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New Members not rating cards.

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Yeah, I'm getting tired of new members coming on here and rating card that they don't even know anything about. Most New Members post bad cards in Realistic Cards, then they get a bad rating. After that, they go rate an Advanced or above member's card, and say that it isn't good, but it actually is flawless. It's not that I hate New Members, it's good to have more people join. :) But, back to the rating, I'm getting tired of it and think that New Members shouldn't be allowed to rate cards.







۞Ulquiorra Schiffer۞





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Guest JoshIcy

Not happening. Your argument is this:

I dont like how the Newbies don't know what they're talking about. And even if they like my card, it doesn't feel the same unless they can type 3 paragraphs in a reply.

What are you thinking? They're called NEWBIES for a reason (not n00bs/noobs, stop misusing that word).


Also, who died and told you that an advanced members cards are "flawless". Hahahaha!! Don't kid yourself. No one is perfect, no one is flawless and the ONLY REASON newbies are commenting on Grammar and balance is BECAUSE YOU TAUGHT THEM TO! So, after that they comment on strictly Idea's. Which make up the bulk of a card to a newbie and many others.


So how's about you stop being part of the problem and start helping fix it? Kay?

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Yeah' date=' I'm getting tired of new members coming on here and rating card that they don't even know anything about.[/quote']


Everyone starts out as a pro card rater, cool.


Most New Members post bad cards in Realistic Cards, then they get a bad rating. After that, they go rate an Advanced or above member's card, and say that it isn't good, but it actually is flawless.


No such thing as a flawless card, despite what some overinflated egos would say. New members don't dissect, that's about it.


It's not that I hate New Members, it's good to have more people join. :)


"This makes my argument look good so I don't look like I'm ranting. (:"


But, back to the rating, I'm getting tired of it and think that New Members shouldn't be allowed to rate cards.


The fact that you can't overlook a single new user's rating is really the more bothersome thing. Just cling to the ratings that your precious "advanced" members give you, and if it really is beyond you to ignore people, there's a problem.


Seriously, new people are new for a reason. Get over it.









The fact that anyone supports this is hilarious. It's a forum, you don't have to regard every single post here with complete seriousness.



Absolutely fail. <_<

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No Support.


A majority of people who post in our threads are new members, we take away there right to post then cards would just sit with no posts.


That way nobody will improve and you'll just get your friends to rate them and they'll just say "WOW THIS IS AMAZING UR A GOD CARD MAKER." it also boosts your ego and we don't need that.

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Newcommers like that are just having a hard time getting along the forum. There is no need of saying that new members cannot have the freedom of speech. But still you kinda make a point. It would help stop the spam, but then in other ways if you'd do that then the newcommers would never become a higher level.


It's tough to say which side I'm on but I'll give No support

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So there Signing up Just to Create cards which you can do anyway no support


and besides it would be hard to even realise wether or not there rating correctly or not thats like saying in the graphics Forum and Plus a High Level Member saying this is just rubbish there is no CnC in the Comment is there? that's what would happen.


Get over the fact that no one is commenting good on your card if this is the case go to another forum or even better Get Over It....


Or are you Implementing the fact that your a 4 Star Member It doesn't make you a newb to anything?

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