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Prevalence of Sides [Not started/planning thread.]

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This is where we will post our OOC comments. if you leave a comment here, please put a notice in the bottom of your post in the IC thread for when you wish to say something for others to see.

[spoiler=for example]




Post apps here instead of in the IC thread. Of which I place the app here:




Age: 16-50


as a human:

real appearance/actual form(optional):



Side (light, dark, or neutral/against the war): maximum of 10 per side. After all sides are filled, all new joiners will need to talk with me for which side to go to. Sorry, but I want to keep sides leveled as best as possible.



Powers: Will be discussed via PM no matter what powers you give.



[spoiler=The Plot]From the beginning of time the Light Organization and Dark Organization have been in war with each other for which is stronger and who will rule over time and space. Time has passed and the war is hidden to most in the world since both organizations have spread their powers into the governments of the nations and controlled what is seen and heard. There are a few people here and there who get caught in the crossfire and know about the war. In fact, some even wish to join the war to have something in their life, while others are born or recruited into the war. Both organizations agree to not use the governments they control to do the fighting for them much less really help out other than cleaning up the mess. All the heads of the organizations have special powers and with those powers some even have different forms but hide in plain sight like a real person with a normal life. Some have chosen to help stop the war between the two sides since they have gotten fed up with the fighting over the years. Will the war be stopped by these people or will the war continue on to the ends of time until one side wins? You must decide.



Please feel free to discuss the RP here. give thoughts of events taking place and ideas for events to come later.


[align=center]Link to the IC thread:



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So since i don't know how i should make this it can be a mess.



Name: Fukuda Tadayoshi

Age: 21


as a human:


real appearance:


(picture from moni185 at deviontart)


Side: Dark

Bio: Fukuda Tadayoshi, Silent man from Dark Organization. He is the head of the assasinate ops of Dark Organization (I'll dig your finger nails out whit tiny spoon if there is no assasin in Dark Organization. (Just a joke)) The man of thousand shadows(?). likes to play childrens card game on his free time. Will eat allmost anything that is categorize as food. Friends(Dosen't have any) call him Sha. Usualy Sleeps in chair or sitting at anywhere. Is very very angry if someone fakes him up during his nap. Wont talk to any peapol he dosen't consider as an ally or he just laughs at his enemys. As an assiasin he is not the best suited for his job, cause his personality is kind of bloody. He tears the target to 2-4 peacec and leavs them lie on the ground. Still he is good at finding and sneaking next to the target but then it is like bringin tank next to the target. Dosen't use anykind of weapons, actualy he hates them. He likes only using shadows as weapons, shooting sharp shadows and using a shadow as a sword or anykind of sharp weapon.

Personality: Silent, Murky, Malicious,

Powers: Is a shadow sharper than any blade, can dodge bullets.



Got bored so i will write more to bio...

here it is!! i think there is some writing errors, Sorry english isn't strong language for finish. Ty and good bye!!

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Name:Kristofer G. Caleban

Age: 18


as a human:ChibiRoxas.jpg or Anime_Boy_by_chibi_kiro_cb.jpg

real appearance/actual form(optional):Angel_boy_with_bandages_XP.jpg or anime-1.jpg

Side: light...or is he dark?

Bio:I will edit later, but how long does it have to be

Personality:He is calm and collected, he is also a CENSORED.

Powers: Ability to turn into a dark angel/dark person. He can make his voice sound like anything. Finally he can persuade people easily.

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Name:Nicholaus Stutzer


[spoiler=Appearance: ]



Side Dark

Bio: Young men with his sniper rifle on dark organisation who just kills people for money. His sniper is made from titanium, but its light like feather. (No seriously, but light.) He doesn't show his face to anyone. He is always there if he thinks his help is needed. His famyly was murdered by burnig. He him self maded it. So he is ''ghost'' sniper and pyroman. He has got lot of difred bullets for ghosts, trolss, humans, animals, undeads, ufos and aliens, shortly everything what is moving. On his free time he spents his time by shooting stuff from his neighbours fence. He is from... Nobody knows where he is from, not even himself...


Power: can hit to target at least from 12 miles onto his/her pupil, no matter witch weapon.

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