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Other monsters that are 5000 ATK

Which of the following monsters that was the best with 5000ATK?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which of the following monsters that was the best with 5000ATK?

    • Five Headed Dragon
    • Dragon Master Knight

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  • 2 weeks later...


Yes Dragon master knight is easyest to summon but you can make a better deck around F.G.D dragon plus he is better.

Future Fusion + Dragon's Mirror + Return from the Diffrent Dimension or Diffrent Dimension Fusion = Even more Ownage!!


Believe Dragon Master Knight is the Easyest to summon. Black Luster Soldier + Polemarization + King of the Swamp + Dragons Mirror= 2x Dragon Master Knight



I used that combo and won a Batte Royal!

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In a fight against eachother, Master of Dragon Soldier would win, or it would be a draw. But FGD is just more playable, and in current games, it all depends on that. MoDS is stronger but could simply be Sakuretsu'd, Mirror Force'd or (if your opponent has a little strong monster) shrink'd. FGD is more playable (and infincible to most monsters).

So it's FGD

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