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Odd Contest[LOCK]


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all ycm rules apply

no spaming or flaming


Card Rules:

Card's name must have one of the following words in it:











Card must be realistic(no vannilas)


Prize: 100 points and 3 reps.










Card judging system:

All cards will be rated on the following:






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OK, I'm joining. Here is my card. Hope you like it! :D:




[spoiler=Effect]This card can attack your opponent directly. If this card is destroyed by a monster's effect and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon this card to your side of the field during your End Phase and increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 500.


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I'm in! : 3


[spoiler=Flying Surfborad Fighter]


[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned when your opponents activates a Spell Card. Then, it gains the appropriate effect, depending on the type of Spell Card:

* Normal or Quick-Play Spell Card: Once per turn, you can activate the effect of that Spell Card as this card's effect. * Equip or Continuous or Field Spell Card: This card gains the effect(s) of that Spell Card.





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Well, I won't make it.

I'll post it without picture and if I can I'll add the picture.

Do I have the permission for this?



[spoiler=Here it is:]



1 Spellcaster-Type Tuner + 1 Beast-Type non-Tuner monster

This monster is also treated as Beast-Type while it is face-up on the field. When this monster is Synchro Summoned, place 1 Spell Counter on this card. Each time this card battles, place 1 Spell Counter on this card at the end of the Damage Step. You can remove 3 Spell Counters from this card and 1 Spell Card from your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 Beast-Type monster from your hand or Deck ignoring the summoning conditions.






If I don't make it in time you can judge it without the pic, right? ;-)



EDIT: Changed :D and Thank you! ^^

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Here's my card.





This card can only be summoned when it has been Removed From Play for 3 Turns.If you draw this card during your Draw Phase remove it from play.If you draw this card by a card's effect,send it to the Graveyard.When this card is summoned it cannot be destroyed by Battle or by a card's effect.If this card is removed from play by an Opponent's card effect,select 2 cards in your Opponent's hand and remove them from play.

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OK here...

[spoiler=.:~D-4~:. Card]

Ocg= 40% I see no errors

Picture= 10% It fits

Originality=20% its unique

Usefullnes= 15% well it has a good effect that relies on other monsters but im not sure what the other cards are like so im not sure how good this card is

Effects=12% Dont you thinks its kinda oped



[spoiler=MEWTWOZZ Card]

OCG=40% no errors

Picture= 10% Pikachu, the picture works.

Originality= 10% pikachu has been done before

Usefullness= 18% i see some uses, elecs maybe?

Effect=10% Balanced



[spoiler=Holos card]


Picture=10% it works

Originality=20% How many cards have you seen that have the work surfboard? 20%

Usefullness=18 it has some uses

Effect=10% perfect



[spoiler=Pharaonas card]




Usesfullness=18% I some uses for this card

Effect=10% awesome effect



[spoiler=Dranzers card]




Usesfullness=20% I see alot of uses for this card

Effect=10% Its balanced, very balcanced





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Congratulations, Dranzer! : D


Just two question, Black★Star?


Everyone has got more than 10% in usefullness, whereas in your original post you stated that 10% was max?


And secondly, you gave Dranzer max OCG?


[spoiler=Original OCG]This card can only be summoned when it has been Removed From Play for 3 Turns.If you draw this card during your Draw Phase remove it from play.If you draw this card by a card's effect,send it to the Graveyard.When this card is summoned it cannot be destroyed by Battle or by a card's effect.If this card is removed from play by an Opponent's card effect,select 2 cards in your Opponent's hand and remove them from play.



[spoiler=Better OCG]

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned during the 3rd turn since it was removed form play.[ ]If you draw this card during your Draw Phase, remove it from play.[ ]If you draw this card by a card's effect,[ ]send it to the Graveyard.[ ]When this card is summoned, it cannot be destroyed by battle or by a card's effect.[ ]If this card is removed from play by an opponent's card effect,[ ]select 2 cards in your opponent's hand and remove them from play.


[ ] = space


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