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YCM Hangout:Crunchy potato chips give you teh cancer

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Were to coolio to have a banner.


[spoiler=Purpose]Nothing in general really. But everything at the same time.


[spoiler=Rules]No teh cussing on a member.

No inaproprite pics or videos (Sorry I ruined all the funXD)

No members who have 100 posts or less



[spoiler=Guide to bannage]Break any of the rules.

Letting there ego explode

Otha stuff that are not really importent.


[spoiler=News]June 19 2010:Club was made


[spoiler=events]None for now



Hangout Leader:Teh me

Hangout Co leader:

Hangout mods:

Hangout members:۞Ulquiorra Schiffer۞


[spoiler=APP]Username(Sorry I can't read):

Stars(Can't count either):

Why you want to join:




More thing will be added later so peace out bros.

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