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Rosuke vs Evergreen!!! VOTE!


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the is a Easy 1on1 , only you have to make a lvl 1-10 Pyro/Machine Type who when is Summoned destroys monsters in your/Your Opponent field . (Ok Ok....is not so Easy...)



Rules :

Do not Spam

All YCM Rules Applieds.


Prize: 2 Reps from the Losser.





My card :537562v.jpg

Lore:This card cannot be Special Summoned . This card can only be Normal Summoned or Set by Tributing 1 Machine-Type and 1 Pyro-Type monster. When this card is Successfully Normal Summoned destroy all others monsters you control and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the number of monsters destroyed x1000. Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can place 1 "Missile Counter" on this card (max. 3). You can remove 1 "Missile Counter" on this card to inflict 350 damage to your opponent. When this card is destroyed by battle Special Summon 1 "Explosive Token" to your Field: (Machine-Type/EARTH/Level 3/ATK 0/DEF 0). When a Explosive Token is destroyed by battle inflict damage to your opponent equal to the attacking monster's Level x200.



Evergreen's card :269856.jpg

Lore:This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Zirak Warrior". Once per turn you can tribute this card and pay 1500 life points to Special Summon one "Zirak Warlord" from your hand or deck to your side of the field. Every turn you lose 300 life points, if not destroy this card. Once per turn you can activate one of the following effects: *When this card is Successfully Special Summoned you can destroy one monster on your side of the field to destroy one monster on your opponens side of the field with equal DEF and ATK. *Randomly select one monster in your graveyard and remove it from play, this card than gains ATK equal to the monsters level x 100. *You can tribute one "Machine" monster on your side of the field to have this card gain ATK equal to the tributed cards original ATK or DEF (whichever is lower). *For every trap card in your hand this card gains 400 DEF.




Vote now!!!!

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may i join???




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by offering 2 Pyro-type on the Field. When this card Special Summoned destroys 2 monsters in your or Your Opponent field. This ATK/DEF equal monster tribbuted by this effect. Once per turn you can Special Summoned Pyro from Your Graveyard by sent 3 card from your deck.



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[spoiler=My card]269856.jpg

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of "Zirak Warrior". Once per turn you can tribute this card and pay 1500 life points to Special Summon one "Zirak Warlord" from your hand or deck to your side of the field. Every turn you lose 300 life points, if not destroy this card. Once per turn you can activate one of the following effects: *When this card is Successfully Special Summoned you can destroy one monster on your side of the field to destroy one monster on your opponens side of the field with equal DEF and ATK. *Randomly select one monster in your graveyard and remove it from play, this card than gains ATK equal to the monsters level x 100. *You can tribute one "Machine" monster on your side of the field to have this card gain ATK equal to the tributed cards original ATK or DEF (whichever is lower). *For every trap card in your hand this card gains 400 DEF.


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Guest Dementuo

Don't make assumptions!


Rosuke, you have my vote. Great pic, Good looking OCG, Nice effect, slightly OP'ed i admit, but still, great card overall.

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