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Yu-Gi-Oh! Outside

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Guest TheFinalFan

What? The Clown Eater thing?

How about your character(s) don't interact with Ace's character unless you want to, and his character will do the same.

That sound reasonable?

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Guest TheFinalFan

Name: Desna Adats

Age: Unknown, but appears to be 19

Gender: Male


Link: PKMN: Let the Flames Begin



Personality: A ruthless badass, Desna is a troubleshooter like Itsu, but he prefers more...drastic methods. Like Pandora, he is no nonsense, but he has virtually no sense of humor aside from one-liners. However, even though he is a former crime boss, Desna has some honor, and abides by the basic rules of war.

Equipment: Desna's main piece of equipment is his coat, which can connect to subspace. There, he has all sorts of stuff stored there, including sidearms, knives, assault rifles, katanas, submachineguns, chainsaws, chainguns, chainswords, chainsaw guns (they DO exist), cannons, robotic arms, and much, MUCH more.

Oh yeah. He has a Duel Disk in there as well. Almost forgot that.

Special Abilities: Subspace Access, +5 Katana Proficiency, +3 Chain Weapon Proficiency, So Badass He Has A License To Tilt His Gun To The Side Gangsta-Style, Wanted For 945,836,127 Counts of First-Degree Murder In 523,614 Dimensions, Second and Third-Degree Murder Counts Too Unknown. Too Numerous To Count.


Desna is AWESOME. Really. He is the living embodiment of badassery. Not kidding, here.

"Just shut up and get to my life story, FinalFan!"

Told you. He's so great he can break the fourth wall and enter his own application!

"Fine! If you won't shut up about me, I'll have to tell Trimage and company myself! And don't think I can't see you, sitting there in front of your dinky little computer! Itsu and Pandora can break the 4th wall, but they rarely do because they prefer to concentrate on more important things!"

And I thought I was the one getting off-topic...

"You, shut up or will put additional holes in your head!!!"


"Anyways, I used to be the boss of Team Rocket in another multiverse, the Pokemon multiverse, the universe next door to the Yu-Gi-Oh! multiverse. I tried to capture Dialga and Palkia during one of their little fights, but it resulted in several people from my world being transported to a Yu-Gi-Oh! universe, creating a link between my universe and this universe. Itsu showed up to fix the problem before our two multiverses collided and destroyed each other. After some initial disagreements, I lent her some Pokemon and we kicked Dark Signer ass!"

"But, in the process, I became addicted to Duel Monsters, and I decided to help Itsu out, becoming a interdimensional troubleshooter just like her."

"The two of us became frenemies, then rivals, then friendly rivals, and finally friends. But then she disappeared without a trace. I tried searching for her, but she had dropped off of the grid. Eventually, I discovered some sort of raiding party abducting people, and followed them to this f**ked-up City. Now I-"

I think that's enough, now.

"But I'm not done!"

Desna, we have to save some for the RP.

"F**k you!"



"Stop moving, you little b***h! I'm trying to f**king kill you!!!"



Deck: Satellite Deck

Featured Cards: Satellite Cannon, Satellite Railgun, Satellite Laser Array, Satellite Precision Laser Emitter, Satellite Plasma Buster, Launchpad Base, Satellite Laser Balsam, Satellite Heavy Weapons Platform Arcadia

PKMN: Let the Flames Begin

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Guest TheFinalFan


"Don't you send me away! I'll get my-"


*Looks around*

Desna's gone...for now...

Now, what's wrong with the app?

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