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Team Behemoth

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"Birds Can't Fly With Broken Wings."


This is an Air Gear club; if you couldn't tell.


[spoiler=Rules of Team Behemoth]

All General Rules Apply

All Clubs/Organizations Rules Apply

I - Akira Udou, Leader of Team Behemoth - Have the right to reject anyone for any reason.

Similarly - My coleader, who has yet to be named - has the right to reject anyone for any reason.

If my coleader or I disagrees with the decision of the other, we can overrule they're decision.



[spoiler=Team Behemoth's Leader and Shiseijyū]

Akira Udou - Akira Udou

Mitsuru Bando - Freeshooter

Yasuyoshi Sano - Nexev

Goshogawara Fuumei -

Mimasaka Ryo -



[spoiler=Team Behemoth's Lower Class Storm Riders]

[spoiler=D Class]



[spoiler=E Class]



[spoiler=F Class]





[spoiler=Team Behemoth Member Application]

Favorite Air Gear Character:




[spoiler=Team Behemoth's Affiliations]

[spoiler=Affiliation Form]


Club Name:

Why you wish to affiliate with Team Behemoth



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