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One Piece: The Second Race! PG-16+[Owned by: Hotaru987][Not started/Accepting]-OOC

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That's ok. I understand that some of us have jobs and with school about to start(or has started) some of us may go a couple of days without posting. I just ask that if it is possible to get on for a minute or two and let us know if you can get on or not that day(for all of us). This way if only one person will be on or two then I can pause the rp just for that day. If that's ok with everyone. Bit that means that wjen ever you get on It'll be important to check the OOC thread.


Also a week or so after school starts (which will be around the 26 or this moth) I will be starting my Avatar Rp. BY THEN I figure a lot of people should be back in the swing of School and have their scheduals worked out. I mean everyone has a life other than computers, lol.


....Except for people whos lives afre working with computers....Or dead beat computer/game/rp nerds.....-_-...

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Hey Hotaru, when you use YCM from your phone, how do you get to it without your phone freezing up? When I try to get on the website through my Blackberry, it freezes up and then says the page is too big too load. What's the mobile site link? Maybe that will work better.

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I really don't know....


Well when I looked at thr url it gave me the regular website url. All I did was put it in as if I was on the computer. What company are you with? Because some phones just can handle all the information in a site. My previous phone, I was able to get on the site but I couldn't do anything. Not post or anything....


btw, Blu you never did answer my question. Where you going to control the Indian Chief? I wasn't sure if you were or not because you gave the little clue about the statue and everything. So I figured you would be handleing the climax of this sub plot.


Also once everyone gets to Lougetown I will continue on with the main plot.

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Oh sorry, yes I will be controlling him along with two other high-ranking indians for the group to fight, you can control high-ranking indians as well. I don't know how many high rank indians there should be however though, depending on how large the entire group is

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Well the entire group is 11 people. The Chief I guess eith Nova wil fight him or Nova and K. Then we can have four other Indians, two of with the first mate of either rew will fight. The remaining two can be up for grabs. Who ever volunteers first. So I guess once Novs's goup get's there you an bring them in whenever. I'l just follow your lead.


Sorry namelesk I don't. I stil don't know how to work this phone and navigatethrough it completely. But I'll look for it and if I find it I'l surly let you know.

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I thought only the ropes were cut by the knife. Yeah, the seastone was broken by Kurage's strength added by the rock. Plus, a few people had been banging away at it for awhile before she even arrived. Also Hope is right, the seastone the Indians would have to use as handcuffs wouldn't be as strong.


Also, I haven't posted because I am also waiting for the Chief Indian to come and for Blu to also reply to my post with the Admiral.

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The rp has been slowing down and now that I have a laptop I can go around and pm a lot of the people who hadnt been posting and update the active crew members/Warlords/and Marines. Also for Allesk's sub plot we are waiting on Blu to introduce the Chief Indian as the climactic battle for the subplot. Once that is done Devil Bats and Black Rose Crews will be entering LougeTown and I will continue the Main Plot with the adventure to Log Pose Island.


Once Allesk's sub Plot is close to finishing I will put up the information of the Log Pose Island Arc. The arc will be how all four crews finally meet and what not. Also before they leave for Log Pose Island they will have a small fight with Stein Motuni, Saji The Magnificent, and Lady Lightening. Just as a small introduction of the Warlords and for the Pirate crews to know to watch their backs. After that im pretty sure you guys can start your own little sub plots for a while, until either Blu or I come up with another Main Plot at a large town. Maybe at Alabaster or that Snow Island(The on they found Chopper at). Of course there will be a Skipia Arc where all crews will be present, and well....Yeah.


For not we should just focus on completing the Sub plot.

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I completely forgot to say this before.

I'm going to boot camp on monday, and i don't think they have computers there. so Sunday will probably be my last day posting here for a while.

If you want to keep my characters in the role play i don't mind.




Ok. scratch that. my recruiter gave me false info. so i won't be leaving until October.

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