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What do you think of this?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of this?

    • This is so stoopid
    • I might enter

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Ok this is my 1st contest so sorry if its kinda weird or stoopid or whatever just tell me so I can end it.


Fee: 10 points


This is a dooling tourney but you need to have an account at http://www.yugiohnetwork.com


I wanna see who is a good doolist.

I want 8 people to be in this tourney.

The 1st 8 people that enter wit be a contestant.

I will put you up against each other.

I might view the dool, but as lazy as I am

PM who you are going to be dooling on the V.S. layout (below)

I would probably want the winner to PM me.

Everytime someone wins they would receive 20 points.

The winner of the entire tourney will win 50 points and 3 reps.

The winner gets to dool me if he/she wants

If he/she beats me, he/she will get an extra 2 reps


We will start with the preliminaries.



1.Black★Star vs 5.

2. vs 6.

3. vs 7.

4. vs 8.


Entry ends when 8 people enter.


Is this stoopid I think this is stoopid

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