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LOCK PLZ we finished

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Title says it all. i will pick three video games for each of the 4 rounds I need at least 8 people to join this. so JOIN DAMN'T!!!!!!!



2-Mewtwozz [posted cards]









[spoiler= Prizes]

1st place: 750 points + 3 reps of your choice.

2nd: 450 points + 2 reps of your choice.

3rd: 100 points + 1 rep of your choice.




[spoiler= Round 3 theme]

This round's theme will be the upcoming game Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. you will have to make at least 2 cards. one of them a monster the other a field spell (preferabley one based on these three worlds: Dwarf Woodlands from snow white, Enchanted Dominion from Sleeping beauty and Castle of dreams from Cinderella).



[spoiler= Round three results]


OCG: 9

Pics: 9.5

Originality: 10


OCG: 9.5

Pics: 9.5

originality: 10


OUR WINNER IS MEWTWOZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Ok Ill enter heres my entry



When this card is Normal Summoned you can add 1 Spell card with "Mario Power Up" in it's name from your Deck to your hand. This card gains 500 ATK if "Luigi, Mario's Bro" is face-up on your side of the field.



This card can only be equipped to "Mario, Italian Plumber" or "Luigi, Mario's Bro". Increase the ATK and DEF of the equipped monter by 500, change the equipped monster's Attribute to Fire and change the equipped monster to a Pyro-Type monster.

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And here are my cards :D:




[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned. This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand when "Super Mario Land" is face-up on the field. When this card is Special Summoned successfully, you can pay 1000 Life Points to destroy all cards on the field, except this card. Inflict 200 damage to each player for every card destroyed. If this effect is activated, this card cannot attack or change its battle position until the End Phase of your opponent's turn.





[spoiler=Effect]Equip only to a face-up "Super Mario Bros- The Great Mario" on your side of the field. The equipped card cannot be destroyed by battle. Destroy this card 2 turns after this card was activated and remove from play the equipped card.


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[align=center]I join. My cards:



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This cadr cannot be Special Summoned except by Tributing 1 "Super Mario Villan" or "Super Mario Hero" monster. When this card is Summoned, increase your Life Points by 200 for each "Super Mario Villain" and "Super Mario Hero" monster on the field. This card cannot attack your opponent directly if he/she have 2400 or less Life Points. When this card attacks, destroy 1 monster you control at the end of the damage step. If you do not, destroy this card.



All "Super Mario Villain" and "Super Mario Hero" monsters gains 500 ATK and DEF. This card cannot be destroyed by a Spell or Trap Card. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, Spell and Trap Cards cannot be activated during the Battle Phase. If a "Super Mario Villain" or "Super Mario Hero" monster would be destroyed, you can pay 800 Life Points instead. If this card would be destroyed by a monster cards effect, increase your Life Points equal to the number of "Super Mario Villain" and "Super Mario Hero" monsters in your Graveyard x 300.


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