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the moderators are the people in control of this place and they bring people here, Aphrodite works for them but isn't one, she can manipulate this place because she works for them and has some perks but Yami isn't a moderator in any shape or form.

nobody see's the mods at least not for now.

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here's the edited app:

Name: Zack Jack

Age: 17

Gender: M

[spoiler=Appearance] Zack is 6'5 feet tall, he wears a sweater with the picture of Stardust Dragon on his sleeves. The shirt underneath has a picture of Shooting Star Dragon, his pant legs have pictures of Majestic Star Dragon. His pants are camouflage and his sweater is dark blue. His hair is dark brown in the style of Jaden Yuki's.


Personality: Zack will do anything for a friend, even if it costs him his life. He can be happy most of the time, but competitive in a duel.

Equipment: View spoiler at end of page

Special Abilities: None

[spoiler=Bio] Zack is a very talented duelist. He won several tournaments since he was 12. He lost his parents in a house fire. He and his brother Jake, were the only two who survived. Zack got his deck from his father before the house burnt down. He swore vengeance on whoever killed his parents. He's been searching ever since.


Deck: Stardust archtype

Featured Cards: Stardust Dragon, Shooting Star Dragon, Majestic Star Dragon, Stardust Xiaolong, Starlight Road


[spoiler=Zack's Equipment] [spoiler=Duel Disk] [spoiler=Not Activated] 2z4juwh.jpg



This Duel Disk can act as a small but powerful shield. EX: When a psychic uses Himotama on Zack, deflected. Zack can also flip it and on the inside there are a few buttons, that allow him to control electronic appliances.

[spoiler=Duel Runner] okalvl.png


please note that I always accidentally make the card zones too small

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Name: Cireneg Trihsder

Age: Unknown, but looks to be in his mid-to-late-20s.

Gender: Male

Appearance: Not much to say here. He's Caucasian, with short-cut brown hair and brown eyes, plus a somewhat muscular build. He wears a black leather jacket, black jeans, a black motorcycle helmet, and a white T-Shirt underneath his jacket. Overall, he isn't that impressive: just a single white male.

Personality: Cireneg Trihsder (Pronounced SEAR-an-egg TRIS-dur) is what you would expect from a henchman. He's a cut above the rest, with some personality and intelligence, but a submissive nature. But he's not very impressive emotionally.

Equipment: Trihsder has a regular black Duel Disk and a standard black Duel Runner. Nothing fancy. He also has a few ordinary weapons.

Special Abilities: Other than the household matter transporter that he uses to travel between dimensions and his immortality, nothing really spectacular.

Bio: Cireneg, though everyone who knows him addresses him by his last name, is the henchman's henchman. Like Desna and Itsu, Trihsder did get here of his own power. Unlike them, however, he is mainly the ultimate migrant worker. His genericness lands him many jobs as the direct #2 to an evildoer, due to his relatively cheap pay of a dollar a day. Hell, he'll even work for free sometimes if he likes his employer! His only joy comes from doing his job properly, and is relatively emotionless otherwise.

Right now, he's working for Aphrodite, and his main case is eliminating Itsu Solace. They have crossed paths before, but Trihsder has noticed Itsu is a bit more...testy...this time around, like she's trying to prevent Trihsder from doing something...

Deck: Dark Counterpart Deck

Featured Cards: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Counterparts

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