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One Piece: The Second Race! PG-16+[Owned by: Hotaru987][Not started/Accepting]-OOC

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My temporary Character for your crew will be male and a 14 year old boy named Tray. He's the official navigator of the crew. I an remember if you have one yet and I still haven't been on a landline computer to update the character spots. Also I'm pretty sure all the warlord spots are taken...but Some people haven't been posting (I think) So I have to send some PM's.

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I was actually gonna make my last character just a normal swordsman with either Haki or just pure skill, but the Djinn pirates already have a swordsman, so I just made him an archaeologist with some sort of power to protect himself. Also, I will post soon. I need to go an eat something.


@Visser I know it might be a typo and all, but you keep typing Anomaly pirates' ship when referring to Arashi's current location.

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to your question about warlords have crew members, was too many people to keep track of. Also I'd rather not have that as a possibility.


Now Blue eyes, I now have something for you to do....But please be paitent with me. It'll take some time for me to post everything.

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Alright Well, about the warlord I knew he never posted so I wasn't sure if he quit or not.. So if that spot becomes open please let me know. If not its fine. I think I might make the app anyway and just have the guy join up with one of the crews.

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Well I'm not even sure it will get accepted but we shall find out!



Name: Obayifo Skelling

Age: 26

[spoiler=Appearance:] kufh_leinhardt.jpg


Weapon: Ankou- the blade in his pic.

[spoiler=Vamp-vamp fruit] This fruit enables him to have unnatural abilities. He has two bone daggers that come out of the back of his wrists. These can extend out of his arms and and he can control them like appendages. They do not disconnect from his body however. When they shoot from his wrists they remain attached through cartilage like string. The cartilage is extremely durable and hard to cut through. If they happen to be cut they can be reattached but it has to be bandaged and help together for at least a day. They can also grow back but this is devastatingly painful. The user of this fruit also has the ability to burst into several bats. This however does not happen out of reflex and the user has to do it themselves. The bats can incredibly fast but cannot attack. This is mainly for fleeing purposes and not used in combat. The user can also heal their self by sucking the blood of living creatures. The fruit also grants the user the strength of a fishmen. The fruit also allows the user to see in the dark. This is a paramecia fruit.


[spoiler=Biography] Obayifo grew up on an island that praised the devil and worshiped darkness. He was taught about nefarious creatures that did Satan's bidding and admired them. He did not truly believe in any of the stories nor did he believe in the devil himself. But he thought it was all interesting so he did not mind learning about it. His village kept a sacred fruit in their place of worship and said that only the chosen one could eat it. After several tests and rituals they discovered that Obayifo was indeed the chosen one. They gave him the fruit to feat upon. After taking one bite he spit it out and threw the fruit away. But it was to late then. The powers had already been infused within his body. The elders took such offense by how Obayifo treated the fruit and banished him from the island. Before leaving he stole the blade his village believed the devil himself used when he walked on this earth, Ankou. While being banished Obayifo discovered what powers that fruit had given him. He trained forever and became strong. He now walks the streets of Lougetown, the place he ended up after banishment. He looks for a group that will accept him, and his sociopath attitude.


Position on crew: subs for anything

Which crew do you belong to?: Unknown

Name of (my) fav pie: potato

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I might not be able to make more than one post tonight because I have alot of stuff to do tomorrow to get ready for my Grad Party on Sunday, so I have to go to bed early. I will try to post tomorrow though I will have alot to do. I'll see what happens. Sorry. :(

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Name: Tray Mitsugi

Age: 14

Appearance: (Will put pic up later....Please excuse my lazyness.)

[spoiler=bio] Tray doesn't remember his life before he was 10 years old. The only thing he remembers is one day waking up on a pirate ship. He didn't know how he got there or why he was even there, but one thing he did remember was his name. So Tray stayed on the pirate ship not having anywhere else to go. He was beaten, bullied, forced to do chores, and picked on the entire time he was on the ship. He hated his life and would always wonder why was he cursed to live like this. For four years he endured that torture and the only thing that made it worth wild was the navigator, who was the only person who was nice to him. He learned navigation from him. One day the ship he was on was attacked by marines and the ship was destroied. He was found by Nova drifting on a piece of wood. After that he was apart of their crew as the navigator. Tray looks up to everyone on the ship and considers all of them family. He would do anything for them but he is of course still a child. So he has a tendency to get in a lot of trouble for getting into things he shouldn't.


Position on crew: Navigator

Namr of (my) fav pie: Sweet Potato pie

Which crew do you belong to?: Dijin crew

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