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I think every day you should copy-paste the front page code into word so incase something does happen' date=' we have somewhere to start from.


And shouldn't you have 144 hp?



dude thats how it works Ima mod I know the system works. UR winning. now go!!!

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Wait' date=' neve mind about hte editing. I don't know if you can handle it.


@Skull:You need a pokemon hat has at least a LV20 and up



but todidile is lv. 16 and i get torchic, right?


ok, i see you fixed todidles lv but what bout torchic?

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I use dream eater.



("For example, A pokemon with LV 30 attacks a LV 13, 30-13 is 17 damage, x2 which is 34 damage. If a weaker pokemon attacks, it has no multiplied damage. For example, a LV 13 atacks a LV 30l, which is still 17, no multiplication.


If a move is super effective, multiply by 3 instead

If a move is very super effective, multiply by 4 instead

If a move is less deffective, it is halved, and rouned to the nearest 10th")

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I use dream eater.



("For example' date=' A pokemon with LV 30 attacks a LV 13, 30-13 is 17 damage, x2 which is 34 damage. If a weaker pokemon attacks, it has no multiplied damage. For example, a LV 13 atacks a LV 30l, which is still 17, no multiplication.[/b']


If a move is super effective, multiply by 3 instead

If a move is very super effective, multiply by 4 instead

If a move is less deffective, it is halved, and rouned to the nearest 10th")


I know that. I have 50 HP

you have 0 i win.


Ulq gimme 3 rare candies

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I use dream eater.



("For example' date=' A pokemon with LV 30 attacks a LV 13, 30-13 is 17 damage, x2 which is 34 damage. If a weaker pokemon attacks, it has no multiplied damage. For example, a LV 13 atacks a LV 30l, which is still 17, no multiplication.[/b']


If a move is super effective, multiply by 3 instead

If a move is very super effective, multiply by 4 instead

If a move is less deffective, it is halved, and rouned to the nearest 10th")


I know that. I have 50 HP

you have 0 i win.


Ulq gimme 3 rare candies


That means ALL your moves should have been doing 2 damage.


And focus blast for me should have been doing 12

and dream eater doing 8, healing me 4.

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