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Daxter in Pants VS Mahandra OPEN FOR VOTING!!!

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[spoiler=Contestant] Me VS The First Post, that's it, no exceptions.


[spoiler=Card Restrictions] It has to be realistic, no 9999 ATK, Barney, Elmo, Bowser, Super Sonic, Chuck Norris, or any of that crap. And post the damn effect.


[spoiler=Voting] Needs a reason, can't be a gay reason like "cuz it looks cool". To vote you have to at least be a Member (2 Stars) (Level 2). Voting has to be about the overall card, not just one part.


[spoiler=Winning] First to 5 votes


[spoiler=Most Importantly] Give it your all, no holding back


[spoiler=My Card] 462967m.jpg

This card cannot be summoned except by sending 3 Machine-Types on your side of the field and 1 Pyro-Type from your opponents side of the field to the Graveyard. This card may attack your opponent's Life Points directly. This card is sent to the Graveyard during the next End Phase. When this card is destroyed, both players receive Battle Damage equal to half this cards original ATK.


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thanks for clearing its up..light


here's my card




This card is also treated as Pyro-Type monster. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand by sending 1 Beast and 1 Pyro-Type monsters from your hand to the Graveyard when your Life Points are lower than your opponent and the differences is 3000 or more. When this card attacks your opponent directly, you can add 1 Continuous Spell or Trap Card from your Deck to your hand. During each of your End Phases, inflicts 500 damage to both players.

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