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Babylon [OoC Thread]

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Deathmoon Circle just popped up in my head.


And also, I think I should note that Latin in Babylon is the official language spoken by Nihilians, and only Nihilians, the Heretics and a very few number of other babylonians know that it exists. All Heretics know the Enter and Exit phrases for the Realm of Reverse, though.

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Full Name: Cyrus Des Vries (I don't know how to use colors. Pretend this is yellow.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Faction: Justicars


Body Type: Rather slight.

Height: 5 foot, 5 inches. Short

Weight: About 100 pounds

Hair Color: Blonde

Hair Style: Toustled and wind-blown, usually well washed but uncombed

Eye Color: Usually a nice grayish color. His eyes glow purplish when he uses his magic.

Clothing: Cyrus wears a long black cloak, held together with a sliver clasp in the shape of a pentagram. Under this, he

wears a plain black, rather modern t-shirt and black pants, although you rarely see them: his cloak his brought up around him when he moves, showing only his pointed black shoes. He also wears the regualar , steryotypical witch's hat, black with a purple ribbon.

Any Special Details: None as of yet...


Class: Paladin

Specialization: Prediction of the future, and fighting as a standred.

Weapon(s) of Choice: Tarot cards

Personality: Cyrus is a rather uptight person. He is always dress immaculately, and his hair is never combed but always well kept. When hit with a sword, it seems like he can be looking perfect after being blown up. He speaks formally, exept to the few he feels he can trust.

[spoiler=Abillities] (Leave this list and the Final Word empty for now)

  • Prediction of the Future: Can see what is about to happen, in the next few seconds or so. Sometimes, visions of the far future are seen, but this is not at will.
  • Tarot Cards: Can make tarot cards fly around, use like blades, or as a shield, ect.
  • Summoning of the Tarot: Each card isnpocessed by a spirt, that does something different, according to it's meaning. he can summon these beings, but must stay in one place while he animates the demon.

Final Word:


Character Level: (I'll fill this in. This is your character's level, and I will determine what level your character starts at by looking at your past RP skills. Your character has more abillities the higher their level is)

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Aw...fine. 17...I guess. What should I do for the powers?


Yes, there is gonna be a 14 year-old Paladin.

And powers are based on specialization, usually based on class. Although prediction of the future, there isn't much that you can do with there.

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If you want a quick explanation as to how Miles is picking apart Mika's lies, it's simple. He is completely psychotic, he expects to be known and feared by the babylonians. The concept of a person who doesn't know him and would brand him as 'nice' is utterly foreign to him.

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