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Lock Please. I won =]

Hungry Panda

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The rules are as follows.


1. Must be a WATER type monster.

2. Cant exceed 2500 ATK

3. Must be an effect monster.

4. winner gets 3 reps and 1 rep for the loser.

5. first comment is my challenger.

6. first to 4 is the winner

7. voters need a reason.


here is your challenger

[spoiler=My card]



When this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard place 3 "Shadow Tokens" (0 ATK/0 DEF/WATER) on your opponenets side of the field. When one of these tokens is destroyed, you may special summon a level 3 WATER monster from your deck to your hand.





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I'll chalenge you. Card coming up.


EDIT: Okay, I edited an existing card to have 50 less ATK.


This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card can only be special summoned if you remove from play 2 WATER Atribute monsters. Once per turn, you may destroy two of the opponent's monsters as long as they are not WATER Atribute monsters in Main Phase Two. You may only activate this effect if you have no other monsters on your side of the feild. (If one or more 'Leviathan' monsters is on the feild, your opponent loses 500 life points)

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When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard' date=' Special Summon[/b'] 3 "Shadow Tokens" (???-Type/WATER/Level?/ATK 0/DEF 0)[


Card 1 looks pretty good to me, with Legendary Ocean is a Level 4 monster with 2400 ATK. If your opponnent destroys it, they get 3 of those 0 ATK Tokens on their side for you to destroy. I assume that the owner of this fish is the one that gets the effect of the destroyed Tokens... if not, its UP, if yes, its alright although it might be searching for a little too much. I still don't see it broken.



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 2 WATER Atribute monsters you control. Once per turn during your Main Phase 2' date=' if you control no other monsters, you can destroy 2 monsters your opponent controls. If there is another "Leviathan" monster on the field, inflict 500 damage to your opponent.[/b']


Card 2 Looks like it can use Trade-in when Legendary Ocean is in play. Its easy to Summon with cards like Deep Sea Diva (I don't think someone would remove their frogs for it).

But I only see it as a beatstick, its a little useless to destroy during Main Phase 2, when you won't be able to attack. It needs to be 2 monsters, meaning that if your opponent has only 1 you can't use it.

I also find weird parts on its effect.

-I added "you control" to the rest because you didn't really specify where you are removing the monsters from. When that's not specified, its obiously the field, and in most cases, not including your opponent's monsters for the cost.

-The 500 damage is written as a continuous effect, which for burn, confuses me...


my vote goes for card 1]

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