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One Piece: The Second Race! PG-16+[Owned by: Hotaru987][Not started/Accepting]-OOC

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Name:Maverick Black

Age: 35





Power/Weapon: Yami Yami no Mi AKA(Dark-Dark Fruit)


[spoiler=Bio:] Maverick Black's was orgioonlay with the Whitebeard ship. he was at the fight against the military and saw Marshall D. Teach's power. After going his separate ways with his crew he spent 10 years of his life looking for the fruit being able to obtaining a bounty of only Bsymbol.gif10, 000. then finally one day he found the Devil Fruit he was looking for. after obtaining the Dark-Dark Fruit he was able to obtain a bounty of Bsymbol.gif380,000,000 before he finally decided running away form the military was a waste of time. So the only way he could think of being free was to be apart of the military as a Shichibukai.



Rank of Warlord: 5

Name of (my) Fav pie:Sweet potato

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No, I don't believe so. Also, you're accepted 4tutoralcom


NPC apps will come later. Your rank does not have anything to do with your strength level. It's just there for organization reasons. Will finish ASAP



1. The Magnificent Saji/NPC - Hotaru987

2. Rafael Lazuli/NPC - Blu-Dawn

3. Stien "Paw Fist" Motuni/NPC - Hotaru987

4. Lady Lightning - Decaying Hope

5. Maverick Black - 4Tutoralcom

6. Ragnarok - Golnax

7. Reserved - Namelessk


[spoiler= Marines]

[spoiler=4tutoralcom]Name:Admiral Tomas Black


Age: in the main storyline he is 60


Power:Form-Form fruit

it give form and life to anything that has none. like shadows or spirits, if they ever get introduce in to the RP. this also allows him to remove form from his body allowing him to walk under or threw anting that has space in between it. His shadow can go through water but he can not even if he has no form.


Appearance:He looks exactly like Maverick just older.


Bio: Shadow Man was his nickname not given him by the military but by the pirates he fought. Like Gecko Moria he has the Shadow-Shadow Fruit. That is were the similarity of these two people end. He is a man that uses his fruit in a different way. Instead of ripping the shadows form other people he makes there shadow turn alive. Most people in the military do not know that he has a sun, until he turned into a warlord, because he was thought to be to ruthless to settle down with someone. That is because he is a completely different person when he is around his family.


Position in Military:Admiral


Name of (my) Fav pie:Sweet potatoe pie


[spoiler=Namelessk]Name: Trace 'The Griffin' Kiryu

Age: 26

Appearance: Trace stands at 6'0 even and has a muscular frame which is usually hidden by the baggy clothes that he wears. His skin tone is a very tanned one, causing people to always assume that he had tanned recently. His face looks young and handsome for his age, and his droopy gray eyes always make him look sleepy. He likes to crack jokes randomly sometimes, and when he does, he is in the midst of battle, he will look happy and jovial, but other than that, he usually looks bored or tired. His hair is black and reached down to the back of his neck while spiking up slightly in the back. He also has short bangs which hang slightly over his eyes.


In terms of clothing, Trace's style of dress can differ depending on how he feels. Usually when he is serious, he wears on his upper half a black dress shirt with a gray vest over it and a gray tie, creased gray pants and black boots with his Vice-Admiral coat over all of this. Other times when he is not serious, he will wear a dark blue longsleeved shirt that is unbuttoned slightly with an ironmail shirt underneath, creased black pants, and gray dress shoes, with his Vice-Admiral coat worn draped over his shoulders and the marine cap on his head, draped low to cover his eyes.

Bio: Since his childhood, Trace was trained by his father for the Military. Trace's father was a military advocate, and was once apart of the CP9. His father had to retire from it because they felt as though his skills would be better in another division, but this was in fact a cover up. They did not want him to know anything about the actions of Rob Lucci who was just joining it at the time. Trace's father trained him in the CP9 arts of Rokushiki. He taught him all 6 arts of the Rokushiki, and Trace took to them well. He could perform rankyaku with incredible speed by the age of 7. He was excellent in terms of marksmanship with Shigan at the age of 9. He could move over 60 mph when he was only 10. His father was very impressed with his abilities, and continued training him even more.


Eventually, the Military got wind of Trace's skills, and decided to recruit him early. He joined as a Commodore when he was only 20 years old. He didn't like working for the Military because he despised some of their actions. On Buster Calls, he would fake as though he was sick and so didn't fight in them. The Military got suspicious of this and so make him go out on duty more to make up for it. He is quite friendly with Fleet Admiral Kami, and was slightly happy at being promoted to Admiral. He still does not like to work for the military, and will usually let a pirate go if he sees that they are not all bad. He is merciful and compassionate, but if he is crossed, he will not hesitate to incapacitate or kill. He is only known to others as Griffin, as that is his nickname. No one knows why he is called the Griffin except Fleet Admiral Kami. While out on patrol one night, he caught sight of a Pirate ship that was attacking a nearby town. He sailed his own Marine ship there and defeated the pirates with ease. He let them go, and as they left, they dropped a crate which they had. One of the townspeople gave it to Trace to have, and so he brought it back to Kami to check out. After inspecting it, it was found to be an Mythical Zoan type Devil Fruit. Kami told Trace to eat it, and that was exactly what he did. He later found out that the Devil Fruit could turn him into the mythical creature, the Griffin. He trained with his powers, and now incorporates them with his CP9 Rokushiki abilities.

[spoiler=Devil Fruit]

Mythical Zoan Type: Griffin Griffin Fruit- This Devil fruit allows Trace to switch between his normal human form, a half-human half-Griffin hybrid, and a full Griffin form. He has obtained mastery over this Devil Fruit and is able to transform himself partially, such as only growing the wings of the Griffin, or the claws or the tail. When in his Griffin form, he grows larger and more powerful. He stands at about 8 feet tall at his full height in the Griffin form.



Position in Military: Admiral

Name of (my) Fav pie: Sweet Potatoe





[spoiler=Pirate Hunters][spoiler=maadd1]Name: Pierce Hellsting

Age: 20

Swordsman/Pirate hunter/Captain


Appearance: Has a hat alot like hawk eyes hat, hewears a blackvast that only connects arund his back, he alsohas 2 long pieces og clothing that are connected to the vest that run from his shoulders to to his knees. He has black short-med long hair that goes down to his shoulders, he also wears black fair tight pantsand has quite a muscular build. He also has clean cut sideburns, he also has black gloves with holes in them for his fingers.


Power/Weapon: STING STING Fruit:

Strength: Any weapon he holds, he can increase the size, the bigger he makes it go the more energy it consumes. He can also slash the air with his swords and cause a slicing wind to tear objects.


Weakness: If water is on the blades or the oponent wear the blade touches, they wont even scratch them.


Weapons: Duel Sided Piercers x4. Basically these swords have 2 sword blades on the end of each side, he normally uses 1 -2 and keeps 2 attached to his back. A big plus about these swords is that they can be connected at the centre of each sword where the grip is. thay are quite big to.


Bio: He was brought into a poor family, ironically his best friend was very rich. One day when they were both 5, they werree playing outside when they were both kidnapped. It is said that the kidnapping was set up by both marines and pirates to gain the rich boys wealth, however unknowing the appearance of the rich boy they took both and threatened them until one said who the rich one was. The rich boy immediatly said he was the rich one and pierce quickly replied with "No im the rich boy let him go!" Once they reaccieved their 2 billion Beli ransom they killed the boy anyway, they let Pierce go but beat him up until he was close to death, from that day onward pierceswore he would mercy no pirate or marine.


Name of (my fav pie):Sweet Potato


Crew: 3 swordsman + him, He is the Captain. Piercers


Personality: Tough and brute, he hears no excuses and will only harm marines or pirates.


if there is anything i missed plz let me know


Name: Dawn Slashin


Swordsman/Pirate Hunter/1st Mate


Appearance, he has short spiky black hair that spiked all the way around, he also has blue eyes and a small scar going across his cheek. He also has black boots and black close to tight jean like pants. he has 1 black glove on his right hand, his most defining feature is his white poncho like shirt/cape that goes from his neck to the bottom of his stomache, however he doesn't have a shirt and is quite muscular. He has a white belt.


Power: FLASH FLASH Fruit

Strength: the name says it all incredibly fast and can run on water due to his speed. Whenever he runs at his fastest speed a big flash of light blinds the area.


Weakness: Water, also once hesprints he needs a bit of time to stop depending on the speed.


Weapon: a Big Legendary katana said to have been given to him by Rohohan Zoro himself. A long white katana known as thelegendary Kazuka-Excel.


Name of (my fav pie):Sweet Potato


Crew: Piercers, 1st mate


Personality: Tough and brute, he is slightly more forgiving then pierce however and will only harm marines or pirates.


Bio:met pierce in a town when they were both hunting pirates, out numbered 40 - 2 they defeated all ofthem, once realising tehy were a great team they joined together as they also both shared the same goals. As a child he was incredibly fast able to sprint 100m in 7 seconds flat, since he ate the FLASH FLASH fruit, it is said he can run at 100m/sec



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Oh, wait, by Warlord do you mean the 4 Yonkou or the Shichibukai? If you mean Shichibukai, then I want to make one of those instead of a Marine.


Edit: Nevermind. I looked it up, and it said that Shichibukai were Warlords. I'll see if I want my character to be a Warlord or a Shichibukai once I finish making it, but I think the reservations for Warlord are gone.

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@Jazz, there's one more I believe, do you want me to reserve it? Alright everybody, here's my Warlord NPC


Name: Rafael Lazuli

Age: 32

[spoiler=Appearance:]Rafael is 5’06” and weighs 132 lbs. Rafael is consider to be a very handsome man with royal features. Rafael has chin-length wavy, blonde hair, and deep sea-blue eyes that is described to be adamant yet subtle like a Lapis Lazuli. Rafael wears a royal blue, French Army/Navy coat with gold lining running down from the neck collar to the bottom of the coat. The coat also has jewel buttons and white cloth trimmings on the wrists part and the bottom of the coat as well. Rafael also wears a cravat and underneath his coat he wears a white silk shirt, blue trousers, and brown royal boots. Rafael also wears a brown belt in which he carries his cutlass and his twin flintlock pistols.


[spoiler=Power/Weapon:]Flash-Flash Fruit (Gira Gira no Mi): The Flash-Flash Fruit is a Paramecia-type devil fruit that grants the user the ability to teleport rapidly and move parts of their body with unbelievable speeds. When teleporting rapidly, the force of the teleportation is so great, that it leaves a crater in the location of the teleportation. This includes water and air itself due to the immense gravity force created by the rapid teleporting. If anyone or anything gets too near to him while he’s rapidly teleporting, then the person or object will sustain great damage. Rafael uses the speed to easily immobilize his enemies, but he tends to rather run away then to fight. Usually, if the Seven Warlords of the Sea were to fight, Rafael would be the first to run away. However, if he does fight, he is a force to be reckoned with. Rafael usually fights using his cutlass with his hyper-speed cutting ability. The biggest weakness of this fruit, aside from water of course, is long periods of use will cause extreme fatigue and deteriorate muscle tissue. Rafael must exercise intensely everyday to rebuild his lost muscle tissue. In some instance, Rafael can go further on the teleporting and cause a warp in space, created a miniature wormhole, however, Rafael rarely resorts to this method.


Cutlass: Rafael has an expensive cutlass that he uses as his primary weapon.


Twin Flintlock Pistols: Rafael also carries twin flintlock pistols to attack enemies from afar.


[spoiler=Bio:]Rafael was born into a wealthy noble family, as a child, Rafael got everything that he wanted. Rafael enjoyed his life very much. However, his parents never did act like parents to him. They acted as if they were just temporarily care takers. Rafael had everything, but the only thing he didn’t have was a family. Later on, pirates invaded the city where Rafael lived and kidnapped him. The pirates told his parents to pay them money to get him back, but his parents never did. Rafael was heartbroken. The pirates felt bad for him and took him in. Rafael finally had a real family. When Rafael grew up, he formed his own pirate crew called the Mary Ann Pirates, named after the woman who treated Rafael like a son while he was heartbroken. Rafael, using his hidden wealth, bought a grand ship and named it the Saint Ann’s. Rafael became notorious for his act of stealing a valuable piece of information from Marineford, earning him a hefty bounty of Bsymbol.gif400,000,000 just for that one act alone. Rafael, before doing that, had only a bounty of Bsymbol.gif20,000 due to the fact that he only stole from other pirates. After which, Marineford offered him a chance at being one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea which Rafael agreed to take.


Rank of Warlord: 2

Name of (my) Fav pie: Sweet Potato Pie

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Name: Rafael Lazuli

Age: 32

[spoiler=Appearance:]Rafael is 5’06” and weighs 132 lbs. Rafael is consider to be a very handsome man with royal features. Rafael has chin-length wavy, blonde hair, and deep sea-blue eyes that is described to be adamant yet subtle like a Lapis Lazuli. Rafael wears a royal blue, French Army/Navy coat with gold lining running down from the neck collar to the bottom of the coat. The coat also has jewel buttons and white cloth trimmings on the wrists part and the bottom of the coat as well. Rafael also wears a cravat and underneath his coat he wears a white silk shirt, blue trousers, and brown royal boots. Rafael also wears a brown belt in which he carries his cutlass and his twin flintlock pistols.


[spoiler=Power/Weapon:]Flash-Flash Fruit (Gira Gira no Mi): The Flash-Flash Fruit is a Paramecia-type devil fruit that grants the user the ability to teleport rapidly and move parts of their body with unbelievable speeds. When teleporting rapidly, the force of the teleportation is so great, that it leaves a crater in the location of the teleportation. This includes water and air itself due to the immense gravity force created by the rapid teleporting. If anyone or anything gets too near to him while he’s rapidly teleporting, then the person or object will sustain great damage. Rafael uses the speed to easily immobilize his enemies, but he tends to rather run away then to fight. Usually, if the Seven Warlords of the Sea were to fight, Rafael would be the first to run away. However, if he does fight, he is a force to be reckoned with. Rafael usually fights using his cutlass with his hyper-speed cutting ability. The biggest weakness of this fruit, aside from water of course, is long periods of use will cause extreme fatigue and deteriorate muscle tissue. Rafael must exercise intensely everyday to rebuild his lost muscle tissue. In some instance, Rafael can go further on the teleporting and cause a warp in space, created a miniature wormhole, however, Rafael rarely resorts to this method.


Cutlass: Rafael has an expensive cutlass that he uses as his primary weapon.


Twin Flintlock Pistols: Rafael also carries twin flintlock pistols to attack enemies from afar.


[spoiler=Bio:]Rafael was born into a wealthy noble family, as a child, Rafael got everything that he wanted. Rafael enjoyed his life very much. However, his parents never did act like parents to him. They acted as if they were just temporarily care takers. Rafael had everything, but the only thing he didn’t have was a family. Later on, pirates invaded the city where Rafael lived and kidnapped him. The pirates told his parents to pay them money to get him back, but his parents never did. Rafael was heartbroken. The pirates felt bad for him and took him in. Rafael finally had a real family. When Rafael grew up, he formed his own pirate crew called the Mary Ann Pirates, named after the woman who treated Rafael like a son while he was heartbroken. Rafael, using his hidden wealth, bought a grand ship and named it the Saint Ann’s. Rafael became notorious for his act of stealing a valuable piece of information from Marineford, earning him a hefty bounty of Bsymbol.gif400,000,000 just for that one act alone. Rafael, before doing that, had only a bounty of Bsymbol.gif20,000 due to the fact that he only stole from other pirates. After which, Marineford offered him a chance at being one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea which Rafael agreed to take.


Rank of Warlord: 2

Name of (my) Fav pie: Sweet Potato Pie

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Name: Elizabeth Hime Only known as "Nova"

Age: 23

[spoiler=Appearance:] Scourge_of_the_Seas_by_verdant-1-1.jpg


Weapon: Magma Logia fruit. (nameless so far)

[spoiler=Biography:] She lived on a foreign land where at the age of 13 she was told she was going to be crowned queen. Her life was already suclusion and strict. Her uncle told her stories of the pirates and their freedom. This sparked an idea. She would flee her land and become a pirate, living free and obey no orders. At the age of 19 her parents where forcing her to marry. She knew then that this was her last chance to leave. If she was crowned queen because of this marrige then she would never have the chance again. The night before her wedding she collected food, water and clothes. She ran down to the docks and set sail on a small canoe. She sailed for two days finding no land and was almost out of food and water. Finally, starving, she found a island with strange animals on it. Exploring for food she found a strange looking fruit. Taking her chances she ate it. This fruit gave her powers to morph her body into magma. She stayed on the Island for a year trainning her new powers. At the age of 20 she once again set sail with stocks of food and water that she found on the island. It's been three years since then and she has collected a boat that suits her as well as a crew of pirates that call her captain.


Position on crew: Captain

Which crew do you belong to?: Djinn, the ship is called Ifrit.

Name of (my) fav pie: sweet potatoe

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