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Destiny Hero Fusions

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Destiny Hero fusions (some are destiny hero + elemntal hero)




Destiny Hero - Nightmare Guy


lv 7/DARK/Warrior/ 1550/1850


Destiny Hero - Doom Lord + Destiny Hero - Captain Tenacious


This card can only be Fusion Summoned. When this card is Fusion Summoned, select 2 "Destiny Hero" monsters. The selcted monsters are destroyed, halve of the combined original ATK is added to this card. If you use this effect, during each Standby Phase, you must discard 1 Spell/Trap card from your hand or this card loses 1200 ATK points.




Destiny Hero - Denomic Protector


Destiny Hero - Malicious + Destiny Hero - Defender


lv 7/DARK/Warrior/ 1000/3500


When this card is Fusion Summon its battle position cannot be changed. If there is a face-up "Destiny Hero" monster(s) on your side of the field, they cannot be a target for an attack (except this card). When a "Destiny Hero" monster attacks this card, it loses 1500 DEF for the Damage Step only.





Destiny Hero - Diamond Electron


Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude + Elemental Hero - Sparkman


lv 6/Dark/Warrior/ 2200/2000


Once per turn, you may look at the top card of your opponent's deck. If it is a Spell, add it to your hand, if not, the card is added to your opponent's hand.





Destiny Hero - Protector of the Throne


lv 8/Dark/Warrior/ 0/3800


Destiny Hero - Dread Servant + Elemental Hero - Clayman


As long as this card remains face-up on the field, Spell cards that you control cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects.



Destiny Hero - Hero of Destiny


lv 12/Dark/Warrior/ 0/0


Destiny Hero - Doom Lord + Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude + Destiny Hero - Captain Tenacious + Destiny Hero - Defender


This card cannot be Fusion Summoned except by "Polyermization". When this card is Fusion Summoned, discard 3 cards from your hand and select one "Clock Tower Prison" from your Deck to your hand. When "Clock Tower Prison" is on the field, it's effect is negated. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, during each of your Standby Phases, put 1 counter onto "Clock Tower Prison". Once "Clock Tower Prison" has 13 counters, you are declared the winner.

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WOw' date='awesome card,i like destiny heros,effect mathces their fusion materials effect with more power the draw backs r good too 9/10 for all of them!,but may i suggest "When this card is Fusion Summon it's battle position cannot be change" on demonic protector



Hey, man thanks, I'll edit it later after school. I'll also add some more. IF, I can find some pics, I'll even make cards! k bai

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awesome' date='not bad,but may i suggest adding an effect that would help him stay on the field.



I think that would make him to op'd. In 13 turns you win, so I needed to make him weak. I guess I could make an effect where you sacrifice 2 monsters and he is invinible but nah.


The only thing you can use is D-Shield

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