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The Contest of 25 TRIALS:(ROUND 3: Cards from the Past)


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[spoiler= Reason]

To test the card making skills of all sorts of categories (25 to be exact), ending with building a full deck.




1) The trials will have different judging categories.

2) No copying. Whoever posted first has ownership of it.

3) If one category for judging is left out like picture quality, you could still try to get a good picture.

4) Over/Underpoweredness will be in all categories. It will be rated 1-5

5) Similar effects are just the same as same pictures. Finders Keepers!

6) No throwing the competition for others. If this is caught being done, you will be DQ'd (heehee DQ'd... cause you know Dairy Queen... It's funny...)



Entry-10 points


User Amount-Points-Reps








9 or higher-90-25 or higher




1) Vediavis

2) YamiGriffin

3) caner5000

4) Falconclaw

5) .:~D-4~:.

6) PARANOiA_brother_Sparky




[spoiler=Round 1: Cutest Tuner]

This round is about making the cutest tuner with a cool effect. All of them must be level 4 or lower. You only need to make 1.


1) Cuteness 1-10

2) Realism 1-10

3) Creativity 1-10

4) Name 1-5





[spoiler=Round 2: A New Type of type]

I would like everyone to make a new Archtype/Type. At least 4 monsters, 2 Spell cards, and 1 Trap. The Archtypes must either support each other, or have effects that are similar. Please put them in a spoiler.


1) Pictures 1-5

2) Effects 1-5

3) Theme 1-5

4) Balanceness 1-10





[spoiler= Round 3: Cards from the Past]

Here I want you to use historical figures, people, buildings, and so on. Not like real images like a portrait of George Washington or anything. At least 3 monsters and 1 Spell or Trap.

[spoiler= Judging]

1) Pictures 1-10

2) Effects 1-5

3) Accuracy 1-5

4) The Figure 1-10








Every rounds winner will get a special hint on what kind of cards I like to see.


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I'll join.



lore: 1 Tuner +1 non Tuner Spellcaster-Type monster.

If a LIGHT monster was used to Synchro Summon this card, this card gains 300 ATK. When this card attacks, the attacked target is not destroyed(Battle Damge is applied normally). The attack target cannot change its Battle Position, attack or be Tributed for a Tribute Summon for the remainder of the duel. Also, the attack target cannot be attacked for the remainder of the duel.

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