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Mcdonald's now has yugioh cards!!!

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Pft, I rarely even go to McDonalds, because 1) I don't have a car. 2) My parents aren't junkies. 3) I'm not a fatass like my opposite from school, (who happens to share my first name), Berman.


The 1st set was crap, of course I was hyped about it, but I never got to go to eat and get not even 1 card, (Yes, I wasn't even smart then to know those cards were total crap), and when the 2nd set came out, I wanted WHD so badly, I'd trade my Shinato for it. (I got that in a DC box for Christmas, and is by far one of my most valuable card possessions [Yes, I was also not smart then to beg for Mudballman and Electrum]), but guess what, I never went to McDonalds to get those cards then either! (I was going to say last year, but I just realized 2006 was 2 years ago. :lol:)

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