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Yu-Gi-Oh! Outside

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Name: William Zastan, Will for shot

Age: 16

Apperance: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_6tZbJMYB2Ek/ScRrjQF56jI/AAAAAAAAAEM/yS-Qu8dpdl8/s400/anime%2Bboy.jpg

Personality: William is a cheery person who mostly spends him time trying to find better ways to improve his deck. William has always had one big problem, he dosen't always know when to keep his mouth shut. He's extreamly soical and makes friends with mostly everyone he meets, but when he does find someone who he dosen't get along with it's not always prity.

Gear: William has a sleek white duel runner. He mostly wares a Gray hoodie, blue jeans, and some black golves.

Special Abilites: William's right eye turns bright blue and this allows him to see into other peoples mind and know their every thought.

Bio: William grew up working for his cards, but he found his first in a dumpster. It was Altear, Majestic Dragon of the Sky. But it was a union monster so William spent the last few yeas of his life searching for the other parts. But when he finaly finished his deck and duled with it something wrong happened. His eye turned bright blue and stayed that way only theres more. All he needs to do is make eye contact and he can read all their thoughs in a single second.

Deck: Sky Deck

Featured Cards: Luminas Sky Soldure, Skybound Alter, Mataka, Spirit of the Wind.

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*All YCM rules apply' date=' advanced clause as well

*You got it, no godmodding power-playing etc

*You can have as many apps as you want, just be sure to use 'em all

*Post at LEAST paragraph! I will not have this RP locked!

*Post System:

1 shortpost: You have a chance to make it longer

2 shortposts: A warning, I'm nice so 1/2

3 shortposts: A warning, 2/2

4+ shortposts: a neg rep

6 shortposts: that's the last straw, BANNED!

(for newbies: shortposting is 3 lines and under, a good post is 4 lines or more)

*You can have 1 god card but explain how you got it, no fan ones except Earthbound Immortals.

You can be good and have Dark Synchros

*To prove that you read this, change the color of one word in your app


[/quote']I have dibs on Slifer!!!!

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