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btw do your Gamepads/controllers/joysticks work with this game?

Because mine is seen by the game but it doesn't respond when i configure it because of the resolution. That's why I use JoyToKey but that doesn't work as well because, again, of the resolution.


Is there any way to have it simply windowed?

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data/mugen.cfg open as notepad


;Set to 1 to enable fullscreen mode' date=' 0 for windowed.

FullScreen = 0


hope this works



I have already searched for this, but I couldn't find that option in my version (14.04.2001). Which version do you have?

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data/mugen.cfg open as notepad


;Set to 1 to enable fullscreen mode' date=' 0 for windowed.

FullScreen = 0


hope this works



I have already searched for this, but I couldn't find that option in my version (14.04.2001). Which version do you have?


2002.04.14 the latest version right now

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well...the rare characters i have are....Omega Tiger woods,tom hanks,adolf hitler, the big character name solumo, "strongest character in the world" holy ken, angel ryu , phantom ryu, dinky smallwood , Kung Fu Fiunn , franko , moorhun(a bird with w/e gun) , rox howard clones , Evil kung fu man, dooby dummy , ness , paula , jeff, poo , shadow lady(dunno if shes rare), symbiot spiderman, i think thats pretty much it

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I have played it and its awesome. I have The Eve Screenpack


Oh yeah and to get full screen there are different ways

one is to go into mugen.cfg in data with notepad and search for "direct X"

It will come up with something which says windowed change that to software or hardware .

You can get stuff from esnips.com just search what you want.

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