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Gifted Humans RP !!! Back in Action !!!


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Guest King of Games

*Sees Shadow phase through the wall*

"Apparently, we have something in common, but right now two guys are having a bit of a grudge match."

Phantom looked down at Tempest.

"I hope that bird isn't a biter."

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"I make you a shadow if you want to you know like sometimes we shadows don't a weakness unless I turn back human." His pitch black skin disappearing "You see" the pitch black came back on his skin. "Mina were you born with powers?" "Well me a rare and endangered snake bit my leg." "They took me to the hospital they told my mother I was gonna die from there I haven't seen her she's probably with a new son but she probably remembers me." "My Destiny is to reunited with my mother I never new my father." *starts crying*


OCC: Wasn't that beautiful *almost crying*

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[i have my G1 license. I'm taking driver's ed so I can get my G2's sooner.]


Kaze felt the first punch hit in his gut. This guy knew his stuff. Kaze may have super strength, but his body was built like everyone elses. The second punch. He was moving to fast! Kaze wished he had noticed the effects of the sound attack sooner, maybe it had more of an efect on him than he originally thought.


Kaze swung his right arm foreward, open palmed, just as Yotoro was going in for a third punch. A sudden burst of an air pocket between them and both competitors were sent in two opposite directions (Kaze near the wall on the side Yotoro originally started at and Yotoro at the ring's center.)


Yes, thought Kaze. Sort bursts of wind while he's already attacking. This can work! I can win!


Despite what he told himself, Kaze was losing strength. He was clutching his stomach where the first two punches had hit (the third coming close) and he was just starting to pant.

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Shadow turns into huge monster touches Axel in the chest brings out his soul and thorws it against the wall. Prof. saw Ivan as a giant monster and told Yotoro and Kaze to stop. with a big yell "Stop the battle". Ivan threw Axel back into his body sending him back to Yotoro's desk breaking it in half. "What happening to me....something he did....I can't control it". That afternoon Ivan started twitching he turned in to a giant demon he looked up and saw cords on him. The Prof and the class were outside this cell even Ivan couldn't go through it was phase proof. "Oh my lord" the professor said. "Bring in the MBA" Yotoro asked "What's the MBA" he said. The Professor replied. "Mutant Body Analyzers they see if your a bad or good mutant". "He's in his 1st stage a giant"

So they went back to class and left him there.

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He isn't as stupid as I thought he thought as he prepaired for him to make the first move


However, I think I did some damage Yotoro thought as he noticed something in the corner of his eye, The Water Tank!, he can't swim!



"This is almost over'


OOC: Dax dont say crap for my chara i hate that, second i want to continue the battle

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[Oh... OK]


Kaze saw his opening. Yotoro was had taken his eyes off of him to look at something else (no doubt one of the female students ;)). Kaze lifted up his heels, balancing on the balls of his feet. Air was compressed beneath them... and released! Kaze was shot forward at his opponent like a bullet, feet off the ground. His arms were crossed in front of him, ready for the collision.


"Storm Cannon!"

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The Prof. looked shocked when he had never before seen an ability called Storm Cannon.

(Back at the cell)

Arrggh as Ivan turned big to Shadow Giant he boke through the glass and and went out of the cell ate all the souls of the MBA agents and got stronger on his way to class all wet because of the cell.

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