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Avatar:May Life Go On[In Character/Started/Accepting in the Out of Character/A sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender]


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Avatar: May Life Go On. ((A sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender))



Fire Lord Ozai or as he is known now, Ozai of the Black Fire, was defeated by Peacemaker Avatar Aang and Ozai's Firebending skills were forever gone. He was imprisoned for life. Peace reigned for years. Avatar Aang found the hiding Airbenders in the forests of the Southern Earth Kingdom and they flourished. After Peacemaker Aang’s death of old age, life continued, the next Avatar in line took his place. After the role of 5 Avatar’s, Avatar Kishu ((Pronounced Kee-Shu)) of the Earth died.


[spoiler=Plot] Now that Kishu the Strong has died the next Avatar of the Flame is soon to found, the search is on for the next Avatar is on in the Fire Nation, but you, you are somewhere in the world, doing whatever it is that you do. This is life, in the world of the Avatar.


[spoiler=Rules] I wish I didn’t have to actually do this . . .

1.)No godmodding or powerplaying.

2.)You must post at least four (4) lines in every one of your posts.

3.)All YCM rules apply here too.

4.)Please try to be active. Too many RPs have failed/died horribly because of inactive members.

5.)Delete everything in brackets in the Application, if not you will be denied

6.)What I say is final. If think that I have done something unreasonable please PM instead of bringing It up in the RP.

7.)If you have read this than please PM me the following message: “Ozai of the Black Fire” and with the following subject: “Aang the Peacemaker”

8.)Don’t make all of the characters one type of bending, if five people have Airbending and one has Firebending it kills the RP.




Name: [What is your character’s name? This also includes any nicknames he/she may have.]

Age: [How many years have they been alive?]

Gender: [Male or Female? Simple.]

Appearance: [A picture, tektek avatar, or descriptions are all accepted. If you do, do a description then please be descriptive. Not, “Green eyes, long black hair.” that will not work. If picture, please put it in a spoiler. If you have a tektek avatar, just posting it is fine.]

Bender? : [is your character a bender? If so which of the four element do they have the power over?]





[spoiler=Accepted Applications]

[spoiler=Nígh₮ ฬαŁkεЯ™/Azura "Night Fire" Daze]

Name: Azura "Night Fire" Daze

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Rough skin, with a just right tan. He has jet black hair, put into a pony tail, to show his allegiance toward the fire nation. His eyes, a dark shade of purple that can be easily mistaken as pitch black. He has a good build, although not that of a body builder, but just right. He has one scar under his right eye, that looks like an upside down triangle. He doesn't speak of how he got it.

Bender? : Fire.

Occupation: Fire Nation Admiral

Biography: Ever since he was little he was treated highly. He was what you would call a "gifted bender" He excelled in any thing he tried, whether that be in bending or sword mastery. Although born a fire bender, he highly dislikes it. He loves war, as well as fighting, and showing off his abilities. At times he could be ruthless and arrogant, but he has a soft side. He is also very different, he is often called the "Purple bender" or the "bender of night fire" Because of the bending he emits is purple rather than red. A bit odd. But he never cared to much, as a child he was focused on becoming the best fire bender in the nation, he went as far as to challenge his father to a duel. His father a high ranked bender at the time thought his son had gone mad, and decided it was best for the nation if he was killed. Azura found out of his plan, and took out his entire family for abandoning him. The Fire Lord however saw use in his abilities and trained him as his pupil.


[spoiler=Arcanist545/Ralourn Kerras]

Name: Ralourn Kerras

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Ralourn has somewhat pale, soft skin, and is bald. He is 6'2'' tall, and relatively thin. His eyes are a very light blue, almost white. He generally has a faraway kind of look about him.

Bender? : Yes, Water

Occupation: Questant

Biography: Even at the age of three, Ralourn seemed to have an affinity for water- he was an amazing swimmer for his age, and sometimes he just watched the flow af rivers or streams for hours. When he came of age to be trained in the Bending arts, Ralourn could have surpassed much of his class if he tried. But he did not try. He was too fascinated by water itself to master the nuances of Waterbending. Eventually, his teacher gave up on him. In time, Ralourn wanted to learn to be a better Bender, and sought out his old teacher. But it was too late. He was rejected as a lost cause. Ralourn then resolved to become his own master, and teach himself Waterbending out in the world. He currently travels, and sometimes steals for a living.


[spoiler=Yae/Kayla White]

Name: Kayla White

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: 2f7d225.png

Bender? : Waterbender.

Occupation: Layabout

Biography:Kayla grew up in the north water tribe, but was quick to depart as soon as she felt herself old enough, She left behind an abusive home that asked too much of her for the gentle life of a layabout living on a small island technically in Earth nation territory. She doesn't do much besides gardening and fishing using her water bending. She often takes runs into the earth nation and once in a while she'll go on a long trip when life at home gets boring.


[spoiler=insonic/Jake Hayes]

Name: Jake Hayes

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Bender? : Yes, Fire.

Occupation: One of the Seven Dragons, guard.

[spoiler=Biography:] [align=justify]Jake was born and raised on the southern part of the Earth Kingdom, in the mountains close to Omashu. The tribe he lived in, Darg'ah, was still primitive compared to their brothers who lived in the Fire Nation. They couldn't be compared, the habitants of the Fire Nation were superior in everything, apart from one thing. Even though it isn't mentioned much in the history, the Darg'ah had a natural affinity for fire bending. Unlike their counterparts across the sea, were one out of thirty benders might have great potential and talent with fire. There was no exceptions in the Darg'ah, from the moment they are born 'till they die, they are in direct or indirect contact with fire, making there talent with fire increase by much. This was because no one, since the beginning of the tribe, joined it and no one left. Except for the Seven chosen ones, who are of then unable to breed within the clan.


Jake like his brothers, his father and the father of his father, had mastered the fire skill at the age of 3. However, for the first time in the Hayes family, someone was chosen to be One of the Seven Dragons, he also gained an unique name from the council: Eternal Fire. The task given with this name was to protect the tribe.

Like the name says, there are only seven people who are assigned with the task. Even though the Darg'ah aren't the biggest tribe around, they consist of more than 1000 people, so it's quite an honor to be chosen.

On a beautiful spring night, a raid was commenced upon the Darg'ah tribe, Jake had to protect the village alone for he was the only one of the Seven Dragons left. During the assault he had killed 98 foes and was granted the Illuminated-Dragon for his accomplishments. Which was a staff with unknown, untapped powers and one of the last remaining Darg'ah artifacts. [/align]



[spoiler=ArtemisFowl/Jecht Kyne]

Name: Jecht Kyne

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Bender? : Yes, Air

Occupation: Weaponsmith

Biography: Jecht was born in the Northern Air Temple. After ruins being destroyed and statues demolished by settlers in the time of Aang, the Airbenders rebuilt new statues and cleaned out the machines that polluted the air. Jecht grew up with the other Airbenders but he felt he was trapped inside the temple. He wanted to explore the world, and see what else was out there. So he escaped to the Earth Kingdom at the age of 15. He settled in a small village, in the northern region of the Earth Kingdom. That's were he found a blacksmith working. He was an old man, soon to be retiring. Jecht "spied" on him and learned about the way of making weapons. When the old man finally did retire Jecht bought the shop happily and became a weaponsmith. He loved to do so and made several differnt weapons. He now carries a sabre, his staff, and travels with a sparrowkeet, called Yin.



[spoiler=Sonic_Zach™/Jay Yang]

Name: Jay Yang. Name of Komodo Rhino, Falcon.

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: ddab818.png

Bender? : Indeed, Fire

Occupation: Apprentice Firebender

Biography: Jay was raised in a loving home. He loved the Fire Nation, he loved his friends and family, he basically loved life. On his fifteenth birthday, his parents decided he should go out and see the world, so they used the money the saved to buy him a Komodo Rhino. He was given a sack of the remaining money, and a hug. From then on, he's been roaming the world with his new best friend, Falcon.


[spoiler=Saint Dane/Dane "Saint Dane" Finera]

Name: Dane Finera. Nicknamed Saint Dane.

Age: 21

Gender: Male






Bender? : Earth bender.

Occupation: Currently unemployed, and he is thinking about traveling.



Dane had been born is Ba Sing Se and spent most of his life there. Around his nineteenth birthday, he was getting tired of being stuck inside the city walls, so he moved to the most illogical places, the Serpent's Pass. He makes his living by growing his own crops and selling a few, but he mostly eats them. He isn't much for extended period of contact, but he can handle it for the most part. He spent the last two years in the past with minimal problems, and was able to take the time to get near the highest level of Earth bending. He is unable to do many things a true master of the art can do, but he feels as if he could hold his own long enough in a real fight. When he wasn't growing his crops for the next week of two, he was practicing his Earth Bending.



[spoiler=Donovyn Mikara Gerra/Zukon the White]

Name: Zukon the White

Age: 18

Gender: Male



((Does not look exactly like Zuko of course.))


Bender? : Firebender

Occupation: Tea Shop Owner

Biography: He was named for Fire Lord Zuko. His father began teaching him bending at the age of eight. Due to his fire burning so hot that it's white, he gained the name "Zukon the White." That, and the fact that he has a natural Graveyard Tan. Desipte being a talented Firebender and his fire burning even hotter than Azula, he never dreamed of greatness. In fact, when his father suggested he join the Fire Nation army, he gently let him down, and opted to open a small tea shop, "The Jade Dragon."


[spoiler=Atman/Ursula Leiden]

Name: Ursula Leiden

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Bender?: Yessir! Air

Occupation: Monk in training

Biography: Ursula was raised in the rebuilt Easter Air Temple. When she grew to about 14, however, the nuns were thinking of training her as one of their own. She, on the other hand, wanted to be a monk, and she expressed this specifically. Most of the nuns did not like this idea. However, with the help of her father, Monk Yang (who was visiting because he works and lives in the Northern Air Temple), she was able to leave with him and train. Now, at 17, she's still training.



[spoiler=LuffLaxer/Tiberius Maximov]

Name: Tiberius Maximov (A.K.A. The Blue Wolf)

Age: 17

Gender: Male




This But Black with blue hair



Bender: Yes Earthbender

Occupation: Earth Kingdom relations. Helps make treaties and strengthens the bonds between the nations.

Biography: Tiberius is the son of two farmers. When he was 5, Tiberius' family was attacked by a random raiding party. Tiberius was the only one to survive. Tiberius ran into the woods, where he lived for 5 years living off of the land. When he turned 10, The earth king was traveling through the forest and happened to see him. The earth king decided to take him in. Tiberius already knew how to earthbend, but only the basics. The Earth King had personal trainers teach Tiberius earthbending. The earth King decided to have Tiberius become an Inter-Nation relations at the age of 16, due to his faster learning and great speaking skills.. Now Tiberius is happy with his new home. He only hopes now that he can find a girl of his dreams.



A Link to Out of Character thread *Apply for this RP In the OoC*

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Jecht walked through the aisles of his shop, he sells most of the weapons he makes but keeps atleast one of each for himself. He had swords, staffs, spears, and many other varities of weapons. Jecht had almost every kind of weapon made in the Earth Kingdom. He was checking each one for mantinence, making sure each was sharp, none were damaged, nothing stolen. He heard that some of the other merchants had their merchendise stolen lately. He hadn't been seeling much in the last week or two, and he was running realitivly low on money. Jecht threw he keys to the person working the counter, he was a young man who worked for Jecht, his name was Chee. "I'm going to the market, I might or might not be back." He said and left the shop to head to the market.

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Dane walked out of his small house onto the cliff side. Nothing had happened, but he was tired of being cooped up inside his home. So little to do. I have my food for the next week or two. Nobody to bend against. Maybe leaving Ba Sing Se wasn't the best choice. He walked over to the edge of the cliff and looked down toward the sea. The waves were calm, and the Serpent was nowhere to be seen.


"It's all just too calm for me. I think it's time to see about traveling."


Dane walked back into the house, and looked around the small living room. He had a few books about Ba Sing Se on a shelf near the door, and a few of them had fallen onto the ground. He picked them back up, and set them down on the shelf while making his way to his bedroom.

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Jay breathed steadily in the middle of the forest. In and out, in and out. That's what he was thinking as he made his inner fire spark through his veins. Suddenly he got up and punched the air. Flames through through his soul and shot out his fist. Falcon almost looked exclaimed. Yet he wasn't thoroughly impressed. Jay sighed. "What...you think you can do better." The Komodo Rhino snorted and layed on his other side. "That's what i thought." Jay said with a smirk.

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Zukon walked through his tea shop, handing cups of tea to the customers. When the tray he was carrying the cups on was empty, he walked to the counter and looked around. Everything was so simple. Nothing magnificent about the place: plain wooden tables, a few landscape paintings on the wall, a plain green rug running from the door to the counter. He gave a small smile and walked into the back to begin brewing more Jasmine Tea.

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Tiberius sits in the royal library of the Earth king. Tiberius is reading through book after book of Earth Kingdom's history, which to him is very fascinating. Tiberius, after about in hour, leaves the library and ventures to the Earth Kingdom garden. After stopping at the garden, he goes towards the training ground to practice his earthbending. I need to master my new form by tomorrow. Tiberius thought as he began stretching. My new assignment will take me towards Omashu in 3 days. The Earth Kings Advisors told me that there are highway robber out there, so I must be ready.


Tiberius ends his stretching and begins his earthbending warm-ups. He starts by lifting a boulder up down for 20 minutes.

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Jecht looked around at the markets and strolled over to a food marchant. "Two fish, and some chicken pig meat, please." Jecht paid for the food and nodded to the merchant. "Thanks." He said taking the meat. Jecht pulled the the staff off his back, which was strapped there. Using his airbending the wings to his glider extended. Jecht jumped and took off, holding one of the wings with one hand, carrying the bag of meat in the other, and his feet were wrapped around the bottom, just avoiding the smaller, lower wings.

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...father......father......WAKE UP!!!


"Ahh!" Yang screamed. His daughter Ursula has infront of him holding a frying pan.


"Oh, your so lucky I didn't have to use this again." Ursula said, putting the frying pan away.


"We're vegetarians, where did you get a frying pan?"


"I borrowed it from the people next door. Now, get up. Vacation's over."


Yang wasn't surprised at his daughter. She hated any moment she wasnt training. But her father was visiting a friend in Ba Sing Se, and he forced her to come along.




Yang and Ursula finished packing their things and was about to go put them of their Skybison, Oathu. "Before we go," Yang said, "why don't we go see the Crystal Catacombs?"


"Nah," Ursula said, "You go check them out. I'll finish packing."


Yang left his daughter to finish. Ursula, when her father was far enough away, pulls out her Glider Staff and flies to the forest outside of Ba Sing Se, where she can do more training. She started to airbend, and shot a ball of air into the forest. She then noticed that the ball had knocked a kid to the floor. "Oh my!"


She ran over to the boy and lifted him up. Are you okay?



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Jay rubbed his head. It felt like he had been knocked down pretty hard. He also felt cooled at the same time. Falcon was startled as the trees rustled a couple of seconds ago. Jay looked at the girl who had lifted him and apologized. "Yeah...I'm fine..." He could tell the girl was an Airbender of course. Flyer staff, airbending capabilities, the works. After a couple of moments, Jay asked, "What's your name, and what are you doing out here?"

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"My name's Ursula. Nice to meet you. I was training when, well, I hit you. Sorry." Ursula relaxed a little, knowing the boy is alright. "So, are you a bender?"




Yang, with the help of his friend, managed to get into the Crystal Catacombs. He was amazed at the sight of glowing green crystals. They were beautiful.


"Did you know," his friend said, "Avatar Aang fought with Azula in here."


"Really?" Yang said, amazed still.


"Yes, look over there." His friend pointed to a spot where the terrain seemed to be damaged.



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Jay smiled. "Yeah, the name's Jay Yang. I'm...a firebender." he said with slight embarrasment. "And it's fine that you hit me. I should've been more quick." he said laughing. Falcon sighed and stood up. He decided to go eat some earth lillies near Jay and Ursula. "That's my Komodo Rhino Falcon. I got him as a gift. Now he's a good friend." In his mind, he said *It's a good thing she hit me when she did...i was about to shoot a single bolt of lightning in her direction.* His firebending had improved greatly since his journeys.

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"Oh, well it's nice to meet you, Falcon." she said, bowing jokingly. "So...you are a bender....why dont yo-- OH F*** I FORGOT ABOUT OATHU!!!" she screamed, and ran for her Glider Staff. "Sorry, I gotta go make sure my Skybison's okay. I'll see you later maybe. Bye!" Ursula was about to jump into the air and fly away, but when she is hurried, she can't focus. Instead of flying, she fell head first.




Yang had already left his friend and was heading for Oathu and Ursula. But on the way, he got thirsty, and was in the mood for tea. He stopped by a tea shop for a quick drink. "Jasmine tea, please," he said to the owner.

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Jay smacked his head and picked up Ursula. "You gotta be more careful." he said with a smile. Falcon snorted. Skybisons, in his opinion, paled in comparison to Komodo Rhinos. "I hope we meet again." Jay said clearing his throat. "I think we'd make really good...friends." he said again with slight embarrasment. Falcon got done eating his earth lillies and rolled over on his back. Jay laughed at Falcon.

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"Coming right up!" Zukon said, having just finished brewing a pot of the requested Tea. He grabbed a cup and poured it. He wasn't in any rush to get the tea to the customers. It wasn't that he didn't care, but he believed that the best tea is prepared under calm conditions. Getting into a rush produced inferior tea. He walked casually over to the new customer with the cup of tea. "Here you go," he said in a friendly voice. "You know, I know most of the people in this shop. Well, I can recognize them anyway. I take it this is your first time here?"

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Ursula looked at the duo. She really wanted to hang out with him. But...


"Sorry, I've gotta go. I'll be back later. Okay?" With that, Ursula took to the skies. She headed towards the inner ring of Ba Sing Se. Though she really didnt remember where she was staying, she did see Oathu outside the building. She landed infront of the Skybison. "Oathu! Is father home yet?" Oathu made a grunt which Ursula knew meant no. "Whew, good. Lemme just finish loading up."




Yang took a sip of the delicious Jasmine tea. "In Ba Sing Se? No. In this shop? In my dreams I've been here. This tea is amazing." Yang drank more of the tea, but not too much because it was hot. "Mmm. Can you give me a pot for the road?"

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Tiberius finishes his boulder warm-ups and begins his technique training. He uses the wolf-style Technique that one of the earth king's masters taught him. The style was very unique to many earthbenders, though as powerful as any earthbending technique. Tiberius began his movements, looking rather graceful while doing so. He was moving around the courtyard at a decent pace. After about a hour of practice, Tiberius went into the bath to get clean. I think I'll head into the city. Maybe get some tea. Tiberius thought as he dawned the wear of a government official.

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"Well, I'm sorry, but, all of the pots in this shop belong to the shop. However, if you have your own pot, I could brew up some Jasmine Tea for you. It will take a while, though." He said, hearing a call for Leeche. He walked to the back of the shop and brought the customer a cup of the requested tea. He walked to Yang. "If you think this tea is good, you should try the tea they serve at the Jasmine Dragon. I heard they have a secret recipe invented by the Dragon of the West."

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The horse silently galloped into the open gate of Ba Sing Sai[?] and his owner was just as calm as ever. He was always calm when he rode his horse around, in fact, he's calm pretty much all of the time. In battle, in his down time, in meetings about possible bounties, and everywhere else. The horse came to an abrupt stop and was latched onto a pole meant for tying up animals outside of the main Inn held within the Upper Ring. The sun was almost setting into the purple and yellow sky, how he hated the site and the memories and brought on. And yet, he loved to see it everyday and though he doesn't admit it, not seeing it every once and awhile would probably more painful then setting his gaze on it every night.


The main makes his way to the counter and looks the Inn Keeper in the eyes and then looks at a list on the counter, seeing if any rooms were available. The Inn Keeper was a little scared of this new fellow, not being able to make out is face because of the mask he was wearing. "I would like a room on the bottom floor, and theres only one left. So, I will take it off of your hands..." The Inn Keeper didn't answer right away, for he was to fixed on the man's mask. The man looked up and the Inn Keeper smiled as to not set him off. "Uh, yeah. Sure, it's four gold pieces..." The man was obviously not focused at the moment for he dropped the key, twice, before finally giving it to this dark looking man. The man retired into his room and made his way to the bed to drift into a calming slumber...

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Guest TheFinalFan

Kaitan realized that the best thing about being a Waterbending bartender was that you no longer needed to pour from bottles.

To make a fancy drink for someone, you could extract the drinks and mix them together in a stylish fashion, putting on a show for the customer and getting a much more blended drink. Plus, if you had an automated steam-powered glass-serving device, you just had to pour the blended drink into the waiting glass, add something into the glass, like ice or a little paper umbrella, then serve.

Which is what made her bar, The Lost Penguin-Seal, the most popular bar on Ember Island.

"One Azula, please."

Fire Lord Sake was an incredibly popular brand of sake throughout not only the Fire Nation, but also the world. Legend goes that Sozin's grandfather, Fire Lord Kanzo, was an avid consumer of spirits (not the supernatural kind), so he commissioned the finest liquor producers around the world to make a high-quality sake for him. The winner became Fire Lord Sake, and it became even better because it could be easily mixed into mixes.

All of the Fire Lords before and after Kanzo gained a mix named in their honor with Fire Lord Sake as the main ingredient. The Azula was so dubbed due to its very sour taste and quite bitter aftertaste, plus the fact that it has a blue color to it. But at least the Azula, regardless of the infamy of its namesake, wasn't anywhere as dangerous as a Zuko, which had to be downed quickly or you wouldn't be able to taste for a week.

And don't even get started on the Ozai and its two variants, the Pheonix King and the Loser Lord.

Kaitan grudgingly blended the Azula together, using a few of Azula's own moves as she did so, before she presented the drink to someone who, in our universe, would be considered nerdy.

"So, would you like to join the team?"


"You'll get paid much more than you do here."

"I said no."

"You could open an entire chain of bars with what I'm offering you."

Kaitan turned around to the geeky young man.

"Look, Jinzhou, you come in here every afternoon, order an Azula, and ask me to be a pilot in your stupid team to go to the Moon, of all things!"

"We need a Waterbender who isn't attached to a tribe or finds our mission offensive."

"I DO find it offensive! You're talking about tramping around on Tui! She's one of the sources of our Waterbending powers, and you want to walk on that power source!"

"Your psych profile from the Immigration Ministry says you aren't an active practitioner of your Tribe's rituals."

Kaitan stopped at that. He hadn't pulled that card before.

"What are you getting at? Just because I wasn't very active in the Southern Water Tribe doesn't mean I'm still not mad at you!"

"Does your inactivity relate to your condition?"

Kaitan suddenly dropped the tray she was carrying, causing several dirty shot glasses to drop the the floor. She then whipped around and sent a gush of water from the dishwashing sink at Jinzhou, who countered with a protective jet of fire.

Jinzhou then ran out of the bar, with Kaitan in hot pursuit.

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Ursula finally finished packing their belongings onto Oathu. But she was wondering where her father was. It was already getting late. They might have to stay at the inn one more night. "Ugh! Where is he?" Her impatience grew, and she ended up having to go find him.




"The Jasmine Dragon? I'll have to go check that out sometime. But not today. I have to go help my daughter finish packing."


Suddenly, Yang felt himself be sucked out of the shop. Ursula had found him, and she was not happy.


"Ursula? What are you--"


"Just go sign us back into the inn before I become a firebender."


Yang and Ursula reached the inn; Oathu was asleep atop the building. The sky had already grown dark. When they went inside, they saw a man in a mask enter their room. Yang went to the counter and talked to the inn owner. "Are there any rooms left?!"


The man looked at the guestbook which he was about to put away. "There's one left. Second floor, all the way to the left. Four gold coins please."


Yang took out three gold coins, then looked to Ursula. She just happened to have one coin left. Yang traded the coins for the key. Then they went to their room. Ursula didnt tell her father how upset she was.

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Whilst in his room, sitting at a table with all of his documents and "special papers", Krieg began flipping through the list of people he was asked to kill. I have been thinking of taking this one off of the list for awhile now... Krieg thought as he lay a picture of a person, an older male adult, dressed in air temple monks clothing of his own variation. Krieg reached to turn down the oil lantern so there'd be no light to to disturb his sleep. "We shall see what the morrow brings..." As the light of the oil lantern dimmed rapidly a name at the bottom of the picture could faintly be seen. "Yang Leiden..." The oil lantern was now completely out...

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Many hours later...


It was finally morning. Ursula was, per usual, about to hit her father with a frying pan to wake him up, but fortunately for him, she was interrupted by the sounds of Oathu.


"Jeez, if Oathu keeps making noise, he's gunna wake up the whole inn." Ursula said as she went to go see what was the matter.


Yang woke up, packed the last of his things, and went to go help Ursula. "Whats wrong?"


"Nothing," she said, "he's just tired from sleeping with our luggage on him. And he wouldn't have to if someone came home on time."


"Okay. I can take a hint. Lets get some breakfast before we go."




Yang and Ursuka began to walk to Zukon's tea shop. "Oh wait," he said, "I forgot to check us out."


"Go, hurry. I'll wait here." Ursula said.


Yang ran back to the inn, using the air to propel himself further. When he got there, people were lining up to check out. Yang made the line...

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Having already checked out, Krieg was sitting in the corner of the Inn, waiting for his target to exit so he could pursue. I think I have a better idea...[/b] He thought, getting up and walking over to the counter. He then proceeded to put a gold piece on the counter of the Inn, seeming to be for the man who was at the front of the line. "This in hits you with a check out fee. It's because rooms actually cost five gold pieces to keep up, and because the owner loves his money." The man said to the first man in line, paying his checkout fee for him.

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Yang saw the kindness the man did to the other checking out. But then he realized he needed one more coin. He quickly went out to go get Ursula and see if she had another coin.






Ursula waited patiently where Yang left her. She heard that there was a line at the inn, so she spent her time messing with her airbending. Messing with peoples hair and moving a coin on the floor so people would chase it. She was actually entertained, until someone realized what she was doing. She quickly pulled the coin to herself, and silently escaped. She decided to walk back to the inn and wait with her father.

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The man, stepping aside from the counter to let other transactions take place, waited for the older man who had just left to return with his gold piece. The Inn keeper was displeased with waiting for the last gold piece but he'd get over, seeing as Krieg didn't care about his feeling or thoughts. I'll judge him as a person first, to see if he should be killed or not... The man thought, still waiting in the corner but staying in the view of the Inn keeper to not stir anything up.

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