotent power in your backpocket without me or Shadow knowing. The weapons are alright with me.


So in total your character sounds like more of a violent anti hero than an actual hero, but tomATO/TOMato . . . His powers I really se no problem with and the weapons are alright. But the bio is what you've flopped on. Unless I see a different bio I will have to say-


Not Accepted.

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Um, the summons was silent? This would be apparent if you were reading the thread. It's more like getting the feeling that you've been summoned and that you are expected to heed those summons, so just act as though your character has been summoned and make an entrance post with you character, please and thank you.

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