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Tommers2008's Created Card Game.!!!

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This is my CCG project, yes i no your probably thinking not another one, but the difference here, is im not looking for card creators (at this time) im looking for duelists to participate in tournaments for prizes which will involve Reps, Points, options to enter cards to the CCG and others, i also need members who can help with running of this all members can help balance the game, decide the ban list (within reason) and do other things of course its your choice if you don't want to help you don't have to, at the moment this CCG has a card pool of 223 cards (2 sets and a special edition pack) and will see at least 1 new Set released a month, this ccg is like an alternative to the actual TCG, it uses no cards from the TCG or OCG, Please join up and start dueling and help this become a great game.


This is a basically a simple club where you can check how sets are coming along,check current existing sets,find out latest news on upcoming tournaments and set releases and talk about strategy's and many other things its a basic club for anything ccg related.


[spoiler= Rules]

1. All normal forum rules apply no spamming/flaming/abuse e.t.c.

2. Follow all the rules.(Yes it does count as a rule)

3. Do not post cards,pictures e.t.c unless it says otherwise.

4. Please only use this club for talk about our ccg not tcg,ocg. This club is for the ccg game alone.

5. Please do not post asking when is the next set coming out or next tournament on. I will post it up here as soon as i no if its not posted i dont no.

6. Be nice to other members of the club.

7. (rule applies for tournaments) Tell the truth if you lose accept it post result here. You can use a screen shot if you want or you can post a duel log, but please put them in a spoiler.

8. Don't make pointless statements like "that card should be banned" then leave no reason explain yourself, to improve the game you need to state the problem.




[spoiler= Tournaments]

[spoiler=Upcoming Tournaments]The Opening Tourney.. Who can reign supreme in our 1st tournament.


[spoiler=Tournament History]None so far.





[spoiler= Set Information]

SET 1 - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-192120.html

SET2 - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-204353.html

Special Edition Pack 1 - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-204514.html



[spoiler= Ban List]




[spoiler=Links Section]

Yvd download - http://xerocreative.com/downloads/YVD_9_1.msi


Set Code - http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-210464.html




[spoiler=Adding codes to YVD]When you have downloaded YVD, go to start menu, and open my computer go o local disk, and click program files, find xero creative (YVD), find the YVD set file, open it with word or notepad, delete all the text and replace it with the Set Code file located through Links section. Save the file as it is. Ask here if you have any problems.


[spoiler=YVD use]1st you must create a deck, make sure to follow ban list, after this go to duel, find connect and enter a username post it here for future reference, the basics can all be controlled by ctrl + a letter draw = d, shuffle = s, roll = r, to add lifepoints type /add whatever amount in chatbox, and to subtract just /sub whatever amount again in the chatbox, right click cards in your hand they basically tell you what you can do then, if any more questions type them here.



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