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~Evergreen~ vs. 174302956. Start Voting!


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Rules: First to 3 votes wins. Winner gets 3 reps and 50 points. Voters must have a good reason to vote.


[spoiler=My cards]

Pic credit to HP Doom.


Once per turn you may pay 300 life points and tribute this card to Special Summon one "Zirak Soldier" from you hand or deck to your side of the field. Once per turn during your Standby Phase you can switch this card with the top card in your deck, the deck is then shuffled.


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Zirak Grunt". Once per turn you may pay 500 life points and tribute this card to Special Summon one "Zirak Warrior" from your hand or deck to your side of the field. For every "Zirak" monster in your hand and graveyard this card gains 1 level. Once per turn you may reduce this cards level to 5 and gain life points equal to the amount of levels reduced x 1000.


This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Zirak Soldier". Once per turn you can pay 1000 life points and tribute this card to Special Summon one "Zirak General" from your hand or deck to your side of the field. Once per turn you may activate one the following effects: *Randomly select 5 cards from your deck and graveyard and switch them, the deck is then shuffled. *You may pay 800 life points to destroy one monster on your opponents side of the field with equal or less ATK then this card. *You may pay up to 800 life points to have this card gain ATK equal to the amount of life points you payed. * You may send this card to the graveyard to gain life points equal to this card's original ATK or DEF (you chose).


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Zirak Warrior". Once per turn you can tribute this card and pay 1500 life points to Special Summon one "Zirak Warlord" from your hand or deck to your side of the field. Every turn you lose 100 life points, if not destroy this card. Once per turn you can activate one of the following effects: *Randomly select one monster in your graveyard and remove it from play, this card than gains ATK equal to the monsters level x 100. *You can tribute one "Machine" monster on your side of the field to have this card gain ATK equal to the tributed cards original ATK or DEF (whichever is lower). *For every trap card in your hand this card gains 400 DEF.


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Zirak General". Every turn you lose 100 Life Points or destroy this card. Once per turn you can activate one of the following effects: *Pay 3000 Life Points to Special Summon all monsters in your hand and graveyard to the field. *Pay 1000 Life Points to move one monster on your side of the field to the Spell and Trap card zone, the moved monster can still attack. *Tribute one monster on your side of the field to have this card gain ATK equal to how many monsters the tributed monster has destroyed x 500. *Pay 2000 Life Points to search your deck for one "Zirak War God" and special Summon it to your side of the field.



[spoiler=My opponents cards]


"Tomb Mecha"+ 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

At the end of the turn this card is Syncro Summoned, this card is sent back to the Extra Deck. This card's ATK is equal to the number Spirit monsters in the graveyard x250. If this card battles a monster that is one of the following Attributes, apply the following effect:

EARTH: Destroy it after Damage calculation if it is in defence position.

DARK: Draw a card after Damage calculation. If it is a Spirit monster, send it to your Graveyard at the end of your turn.

LIGHT: This card gains 550 ATK in the Damage step only.

If this card uses any of these effects, remov it from play, until it can be Syncro Summoned again.



This card can only be Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Set. At the end of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Set, it goes back to your hand. This card also counts as a Tuner when Syncro Summoning "Sacophocus Mecha". This card's ATK is equal to the number of Spell and Trap cards on the feild x 100. If this card battles an EARTH attribute monster, the opposing monster loses 1500 DEF. If its DEF is reduced to 0, it is destroyed.



This card can only be Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Set. At the end of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Set, it goes back to your hand. This card also counts as a Union monster. At the begining of your turn, you may either equip it to a monster with "Mecha" in its name, OR uniquip it and Normal summon it in Attack position. The equiped card gains the following effect:

-No trap cards have any effect on this card. In Main Phase 2, select one of your Opponent's face down cards. If it is a Trap card, destroy it. If it is a Spell card, replace it. It is not activated.

(No more than 1 Union monster may be equiped to any card at a time. If the equiped card is destroyed, destroy this card instead.)



If you pay 150 Life Points, you can activate this card from your deck or graveyard. While this card is on the feild, no Spirit monsters are sent back to your hand at the end of the turn they are summoned.



This card can only be equiped to a monster that has "Mecha" in its name. That card gains 1550 DEF against all attacks from WIND, LIGHT, FIRE and WATER monsters. At the end of the turn this card was used, the equiped monser loses 1000 of its origonal DEF. If it reaches 0, that card is destroyed.



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Guest Dementuo



Nice cards great for an arch-type. They support each other, and could work greatly with other cards.

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