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One Piece: The Second Race! PG-16+[Owned by: Hotaru987][Not started/Accepting]-OOC

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[spoiler=Another app]

Name: Kouga Shiryu


Age: 22


Appearance: samurai.jpg


Weapon: Two katanas and his body via the Dice Dice Fruit


[spoiler=Biography:] Kouga grew up as a very curious child. He was incredibly gifted somehow with being able to read ancient text after being taught how to for just one day. His parents were proud of their son and his gift. Kouga eventually left them when he was 18 to go out and explore the world on his own. His dream and goal was to find the most important artifact the world had ever seen and become the most famous archaeologist. Kouga thought that he would gain this chance when he heard of a very old and ancient artifact hidden away on an ancient island. The island was said to have been inhabited by people who had first grown Devil Fruits, but this was only a myth. Kouga set out to find this island, and when he did, he was shocked by what was there. There was nothing there except a large temple type structure. Kouga, with curiosity filling him, went into the temple like structure. He traversed within it until he could go no more, and came upon an altar. On that altar was a devil fruit. Kouga did not know what kind of powers this devil fruit gave him, but he thought that it was some ancient type of Devil Fruit. The first one to be exact. After taking the Devil Fruit, he set off a trap. The ceiling of the room he had been in fell onto him, and as it knocked him to the floor, he made a mistake and bit into the Devil Fruit within his hands. He was buried alive by all the rubble, but somehow he didn't die. When he awoke, he noticed that his body was made of steel and that certain points of his body were very sharp. He eventually learned that he had eaten the Dice Dice Fruit, and would later learn how to use it's abilities. Later, while on another expedition to find a rare artifact, he came upon the Djinn crew and was stricken by Nova's kindness and fondness of her crew. He believed that with her help, he could achieve his goal, and so he joined up with her crew.


As they were sailing to find one of the ancient artifacts which he had been looking for, the storm caught them, and he was blown off of the ship. He almost drowned, but somehow, he came up on an island where he was tied up. His powers were drained from him as soon as he was tied up, and it was then that he found out the effects of sea stone. Apparently, the indians hadn't known what it was either and had only thought it so beautiful that they added it to their hair, their clothes, and ropes which they used to bind things. Kouga has been on the island for many days. He would have been eaten sooner, but everytime they take off the seastone and try to eat him, his body becomes steel, and so they stopped trying and are now just holding him hostage. They were not intelligent enough to realize that they should eat him with the seatone ropes tying him, and to this day, Kouga is glad that they do not realize that.



Position on crew: Archaeologist


Which crew do you belong to?: Djinn Pirates


Name of (my) fav pie: Sweet Potato



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Hotaru before I have Nova answer Toni I was wondering.. what is the name going to be of your temp NPC?


Also I'm thinking of making a new app but i don't know whether I should make it for a crew member, a marine or that last warlord spot if it is still open.. Although the character I am thinking of creating is much to dark for the marines.. Decisions, decisions

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