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\~| Klavier Gavin's Ultimate Championship - Only for the best cardmakers! |~/


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Title says all. If you think that you're the best cardmaker, test yourself here! But seriosuly, anyone can join. There will be 5 rounds, for each round you'll receive 0-10 Contest Points. In the end, person with the most Contest Points wins.


[spoiler=Entry Fee]15 points. Donations are always welcomed :)


[spoiler=Prize Pool]275 points


[spoiler=Contestants]1. JIMMYTRON

2. Serpent Darkness Dragon

3. salsha

4. War Torn

5. ~AuXiLiArY~

(more will be added)




1st Place - 3 reps, 50% of Prize Pool + 300 Points

2nd Place - 2 reps, 35% of Prize Pool + 200 Points

3rd Place - 1 rep, 25% or Prize Pool + 100 Points



1st Round: Make 1 monster and 1 Spell or Trap for Inverz Archetype


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I'll join.


Here's my cards.




Sorry' date=' i won't accept them, unless you send 15 points of entry fee


well, what is ur definition of "The Best Cardmaker"

i would like to join then...i would like to also donate some points :D


Thanks for donation :) And i also got fee.

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im in points sent


This card can only be activated when you successfully Tribute Summon an "Inverz" monster. Each time you Tribute Summon a monster, you can pay 500 Life Points to add 1 Level 4 or lower "Inverz" monster from your hand to your Deck. If you Tribute Summon a monster, and it is destroyed by a card effect, destroy this card. This card cannot be added from your Graveyard to your hand or Deck. There can only be 1 face-up "Inverz Dimension."


This card cannot be Special Summoned. You can Tribute Summon this monster in face-up Attack Position by Tributing 1 "Inverz" monster. When you Tribute Summon this card with an "Inverz" monster as a Tribute, you can select 1 card your opponent controls and send it to the Graveyard, and gain 1000 Life Points. If you Tribute Summon a monster, you can pay 500 Life Points to destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field.

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